Di mana nilai saya?


Bos saya sekarang ingin saya menerapkan mekanisme yang memungkinkan dia mencari item dalam array, dan memberinya indeks / indeks di mana nilai itu terjadi.

Tugas Anda:

Tulis program atau fungsi yang menerima array dan nilai (String, Integer, Float, atau Boolean), dan mengembalikan indeks array di mana nilai terjadi (baik 0 atau 1 diindeks, mana saja yang Anda inginkan). Jika nilainya tidak ada dalam array, kembalikan array kosong.


Array A dan nilai V, yang mungkin ada atau tidak ada dalam A.


Array berisi indice (s) di mana V terjadi di A, atau, jika V tidak muncul di A, array kosong.

Kasus uji:

Harap dicatat bahwa test case didasarkan pada 0.

12, [12,14,14,2,"Hello World!",3,12,12]         -> [0,6,7]
"Hello World", ["Hi", "Hi World!", 12,2,3,True] -> []
"a", ["A",True,False,"aa","a"]                  -> [4]
12, [12,"12",12]                                -> [0,2]


Ini adalah , sehingga skor terendah dalam byte menang.

Dapatkah kita mengasumsikan bahwa array yang diberikan hanya memiliki salah satu dari tipe-tipe tersebut (yaitu tidak ada array dengan tipe campuran) karena banyak bahasa tidak mendukung array atau daftar dengan lebih dari satu jenis.

Tentu, @ flawr. Anda dapat mengasumsikan bahwa array hanya akan terdiri dari nilai-nilai dari jenis yang sama dengan nilai untuk memeriksa, jika bahasa Anda membutuhkannya.
Gryphon - Pasang kembali Monica

Semua array Anda adalah 1D. Anggapan?

@KevinCruijssen Maksud saya array yang akan dicari. Bisa jadi multi-D.

Baik. Dan saya terkejut belum ada bahasa yang dapat melakukannya dalam 1 byte!



Pyth , 2 byte

Diindeks 0.


Cobalah online! atau Periksa semua Uji Kasus


xEQ  - Full Program. Takes Input from standard input. Q means evaluated input and is implicit at the end of the program.

x   - Get all the indexes of x in y
 E  - Evaluated Input #2 - The value
  Q - The list - Evaluated Input #1

Anda seharusnya mengembalikan semua kejadian bukan hanya yang pertama.
Erik the Outgolfer

@EriktheOutgolfer Diperbaiki. Bawa mereka dalam urutan terbalik.
Tn. Xcoder

Pyth jelas merupakan alat terbaik untuk pekerjaan itu: P
Mr. Xcoder


MATL , 2 byte


Itu m mengkonsumsi dua argumen, dan cek setiap elemen dalam array apakah sama dengan argumen lain, fmengembalikan indeks dari entri truthy array.

Cobalah online!

Tampaknya tidak berfungsi untuk kasus uji yang diusulkan, sama untuk solusi Oktaf.

Anda harus menggunakan ismemberalih-alih =untuk menangani array string dengan benar. mf

@LuisMendo Kita tidak perlu mempertimbangkan input campuran, lihat klarifikasi dari OP!

@ flawr Oh, mengapa hanya ada di komentar, dan tidak di teks tantangan? : - /
Luis Mendo

Anda harus bertanya kepada OP, bukan saya :)


Python 3 , 45 byte

-3 byte terima kasih kepada @EriktheOutgolfer dan @Chris_Rands

lambda y,x:[i for i,j in enumerate(x)if j==y]

Test Suite.

Hari ini saya belajar enumerate(x) == zip(range(len(x)),x).

Python 3 , 47 byte

lambda n,l:[x for x in range(len(l))if l[x]==n]

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Gunakan enumerate()untuk menurunkan beberapa byte

@Chris_Rands Berakhir lebih lama.
Tn. Xcoder

lambda n,l:[x for x,y in enumerate(l)if y==n]
Erik the Outgolfer

Maksud saya apa yang dikatakan

@ Jonathan Allan Diperbaiki.
Tn. Xcoder


R (+ pryr), 20 byte


Yang mengevaluasi fungsi

function (a, b) 
which(a == b)

Di mana abisa menjadi nilai untuk mencari dan bvektor, atau sebaliknya. Ketika disajikan dengan dua vektor dengan panjang yang tidak sama (nilai tunggal dihitung sebagai vektor panjang-1 dalam R), R akan membungkus yang lebih pendek untuk mencocokkan panjang yang lebih panjang. Kemudian kesetaraan diperiksa. Ini menghasilkan vektor logis. whichmemberikan indeks di mana vektor ini benar.

