Baris dan kolom penyortiran blok dalam array 2D


Diberikan array bilangan bulat 2D, mari kita urutkan baris dan kolomnya dalam blok. Ini berarti bahwa Anda hanya perlu mengurutkan baris atau kolom tertentu, tetapi menerapkan transformasi yang diperlukan untuk mengurutkannya ke setiap baris atau kolom lainnya dalam array 2D.


  • Input akan berupa array 2D integer dan integer 1-diindeks. Bilangan bulat ini akan mewakili baris yang akan diurutkan jika angka tersebut positif, atau kolom yang akan diurutkan jika jumlahnya negatif (atau sebaliknya yang Anda inginkan). Contoh: Diberikan 4x3array (baris x kolom), Anda dapat mengurutkan kolom kedua dengan -2argumen atau baris ketiga dengan 3argumen. Argumen kedua ini tidak akan pernah menjadi nol dan nilai absolutnya tidak akan pernah lebih besar dari dimensi array yang sesuai.
  • Output juga akan berupa array 2D bilangan bulat dengan transformasi yang diperlukan diterapkan untuk mengurutkan baris atau kolom yang diberikan. Atau Anda bisa menulis array ke STDOUT.
  • Array output akan memiliki baris atau kolom yang ditentukan diurutkan dalam urutan menaik. Perlu diketahui bahwa ketika Anda perlu menukar dua angka berturut-turut, seluruh kolom tempat nomor tersebut akan ditukar. Dan ketika Anda perlu menukar dua angka dalam kolom, seluruh baris tempat nomor tersebut akan ditukar.
  • Dalam kasus di mana angka yang sama muncul beberapa kali di baris / kolom yang akan diurutkan, akan ada beberapa solusi yang mungkin sesuai dengan cara Anda menukar nilai, lakukan saja sesuai dengan sisa baris / kolom yang akan ditukar.


Positive indices for rows and negative indices for columns

[5  8  7  6                                  [1  3  2  4
 1  3  2  4   order by -3 (3rd column)  -->   9  6  3  0
 9  6  3  0]                                  5  8  7  6]

[5  8  7  6                                  [9  6  3  0
 1  3  2  4   order by -4 (4th column)  -->   1  3  2  4
 9  6  3  0]                                  5  8  7  6]

[5  8  7  6                                  [5  7  8  6
 1  3  2  4     order by 2 (2nd row)  -->     1  2  3  4
 9  6  3  0]                                  9  3  6  0]

[5  8  7  6                                  [6  7  8  5
 1  3  2  4     order by 3 (3rd row)  -->     4  2  3  1
 9  6  3  0]                                  0  3  6  9]

[1  2                                    [1  2     [3  2
 3  2]   order by -2 (2nd column)  -->    3  2] or  1  2]  (both are valid)

[7  5  9  7                                  [5  7  7  9     [5  7  7  9
 1  3  2  4     order by 1 (1st row)  -->     3  1  4  2  or  3  4  1  2
 9  6  3  0]                                  6  9  0  3]     6  0  9  3]

Ini adalah , jadi semoga kode terpendek untuk setiap bahasa menang!

Ini berasal dari kotak pasir .

Bisakah kita mengubah representasi integer? negatif untuk baris dan positif untuk kolom?
Luis felipe De jesus Munoz

@LuisfelipeDejesusMunoz ya, itu dinyatakan dalam pertanyaan.

Bisakah baris / kolom berisi angka duplikat?
Kevin Cruijssen

@KevinCruijssen ya, lihat contoh terakhir dan poin terakhir dari aturan.



Matlab, 73 62 47 byte

@(m,i){sortrows(m,-i) sortrows(m',i)'}{(i>0)+1}

Cobalah secara Online!

-11 byte terima kasih kepada @Giuseppe.

-15 byte terima kasih kepada @LuisMendo.


Japt , 18 17 byte

negatif untuk baris dan positif untuk kolom

>0?VñgUÉ:ßUa Vy)y

Cobalah online!

Ini gagal ketika Unegatif - versi 17 byte sebelumnya berfungsi, meskipun.

@Shaggy Buruk saya, saya pikir itu akan tetap bekerja, tidak memeriksa sama sekali
Luis felipe De jesus Munoz

Bukan ide yang buruk, meskipun, melewati fungsi sebagai argumen pertama ßyang secara otomatis diterapkan U. Ini bisa menciptakan masalah dengan mencoba meneruskan string literal, tetapi tetap mengirim saran ke repo GitHub untuk penyelidikan lebih lanjut.


