Daftar semua judul yang mungkin untuk game Anno


Dalam seri video game Anno ada 6 game dengan yang 7 diumumkan untuk awal 2019. Judul mereka selalu menampilkan setahun dalam pola tertentu:

Anno 1602, Anno 1503, Anno 1701, Anno 1404, Anno 2070, Anno 2205, Anno 1800

  • Jumlah digital selalu 9.
  • Panjangnya empat digit.
  • Mereka mengandung setidaknya satu nol.

Dalam batasan-batasan ini terdapat 109 judul yang mungkin:


Tujuan Anda adalah membuat daftar semuanya dalam bentuk wajar apa pun dalam jumlah byte paling sedikit.

Seberapa fleksibel format output? Apakah ini dapat diterima?
Luis Mendo

@LuisMendo Ya, tidak masalah dengan saya.

Apakah daftar angka diperbolehkan?
Erik the Outgolfer

@aslum Saya menganggap Anda berarti banyak ruang, bukan hanya satu, kan? Penurunan harga komentar tidak memungkinkan representasi yang baik dari itu. Dan saya akan berasumsi itu diperbolehkan, mengingat format Luis di atas diizinkan. ;-)
Erik the Outgolfer

@EriktheOutgolfer Saya akan mengatakan tidak ke daftar digit karena mereka benar-benar tidak terlihat seperti tahun lagi.



R , 59 51 byte

Menghasilkan angka yang valid sebagai nama daftar tahun 201-an. Mengapa 201? Karena ASCII 0 adalah 48, dan 4 * 48 + 9 adalah ... ya. Disimpan 6 byte dengan aliasing ^ke Mapdan 2 lainnya dengan menggunakan 1:9e3rentang.


Cobalah online!


# Create list of sums of ASCII char values of numbers,
# with the original numbers as the names of the list
x <- Map(sum,
  # Create a list from the strings where each element is the string split 
  # into ASCII char values
      # Find all numbers between 1 and 9e3 that contain a zero
      # Return the matched values as a vector of strings (6th T arg)
# Pick out elements with value 201 (i.e. 4-digits that sum to 9)
# This implicitly only picks out elements with 4 digits, since 3-digit 
# sums to 9 won't have this ASCII sum, letting us use the 1:9e3 range

ah,, grepmengapa saya tidak pernah ingat bahwa itu dilemparkan ke character...


Python 2 , 67 66 64 byte

print[y for y in range(9001)if('0'in`y`)*sum(map(ord,`y`))==201]

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  • -1 byte, terima kasih kepada Luis felipe De jesus Munoz
  • -2 byte, terima kasih kepada Kevin Cruijssen

64 byte dengan menggunakan ord sum == 201trik dari jawaban lain.
Kevin Cruijssen


Jelly , 11 byte


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Bagaimana itu bekerja

9ȷṢ€æ.ẹ9ṫ19  Main link. No arguments.

9ȷ           Set the left argument and the return value to 9000.
  Ṣ€         Sort the digits of each integer in [1, ..., 9000].
    æ.       Perform the dot product of each digit list and the left argument,
             which gets promoted from 9000 to [9000].
             Overflowing digits get summed without multiplying, so we essentially
             map the digit list [a, b, c, d] to (9000a + b + c + d).
      ẹ9     Find all 1-based indices of 9.
             Note that 9000a + b + c + d == 9 iff a == 0 and b + c + d == 9.
        ṫ19  Tail 19; discard the first 18 indices.


PowerShell , 50 49 byte


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Buat rentang dari 999hingga 10000, lalu gunakan sebaris -matchsebagai filter untuk menarik entri yang cocok dengan regex 0. Ini membuat kita dengan 1000, 1001, 1002, etc.Kami kemudian pipa itu ke Where-Objectklausa di mana kita mengambil nomor saat ini sebagai string "$_", melemparkannya sebagai char-array, -joinkarakter-karakter bersama-sama dengan +dan Invoke- Expression (mirip dengan eval) untuk datang dengan jumlah digit mereka. Kami memeriksa apakah yang -eqUAL untuk 9, dan jika demikian itu diteruskan pipa. Pada penyelesaian program, angka-angka itu diambil dari pipa dan secara implisit menghasilkan.


JavaScript (ES6), 78 73 byte

Disimpan 2 byte berkat @KevinCruijssen

Mengembalikan string yang dipisahkan ruang.

f=(n=9e3)=>n>999?f(n-9)+(eval([...n+''].join`+`)&/0/.test(n)?n+' ':''):''

Cobalah online!