Cobalah online!


JavaScript, 39 byte



console.log(f(12)([12,14,14,2,"Hello World!",3,12,12]));
console.log(f("Hello World")(["Hi", "Hi World!", 12,2,3,true]));
console.log(f(12)([12,14,14,2,"Hello World!",3,12,'12']));

Cuplikan di atas mungkin tidak berfungsi di semua browser, jadi inilah tautan TIO .


JavaScript (ES6), 44 43 bytes

Dicoret 44 masih teratur 44; (


Disimpan 1 byte berkat @Arnauld

let f=

console.log(f(12)([12,14,14,2,"Hello World!",3,12,12]));         // => [1,7,8]
console.log(f("Hello World")(["Hi", "Hi World!", 12,2,3,true])); // => []
console.log(f("a")(["A",true,false,"aa","a"]));                  // => [5]

Dapatkah Anda membuat ===normal ==untuk satu byte kurang? Saya datang dengan harfiah hal yang sama, nama variabel dan semua haha.

===diperlukan untuk membedakan 12dari"12"

@ kamoroso94 tidak, inilah sebabnya.


05AB1E , 4 byte


Cobalah online!


I think both of ours mess up on inputs of: 12 and [12,'12'], unless he said it's chill for languages that don't really concrete type to not care about types.
Magic Octopus Urn

I actually think that 12'12' in 05AB1E because sometimes they behave differently...not sure if there's any equality test which can support such a thing though.
Erik the Outgolfer

If we wanted to test them for integer validity our answers would be like 60-bytes using is_alpha (a) and is_number (d), but I guess we can assume ours are valid until told otherwise.
Magic Octopus Urn


C#, 88 72 bytes

using System.Linq;a=>o=>a.Select((i,n)=>o.Equals(i)?n:-1).Where(n=>n>=0)

Saved 16 bytes thanks to @LiefdeWen.

Try it online!

Amazing, I was still trying to figure out why i==o doesn't work.

@LiefdeWen Boxed value types.

72 bytes using System.Linq;a=>b=>a.Select((x,i)=>x.Equals(b)?i:-1).Where(x=>x>=0)

@LiefdeWen Nice one, I wouldn't have thought of switching it around.

You can save a lot :) : tio.run/…


Haskell, 41 39 bytes


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Saved two bytes thanks to @flawr

Haskell is statically typed, so I had to use a little workaround to run the test cases.

You don't need your workaround anymore, see the comment of the OP.

Also define a operator v#l=... instead of f v l=..., will save you two bytes:)

@flawr I had the idea of v!l=..., but didn't kow if it was accepted. I'll edit the answer. Thanks!

Using map on some filter expression is often an indicator that a list comprehension might be shorter: v!l=[i|(i,x)<-zip[1..]l,x==v].

There is also a builtin, but unfortunately it is longer than Laikionis suggestion:)


Husk, 5 bytes


Try it online! 1-indexed.


       -- implicitly input a value v and a list L
   m=  -- map "equals v" over the list L, resulting in a list of truthy and falsy values
`fN    -- filter the natural numbers N by discarding the numbers at falsy positions 
          and keeping the ones at truthy positions

Does this work for arrays with strings, though?

@officialaimm It works for lists containing only strings: Try it online! Lists of mixed types are not supported by Haskell and thus by Husk, but OP allowed this explicitly in the comments.

Is there a documentation of Husk?

@flawr Yes, it's in the wiki on the github page: github.com/barbuz/Husk/wiki

@flawr If you have questions about the docs of Husk in general, join us in the chatroom!


Google Sheets, 101 bytes


Value V in A1 and array A in B1 with each entry separated by a comma. Null entires are not allowed (row 5 below shows what happens).



Offset(A1,0,0,1,Counta(Split(B1,","))) returns a range that is one row tall and as many columns wide as there are entries in A1.