05AB1E , 25 24 14 byte


Kekalahan -10 byte berkat @Emigna .

Menggunakan input bilangan bulat positif untuk mengurutkan baris, negatif untuk kolom.

Cobalah secara online atau verifikasi semua kasus uji .


di }      # If the (implicit) integer input is positive:
  ø       #  Swap the rows and columns of the (implicit) matrix input
          #   i.e. 3 and [[5,8,7,6],[1,3,2,4],[9,6,3,0]]
          #    → [[5,1,9],[8,3,6],[7,2,3],[6,4,0]]
Σ    }    # Sort the rows of this matrix by:
 ¹Ä       #  Take the absolute value of the input
          #   i.e. -3 → 3
   <      #  Decreased by 1 to make it 0-indexed
          #   i.e. 3 → 2
    è     #  And index it into the current row
          #   i.e. [5,8,7,6] and 2 → 7
          #   i.e. [5,1,9] and 2 → 9
          #  i.e. [[5,1,9],[8,3,6],[7,2,3],[6,4,0]] sorted by [9,6,3,0]
          #   → [[6,4,0],[7,2,3],[8,3,6],[5,1,9]]
          #  i.e. [[5,8,7,6],[1,3,2,4],[9,6,3,0]] sorted by [7,2,3]
          #   → [[1,3,2,4],[9,6,3,0],[5,8,7,6]]
¹di       # And if the integer input was positive:
   ø      #  Swap the rows and columns back again now that we've sorted them
          #   i.e. 3 and [[6,4,0],[7,2,3],[8,3,6],[5,1,9]]
          #    → [[6,7,8,5],[4,2,3,1],[0,3,6,9]]
          # (And implicitly output the now sorted matrix)

Saya mendapat diø}Σ¹Ä<è]¹diøbagian dari Anda, jadi saya tidak memposting jawaban terpisah.

@Emigna Dang, Anda membuatnya terlihat sangat mudah .. Sekarang saya melihatnya saya tidak percaya saya tidak memikirkannya sendiri, tapi itu cerdik pada saat yang sama .. Terima kasih! 10 byte kekalahan disimpan berkat Anda.
Kevin Cruijssen


JavaScript (ES6), 90 byte


Cobalah online!


JS tidak memiliki metode transposisi asli, jadi kita perlu mendefinisikannya:

t = m =>              // given a matrix m[]
  m[0].map((_, x) =>  // for each column at position x in m[]: =>        //   for each row r in m[]:
      r[x]            //     map this cell to r[x]
    )                 //   end of map() over rows
  )                   // end of map() over columns

Fungsi utama:

f = (m, k) =>         // given a matrix m[] and an integer k
  k < 0 ?             // if k is negative:
    m.sort((a, b) =>  //   given a pair (a, b) of matrix rows, sort them:
      a[~k] - b[~k]   //     by comparing a[-k - 1] with b[-k - 1]
    )                 //   end of sort
  :                   // else:
    t(f(t(m), -k))    //   transpose m, call f() with -k and transpose the result




MATL, 17 bytes


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y       % Implicit inputs: number n, matrix M. Duplicate from below: pushes n, M, n
0>      % Greater than 0?
XH      % Copy into clipboard H
?       % If true
  !     %   Transpose matrix. This way, when we sort the rows it will correspond
        %   to sorting the columns of the original M
]       % End
w       % Swap: moves n to top
|       % Absolute value
2$XS    % Two-input sortrows function: sorts rows by specified column
H       % Push contents from clipboard H
?       % If true
  !     %   Transpose again, to convert rows back to columns
        % Implicit end
        % Implicit display


Python 2, 71 70 bytes

f=lambda m,n:n<0and sorted(m,key=lambda l:l[~n])or zip(*f(zip(*m),-n))

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If n is negative, the rows are sorted based on column n.

Otherwise the matrix is transposed, sorted the same way, and transposed back again.


C# (.NET Core), 186 bytes

(x,y)=>{Func<int[][],int[][]>shift=a=> a[0].Select((r,i)=>a.Select(c=>c[i]).ToArray()).ToArray();return y>0?shift(shift(x).OrderBy(e=>e[y-1]).ToArray()):x.OrderBy(e=>e[-y-1]).ToArray();}

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    private static int[][] Blocksort0a(int[][] array, int sortingInstruction)
        Func<int[][], int[][]> shift = a => a[0].Select((r, i) => a.Select(c => c[i]).ToArray()).ToArray();


        array = sortingInstruction < 0 ? 
        shift(shift(array).OrderBy(e => e[-sortingInstruction]).ToArray()) 
        array.OrderBy(e => e[sortingInstruction]).ToArray();

        return null;

The shift function we'll use twice, so a function variable will save space. The function iterates through the horizontal dimension of the array on index, and adds every item on that index in of each horizontal array to a new output array (horizontally) - much the same as in Arnoud's JS solution.