Kami beralih pada kisaran [1008..9000] dengan selisih 9 , mengabaikan angka yang tidak memiliki 0 .

Semua angka ini adalah kelipatan dari 9 , sehingga jumlah digit mereka dijamin kelipatan dari 9 juga.

Karena angka yang valid memiliki setidaknya satu 0 , mereka tidak memiliki lebih dari dua angka 9 , yang berarti bahwa jumlah digit yang tersisa paling banyak 18 . Oleh karena itu, cukup untuk menguji apakah jumlah digitnya ganjil.

Karenanya tes:

(eval([...n + ''].join`+`) & /0/.test(n)

Anda dapat menyimpan byte yang mengubah 1008ke 999, karena tidak mengandung 0, dan 999+9 = 1008.
Kevin Cruijssen

Atau bahkan 2 byte dengan mengubahnya menjadi f=(n=9e3)=>n<1e3?'':(eval([...n+''].join`+`)<10&/0/.test(n)?[n,,]:'')+f(n-9)(memang mengandung tanda koma, jadi f=(n=9e3)=>n<1e3?'':(eval([...n+''].join`+`)<10&/0/.test(n)?n+' ':'')+f(n-9)dengan pembatas ruang termasuk ruang tambahan mungkin terlihat lebih cantik)
Kevin Cruijssen

@KevinCruijssen Terima kasih! Saya sebenarnya mencoba memperbarui ini untuk sementara waktu, tetapi saya memiliki bandwidth internet 500B / s di mana saya berada malam ini. : /

Saya tahu perasaannya. Akhir-akhir ini internet kami di rumah adalah omong kosong untuk beberapa alasan .. Tidak dapat mengunduh apa pun di atas 10 MB, dan kadang-kadang harus menyegarkan video atau halaman dengan 10+ gambar beberapa kali sebelum benar-benar dimuat .. Benar-benar menjengkelkan ketika saya bekerja dari rumah pada hari Senin / Selasa ..>.> Besok seseorang datang untuk memperbaikinya (dan saya tidak akan meninggalkannya sampai itu diperbaiki xD)
Kevin Cruijssen


JavaScript (Node.js) , 89 byte


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  • -4 byte terima kasih kepada @ETHproductions

JavaScript (Node.js), 129 127 126 124 115 114 111 110 105 97 93 92 90 byte


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[...Array(9e3)].map(f=(_,i)=>                                                  )           // Create a 9000-length array and loop over it; store the loop body
                                    [...(i+=1e3)+""]                                       // Add 1000 to the index and split it into an array of characters (17 -> ["1", "0", "1", "7"])
                                                    .sort()                                // Sort the array of characters in ascending order by their code points ("0" will always be first) (["1", "0", "1", "7"] -> ["0", "1", "1", "7"])
                                  s=                       .join`+`                        // Join them together with "+" as the separator (["0", "1", "1", "7"] -> "0+0+2+9"); store the result
                             eval(                                 )-9                     // Evaluate and test if it's different than 9
                                                                       s[0]                // Take the first character of the string and implicitly test if it's different than "0"
                                                                      |    ?0              // If either of those tests succeeded, then the number doesn't meet challenge criteria - return a falsey value
                                                                             :i            // Otherwise, return the index
                                                                                .filter(f) // Filter out falsey values by reusing the loop body

Pertama kali melakukan golf kode dalam JavaScript. Saya pikir saya tidak perlu mengatakannya, tetapi jika saya melakukan sesuatu yang salah, tolong beri tahu saya di komentar di bawah.

  • -3 byte berkat @Luis felipe De jesus Munoz

  • -6 byte terima kasih kepada @Kevin Cruijssen

[...Array(9e3)]alih-alih Array(9e3).fill()menghemat 2 byte
Luis felipe De jesus Munoz

.map(a=>+a)sebagai gantinya .map(Number)menyimpan byte lain
Luis felipe De jesus Munoz

Anda dapat menghapus spasi di (_, i)untuk menghemat satu byte, dan s[0]+s[1]+s[2]+s[3]bisa juga eval(s.join`+`)untuk menyimpan 4 byte tambahan.
Kevin Cruijssen

Juga, aku cukup yakin ||bisa menjadi |jawaban Anda.
Kevin Cruijssen

Jika Anda .map()hanya menggunakan untuk menghasilkan rentang, dan menjaga pemfilteran terpisah, Anda dapat menyimpan 8 byte: Coba online!


Python 2 , 57 byte

exec"n+=9\nif'0'in`n`>int(`n`,11)%10>8:print n\n"*n

Cobalah online!