=IfError(Join(",",Filter(Column(~),Exact(Split(B1,","),A1))),"") filters the column numbers of that range based on whether or not the value in A1 is exactly each of the values in B1 and concatenates them all in a comma-delineated list.


Clojure, 40 bytes

First attempt at code golf.

keep-indexed maps a function over a collection here, passing the current index into the callback and yielding any non-nil return values.

(fn[a b](keep-indexed #(if(= %2 a)%1)b))

Try it online!


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 2 bytesSBCS

Takes item to look for as left argument (must be scalar to find an item of the lookup array rather than a subarray) and the lookup array (which may have up to 15 dimensions) as right argument. Returns list of indices, each of which may has as many elements as the number of dimensions in the lookup array.


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ɩndices where


I was about to say it ties Pyth, but you know... Unicode. Wouldn't this be 2 bytes in APL Dyalog Classic (since it uses SBCS)?
Mr. Xcoder

@Mr.Xcoder isn't in the character set. Still, since Dyalog uses way less than 256 unique chars, it could have been a single byte. When we add new glyphs, we refrain from changing the character set so that backwards compatibility is maintained.

Ah, Thanks! (I have no idea how APL / Dyalog works)
Mr. Xcoder

@Mr.Xcoder APL is a commercial language (not a golfing language), so Dyalog have certain obligations to existing subscribers.

APL isn't a golfing language, but there do exist open-source APL implementations (ngn and GNU).


Batch, 86 bytes

@set i=0
@if "%~2"=="" exit/b
@if %1==%2 echo %i%
@goto g

Takes input as command line parameters (value then the array elements as separate parameters). Note: String quoting is considered part of the match e.g. "1" won't equal 1 (would cost 6 bytes).


Perl 5, 28 bytes


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The output is 1-indexed.
An anonymous function is quite unusual for Perl, but it happens to be the shortest I could think of. grep ..., 1 .. @_ iterates over the indexes of the input array (actually it goes one cell beyond the last, but it doesn't matter), keeping only the index that satisfy $_[$_]eq$_[0], ie. the ones where the value of the element ($_[$_]) is the same as the value we need to keep ($_[0]).

Slightly longer (31 bytes (30 + -l flag)), but as a full program:


Try it online!


Java 8, 146 113 112 111 110 108 bytes

import java.util.*;l->o->{List r=new Stack();for(int i;(i=l.indexOf(o))>-1;l.set(i,null))r.add(i);return r;}

-2 bytes thanks to @TAsk by using Vector instead of ArrayList.
-1 byte by using Stack instead of Vector.
-2 bytes thanks to @Jakob by inputting a ArrayList instead of an array.



Try it here.

import java.util.*;    // Required import for Vector and Vector
l->o->{                // Method with List and Object parameters
  List r=new Stack();  //  Result-list
  for(int i;(i=l.indexOf(o))>=-1;
                       //  Loop as long as we can find the object in the list
    l.set(i,null))     //   After every iteration, remove the found item from the list
      r.add(i);        //    Add the index to the result-list
                       //  End of loop (implicit / single-line body)
  return r;            //  Return the result-List
}                      // End of method

Cool! If I am not wrong Vector may save few bytes. :)

@TAsk Thanks! Need to remember that one. I use List+ArrayList pretty often.
Kevin Cruijssen

List r=new Vector(); will work, too.

You can save 1 byte by taking a list instead: TIO. Seems like a small enough change not to merit a separate answer.

The change breaks searching for null, but that's fine.


05AB1E, 4 bytes


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It is 1-indexed, as shown below:

IN A-#------------------------> [2,3,3,3,4]
IN B-#------------------------> 3
Q    # Vectorized equivalence | [0,1,1,1,0]
 ƶ   # Lift by index          | [0,2,3,4,0]
  0K # Remove zeros           | [2,3,4]


Mathematica, 12 bytes



input [Array,Value]

[{12, 14, 14, 2, "Hello World!", 3, 12, 12}, 12]


{{1}, {7}, {8}}

Why not just Position?


Haskell, 29 bytes


Try it online!

Does that work with the heterogeneous input cases? (Mixtures of integers, strings, a "true" value, etc).