Now the ordering is simple, order horizontal array by number-at-index (argument -1), optionally shifting the array before and after sorting.

Seen how the question talks about arrays specifically, we convert to array a few times (very, very wasteful). Feeling a bit silly to use such a verbose language in code golf hehe.


C# (.NET Core), 142/139 138/135 bytes (and yet another -1 by Kevin)


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    private static int[][] Blocksort0b(int[][] array, int sortingInstruction)
        if (sortingInstruction < 0) { return array.OrderBy(e => e[-sortingInstruction - 1]).ToArray(); }
        var rowIndices = array[sortingInstruction - 1].Select((value, index) => (value, index)).OrderBy(e => e.value);
        var newRow = new int[array[0].Length];
        for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
            int horizontalIndexer = 0;
            foreach (var e in rowIndices)
                newRow[horizontalIndexer++] = array[i][e.index];
            array[i] = newRow.ToArray();
        return array;

New all-inline approach; negative answer still orders arrays by element-at-index. Otherwise, a collection of value-index-pair is created of the array-at-index and sorted by value. This effectively creates a collection of indices in order of having-to-be-added. Then for each array, the elements in the predetermined positions are selected. Quite some trimming of code and ugly, ugly, ugly **silently sobs** reuse of input parameters is involved, and there you go ... 142 bytes.

Again, the arrays argument is strictly enforced, adding quite some overhead for .ToArray() calls.

135 bytes claim, eh?! C# 7.2 inferred value-tuples would trim an additional three bytes, but doesn't allow. Therefor, this is the answer i decided to post for easy verification.

Nice answer. There are a few small things to golf. (a,s)=> can be a currying a=>s=>. (s<0)? doesn't need the parenthesis, and -s-1 can be ~s. Try it online: 137 bytes
Kevin Cruijssen

Sweet! I never would've through of letting the function return yet another function to save a character, i am pleasantly surprised. Thanks! Also a strong case of blatantly overlooking the not operator and parenthesis. I updated the not and parentheses, but will leave you all the honour for the function-returning-function.


Java (OpenJDK 8), 326 bytes

(a,b)->{int l=a.length,w=a[0].length,k,m,t,i;if(b>0){for(i=0;i<w;i++){for(k=1;k<(w-i);k++){if(a[b-1][k-1]>a[b-1][k]){for(m=0;m<l;m++){t=a[m][k];a[m][k]=a[m][k-1];a[m][k-1]=t;}}}}}else{b*=-1;for(i=0;i<l;i++){for(k=1;k<(l-i);k++){if(a[k-1][b-1]>a[k][b-1]){for(m=0;m<w;m++){t=a[k][m];a[k][m]=a[k-1][m];a[k-1][m]=t;}}}}}return a;}

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Well guys, this question was very frustrating for me, and I posted my answer KNOWING I was forgetting something, luckily we have legends like Kevin Cruijssen out here to help us out :)

Java (OpenJDK 8), 281 bytes

a->b->{int l=a.length,w=a[0].length,k,m,t,i;if(b>0)for(i=0;i<w;i++)for(k=0;++k<w-i;)for(m=0;a[b-1][k-1]>a[b-1][k]&m<l;a[m][k]=a[m][k-1],a[m++][k-1]=t)t=a[m][k];else for(b*=-1,i=0;i<l;i++)for(k=0;++k<l-i;)for(m=0;a[k-1][b-1]>a[k][b-1]&m<w;a[k][m]=a[k-1][m],a[k-1][m++]=t)t=a[k][m];}

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I haven't looked at the actual algorithm yet, but you can save 35 bytes by removing all the brackets and putting everything inside the loops (including the inner if-statement). Try it online: 291 byte EDIT: Here with space indentations so you can more clearly see the changes I did.
Kevin Cruijssen

@KevinCruijssen I knew I was missing something

In addition, you can make it a currying input a->b-> instead of (a,b)-> and remove the return-statement, since you are modifying the input-array. 281 bytes Still a nice answer, though. +1 from me. I did the challenge in 05AB1E, but wouldn't even have tried it in Java this time. ;)
Kevin Cruijssen