2 byte berkat Dennis

Menggunakan execloop untuk menghitungn dalam langkah 9 sebagai 1008, 1017, ..., 9981, 9990, mencetak yang memenuhi syarat.

Hanya kelipatan 9 yang dapat memiliki jumlah digit 9, tetapi kelipatan 9 dalam kisaran ini juga dapat memiliki jumlah digit 18 dan 27. Kami mengesampingkannya dengan ketentuan ini int(`n`,11)%10>8. Menafsirkan ndalam basis 11, jumlah digitnya sama dengan angka modulo 10, sama seperti pada basis 10 angka sama dengan jumlah modulo digitnya 9. Jumlah digit dari (9, 18, 27) sesuai dengan (9, 8, 7) modulo 10, jadi ambil itu>8 karya karya itu untuk menyaring sembilan.

Angka yang mengandung nol diperiksa dengan keanggotaan string. '0'in`n`. Kondisi ini bergabung dengan yang lain dengan ketimpangan dirantai, menggunakan bahwa Python 2 memperlakukan string lebih besar daripada angka.

I like how heavily golfed Python seems to often have enormously long autogenerated executables...


sed and grep (and seq), 72 64 63 bytes

seq 9e3|sed s/\\B/+/g|bc|grep -wn 9|sed s/:9//|grep 0|grep ....

Some of these aren't four digits long (but I'm not sure what the final grep is, so maybe I'm running it wrong?)

@Sparhawk: The last grep ensures that the number is 4 digits long

@Thor Ah right. For some reason I parsed that as an ellipsis.


Haskell, 55 bytes

[i|i<-show<$>[1..5^6],201==sum(fromEnum<$>i),elem '0'i]

Thanks to @Laikoni, see the comments.


import Data.Char (digitToInt)

[i | i <- show <$> [1000..9999]
   , sum (digitToInt <$> i) == 9
   , '0' `elem` i

Welcome to PPCG and Haskell golfing in particular! You can save a few bytes by dropping (-48+) and comparing the sum against 201 instead of 9. Incidentally this also allows you to use 1 instead of 1000 for the range.

Also your previous version without main=print was fine as per this consensus on Meta.

9999 can be 5^6 instead.

Ha, there's always another byte to shave! Thanks :-)


R, 82 bytes


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Generates a matrix x of all possible 4-digit numbers, excluding leading zeros, going down columns. Then filters for column (digital) sums of 9 and containing zero, i.e., not all are nonzero. write prints down the columns, so we write to stdout with a width of 4 and a separator of "".

Outgolfed by J.Doe

Nice answer! I came up with a different route...


Japt, 20 18 bytes.

-2 bytes thanks to @Shaggy and @ETHproductions

A³òL² f_=ì)x ¥9«Z×

A³òL² f_=ì)x ¥9«Z×  Full program
A³òL²               Range [1000, 10000]
      f_            Filter by : 
        =ì)         Convert to array 
           x ¥9     Sum equal to 9?
               «    And 
                Z×  Product not 0

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This is actually 28 bytes. Using a literal integer instead is 22 bytes but A³ò9000 f_ìx ¥9©ZsøT gets you back down to 20.

You can save 1 byte by using ì instead of s and ¬, which has to be done in the filter: f_=ì)x ¥9.... Then you can save another by checking if the product of Z is zero with «Z×: Try it online!


Java 8, 128 117 115 bytes

v->{int i=109,r[]=new int[i],n=i;for(;i>0;n++)if((n+"").chars().sum()==201&(n+"").contains("0"))r[--i]=n;return r;}

-11 bytes thanks to @nwellnhof.

Try it online.


v->{                              // Method with empty unused parameter & int-array return
  int i=109,                      //  Index-integer, starting at 109
      r[]=new int[i],             //  Result-array of size 109
      n=i;                        //  Number integer, starting at 109
   for(;i>0;                      //  Loop as long as `i` is not 0 yet:
       n++)                       //    After every iteration, increase `n` by 1
     if((n+"").chars().sum()==201 //   If the sum of the unicode values of `n` is 201,
                                  //   this means there are four digits, with digit-sum = 9
        &(n+"").contains("0"))    //   and `n` contains a 0:
       r[--i                      //    Decrease `i` by 1 first
            ]=n;                  //    And put `n` in the array at index `i`
  return r;}                      //  Return the array as result

What about chars().sum()==201?

@nwellnhof Ah, of course. Thanks!
Kevin Cruijssen


R, 85 bytes

(just competing for the best abuse of R square brackets ... :P )


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Holy for loops, Batman!