@Kaz: no, it doesn't. It's polymorphic and works for every type where equality is defined for, but all list elements have to be of the same type. According to a comment in the OP that's enough.


Japt, 9 bytes



Japt input doesn't support booleans, so they have been replaced with 0 and 1 in the test cases.

Try it online! with the -Q flag to format the array output.

0-indexed Solution, 11 bytes

l o f@gX ¶V

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One of the few times rather than ¥ comes in handy :P I was thinking of doing something along the lines of m@Y*(X¶V} f, but I hadn't realized that wouldn't work for index 0. 1-indexing is clever...


Perl 6, 21 bytes

{grep :k,*===$^v,@^z}

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The :k adverb to grep tells it to return the matching keys (indices) of the input sequence that match the predicate * === $^v.

If strings and numbers were considered equivalent, one could use a grep predicate of just $^v instead of * === $^v.

eqv might be better than === depending on what you want to consider equivalent values.
Brad Gilbert b2gills


TXR Lisp, 26 bytes

(op where(op equal @@1)@2)

In other words, "Where is argument 2 equal to argument 1?"


1> (op where(op equal @@1) @2)
#<interpreted fun: lambda (#:arg-01-0166 #:arg-02-0167 . #:rest-0165)>
2> [*1 12 #(12 14 14 2 "Hello world!" 3 12 12)]
(0 6 7)
3> [*1 "Hello World" #("Hi" "Hi world!" 12 2 3 t)]


Clojure, 39 38 bytes

#(filter(comp #{%2}%)(range(count %)))

A bit obscure :) The first input argument is a vec of values and the second one is the searched value. % maps indexes to values, and the set #{%2} returns truthy (the input argument %2) or falsy nil for that value. comp composes these together.


C 340 362 166 115 Bytes

Hello all. My first time here. I figured since I enjoy (attempting) to write optimized code I may as well give this a try.

@Rodney - ~39 bytes from the includes

@Zacharý - 7 bytes with implicit typing


How to Run:

As per @Arnolds suggestion, the program takes arguments in a much more C friendly manner. This let me reduce the size of the file by a little more than half.

The arguments should be passed in the following order value [element1 ...] where braces indicate optional arguments

You may or may not have to add escaped quotes to any strings that are provided in order to satisfy the condition of 12 != "12". On my system the this can be done in the following manner

prog-name.exe 12 3 "Hello" 12 4 "12"
Returns [2,4]     < This is incorrect

prog-name.exe 12 3 "\"Hello\"" 12 4 "\"12\""
Returns [2]       < Correct


#define P printf(
b=0;main(int c,char**v){P"[");for(--c;c-1;c--)b|=strcmp(v[1],v[c])?0:P b?",%i":"%i",c-2);P"]");}


#define P printf(

//Implicit only works in global(I totally knew this after almost 4 years of C :P)
b = 0;
main(int c,char**v)


    //match loop
    //b is used to determine if this is the first iteration. it can be assumed that printf will always return >0
    //subract two from c to get correct index number of match
    for(--c; c-1; c--)
        b |= strcmp(v[1], v[c]) ? 0 : P b ? ",%i" : "%i", c-2);


    return 0;

Welcome to the site. I notice you have a lot of extra whitespace. Particularly around operators i = 0. These can be removed. I suggest playing around with the whitespace a bit.
Wheat Wizard

With the way you handle the list, a first argument of ,12 and second argument of [12,14,14,2,"Hello World!",3,12,12] prints [5,6] which is technically incorrect.
Arnold Palmer

@ArnoldPalmer I updated the code to make it a little more verbose at detecting data types. However, since C doesn't have all the fancy type conversion such as JavaScript, it is still vulnerable to having a comma in a 'number' type. I pretty much just left it assuming correctly formatted input.

@Marcos There's a chance you may be able to take each value of the array as it's own command line argument. I don't golf in C ever, so not quite sure what the rules are, but it doesn't seem unreasonable to me that you'd be allowed to do that. Especially since accepting the array as a list leaves you vulnerable to this problem. Also, you still have a bit of white space in your golfed code. You don't need the spaces on the #include statements, strstr(h+i,n)-h ==i has an extra space, and you can do return-1 instead of return -1.
Arnold Palmer

are implicit declarations allowed? I think you can ditch the #include statements
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