Kotlin, 192 bytes

{m:Array<Array<Int>>,s:Int->if(s<0){m.sortBy{it[-s-1]}}else{val a=Array(m[0].size){c->Array(m.size){m[it][c]}}

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Red, 190 185 bytes

func[b n][t: func[a][c: length? a/1 a: to[]form a
d: copy[]loop c[append/only d extract a c take a]d]d: does[if n > 0[b: t b]]d
m: absolute n sort/compare b func[x y][x/(m) < y/(m)]d b]

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f: func [ b n ] [
    t: func [ a ] [                            ; helper transpose function 
        c: length? a/1                         ; c is the length of the rows
        a: to-block form a                     ; flatten the list
        d: copy []                             ; an empty block (list)
        loop c [                               ; do as many times as the number of columns  
            append/only d extract a c          ; extract each c-th element (an entire column)
                                               ; and append it as a sublist to d
            take a                             ; drop the first element
        d                                      ; return the transposed block (list of lists)
   d: does [ if n > 0 [ b: t b ] ]             ; a helper function (parameterless) to transpose 
                                               ; the array if positive n
   d                                           ; call the function  
   m: absolute n                               ; absolute n
   sort/compare b func[ x y ] [ x/(m) < y/(m) ]; sort the array according to the chosen column 
   d                                           ; transpose if positive n
   b                                           ; return the array  

My actual solution is 175 bytes long, but it doesn't work in TIO. Here it is, working normalyl in the Red console:

Red, 175 bytes

func[b n][d: does[if n > 0[c: length? b/1 a: to-block form b
t: copy[]loop c[append/only t extract a c take a]b: t]]d
m: absolute n sort/compare b func[x y][x/(m) < y/(m)]d b]


VBA (Excel), 205 bytes

Yay! 2nd longest byte count! I didn't completely lose :D


Sub d(a)
With ActiveSheet.Sort
  .SortFields.Add Key:=IIf(a<0,ActiveSheet.Columns(Abs(a)),ActiveSheet.Rows(Abs(a)))
  .SetRange ActiveSheet.UsedRange
End With
End Sub

This sorts all the data on the open (active) worksheet using UsedRange... which can be buggy, but should only contain cells that have been edited.


Sub d(a)
  'Clear any Sort preferences that already exists
  'Use the column if A is negative, the row if A is positive
  ActiveSheet.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=IIf(a < 0, ActiveSheet.Columns(Abs(a)), ActiveSheet.Rows(Abs(a)))
  'Set the area to sort
  ActiveSheet.Sort.SetRange ActiveSheet.UsedRange
  'Orient sideways if sorting by row, vertical if by column
  ActiveSheet.Sort.Orientation = IIf(a < 0, xlTopToBottom, xlLeftToRight)
  'Actually sort it now
End Sub

If you assume that the activesheet is sheet1, then you can get this down to 169 bytes as Sub d(a) With Sheet1.Sort .SortFields.Clear .SortFields.Add IIf(a<0,Columns(Abs(a)),Rows(Abs(a))) .SetRange Sheet1.UsedRange .Orientation=(a<0)+2 .Apply End With End Sub
Taylor Scott

Also, I think that you can safely assume that there are no .SortFields Defined so you can remove the .Sortfields.Clear line as well.
Taylor Scott


Perl 6, 43 bytes


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Curried function.


{                                         } # Block returning function composed of
                                       o$!  # 1. Apply $! (transpose or not)
                     o*.sort(*[.abs-1])     # 2. Sort rows by column abs(i)-1
     $_>0??&[Z]                             # 3. If i > 0 transpose matrix
               !!*[]                        #    Else identity function
 ($!=               )                       #    Store in $!


Physica, 45 bytes

Very similar to Arnauld's JS answer.


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How it works?

A more elaborate and visual explanation can be found in the linked answer.

F=>n;m:           // Create a function F that takes two arguments, n and m.
       n<0&&      // If n < 0 (i.e. is negative)
Sort[->u{~n};m]   // Sort the rows u of m by the result of the function u[~n].
                  // In short, sort by indexing from the end with n.
||    F#Zip@m#-n  // Else, apply F to Zip[m] and -n. Uses a new feature, binding.
  Zip@            // And transpose the result.


J, 32 bytes


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Note: The g=. of the main verb doesn't count.

An explicit version for the same bytes

J, 32 bytes

4 :'y(]/:{"1)&.(|:^:(x<0))~<:|x'

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Clojure, 91 bytes

(fn f[A i](if(< i 0)(sort-by #(nth %(- -1 i))A)(apply map list(f(apply map list A)(- i)))))

Argh, apply map list * 2.

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