05AB1E, 15 13 12 10 bytes


-2 bytes thanks to @Emigna
-3 bytes thanks to @Grimy

Try it online.


4°Ÿ        # Create a list in the range [1000,10000]
    ʒ       # Filter this list by:
     W      #  Get the smallest digit in the number (without popping the number itself)
      °     #  Take 10 to the power this digit
       ö    #  Convert the number from this base to an integer (in base-10)
        9Q  #  Check if it's equal to 9
  • If the smallest digit is d=0 it will become 1 with the 10d (°). And the number in base-1 converted to an integer in base-10 (ö) would act like a sum of digits.
  • If the smallest digit is d=1 it will become 10 with the 10d (°). And the number in base-10 converted to an integer in base-10 (ö) will of course remain the same.
  • If the smallest digit is d=2 it will become 100 with the 10d (°). And the number in base-100 convert to an integer in base-10 (ö) would act like a join with 0 in this case (i.e. 2345 becomes 2030405).
  • If the smallest digit is d=3 it will become 1000 with the 10d (°). And the number in base-100 convert to an integer in base-10 (ö) would act like a join with 00 in this case (i.e. 3456 becomes 3004005006).
  • ... etc. Smallest digits d=[4,9] would act the same as d=2 and d=3 above, with d1 amount of 0s in the 'join'.

If the smallest digit is >0 with the given range [1000,10000], the resulting number after °ö would then be within the range [1111,9000000009000000009000000009], so can never be equal to 9. If the result is equal to 9 (9Q) it would mean the smallest digit is d=0, resulting in a base-1 with °ö; and the sum of the digits was 9.

₄4°Ÿʒ0å}ʒSO9Q. Splitting filters are usually shorter

@Emigna Ah, I was looking for a shorter way for the range, but completely forgot about . Thanks. And you're indeed right that multiple loose filters (at the end) are shorter. Will also add it to one of my tip answers. Thanks for both bytes!
Kevin Cruijssen

And my other 13-byter (inspired by the ord sum == 201 trick) is 4°Lʒ0å}ʒÇOт·-. Leaving this here, maybe someone can golf it further
Mr. Xcoder

₄4°ŸʒD0åôO9Q. Using a single filter is usually shorter.

Nevermind, here's a 10: ₄4°ŸʒW°ö9Q


Pip, 18 bytes


Use an ouput-format flag such as -p to get readable output. Try it online!

             m,t*m  Range from 1000 to 10*1000
{         }FI       Filter on this function:
 0Na                 There is at least one 0 in the argument
    &                and
     $+a             The sum of the argument
        =9           equals 9


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 56 55 bytes


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We test the range from 9!! = 945 to 9999, since there are no results between 945 and 999. Maybe there's a shorter way to write a number between 9000 and 10007, as well.

Tr@#==Times@@#+9& applied to {a,b,c,d} tests if a+b+c+d == a*b*c*d+9, which ends up being equivalent to The Anno Condition.

In retrospect, 9!! isn't any shorter than 999 or something, but it beats 1000.
Misha Lavrov

What is 9!! ? In guessing it isnt related to factorials.
Robert Fraser

@RobertFraser Double factorial: 9*7*5*3*1.
Misha Lavrov


Ruby, 46 42 41 bytes


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How it works:

  • Iterate on strings ranging from '9' to '9999'
  • Check that sum of ASCII values is 201
  • Check if string contains a zero (without regex, a regex would be 1 byte longer)

(Thanks Laikoni for -2 bytes)

9*3 can be just 9, because checking against 201 already requires 4 digit numbers.


Octave, 49 bytes

6 bytes saved using a more convenient output format as suggested by J.Doe.

Thanks to @Laikoni for a correction.


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I don't know anything about Octave, but it looks like you can leave the disp off...

@J.Doe OP has confirmed that that output format is acceptable. Thanks for the suggestion!
Luis Mendo


Dart,  103 100  96 bytes


  • -3 bytes by setting the value in the array to string, making the conversion once and not twice
  • -4 bytes by using runes instead of codeUnits
  • Pretty self-explanatory. generates a list of 9001 (0-9000) cells with the cell's index as value, filters the ones containing a 0 then the one having an ASCII sum of 201 (The result if all the ASCII characters sum to 9). These conditions implictly include that the year is 4 digits long because using 2 ASCII numbers (and the 0), you cannot reach 201.

    Try it on Dartpad!

    Welcome to PPCG. :)

    Thanks ! Been lurking for a while, can finally participate


    Bash (with seq, grep), 39 bytes

    seq 0 9 1e4|egrep '([0-4].*){3}'|grep 0

    Try it online!

    @xobzoo suggested seq 0 9 1e4|awk '/([0-4].*){3}/&&/0/' to save two bytes.


    K (ngn/k), 22 bytes


    Try it online!

    Nice! 55_&9=+/y*|/'~y:!4#10 for 21?

    @streetster thanks :) the ' in |/' looks wrong. the result includes 1116, 1125, 1134, etc which are not supposed to be there


    PHP, 69, 87 bytes 74 bytes

    for($i=999;$i<9001;$i++){echo((array_sum(str_split($i))==9&strpos($i,"0")!=0)?$i:" ");} for($i=999;$i++<1e4;)echo!strpos($i,48)|array_sum(str_split($i))-9?" ":$i;

    Note this puts a space for every "failed" number, leading to some kind of funky spacing. This can be changed to comma separation, but will add another 4 characters: ?$i.",":""

    Got bigger because I wasn't checking for 0. Derp. Shortened by 13 by Titus!

    I don't really know PHP, but does this code ensure that each year contains a zero?

    This code does not check for zero in the number.

    13 bytes shorter: for($i=999;$i++<1e4;)echo!strpos($i,48)|array_sum(str_split($i))-9?" ":$i;

    Here´s another byte: ?"$i,":"" er ... now the other way round: ?"":"$i,"

    Actually @Titus that adds a couple bytes. We don't need quotes around $i unless we're including a string w/ it.


    Scala (76 63 61 56 bytes)

    for(n<-0 to 9000;t=n+""if t.sum==201&t.min<49)println(t)

    Try it online

    • Thanks to Laikoni for the suggestions
    • Two more bytes shed after applying Jo King's comment

    Welcome to PPCG! Do you have an idea what needs to be added to the header or footer section to get this code to run on TIO? Try it online!

    @Laikoni, didn't know I could run Scala in TIO. Fixed it. Thanks for the comment.

    It looks like t.sum==201 works instead of t.map(_.asDigit).sum==9.

    You may find our tips for golfing in Scala interesting. E.g. it looks like s"$n" can be n+"" and s"$t " can be t+" ".

    Since you're using the sum is 201 trick, the range doesn't need to start at 999
    Jo King


    Japt, 16 bytes

    Returns an array of digit arrays.

    L²õì l4 k_ת9aZx

    Test it


    L                    :100
     ²                   :Squared
      õ                  :Range [1,L²]
       ì                 :Convert each to a digit array
         l4              :Filter elements of length 4
            k_           :Remove each Z that returns truthy (not 0)
              ×          :  When reduced by multiplication
               ª         :  OR
                  Zx     :  When reduced by addition
                9a       :   And subtracted from 9

    OP has ruled that digit arrays aren't valid output unfortunately :o(


    APL(NARS), 45 chars, 90 bytes


    test afther some formatting:

    1008  1017  1026  1035  1044  1053  1062  1071  1080  1107  1170  1206  1260  
      1305  1350  1404  1440  1503  1530  1602  1620  1701  1710  1800  2007  2016  
      2025  2034  2043  2052  2061  2070  2106  2160  2205  2250  2304  2340  
      2403  2430  2502  2520  2601  2610  2700  3006  3015  3024  3033  3042  3051  
      3060  3105  3150  3204  3240  3303  3330  3402  3420  3501  3510  3600  
      4005  4014  4023  4032  4041  4050  4104  4140  4203  4230  4302  4320  4401  
      4410  4500 
    5004  5013  5022  5031  5040  5103  5130  5202  5220  5301  5310  5400  6003  
      6012  6021  6030  6102  6120  6201  6210  6300  7002  7011  7020  7101  7110  
      7200  8001  8010  8100  9000 

    possible alternative

    A: r←r,i
    B: i+←1⋄→A×⍳(0∊x)∧9=+/x←⍎¨⍕i⋄→B×⍳i≤9e3


    Jelly, 13 bytes


    Try it online!


    ȷ4µṢÄm3Ḍ)ẹ9ṫ4 - Link: no arguments
    ȷ4            - literal 10^4 = 10000
      µ     )     - for each in range (1,2,3,...,10000): e.g. 3042       or  5211
       Ṣ          -   sort (given an integer makes digits)    [0,2,3,4]      [1,1,2,5]
        Ä         -   cumulative addition                     [0,2,5,9]      [1,2,4,9]
         m3       -   modulo 3 slice (1st,4th,7th...)         [0,9]          [1,9]
           Ḍ      -   convert from decimal digits             9              19
             ẹ9   - 1-based indices equal to nine             [9,99,999,1008,1017,...,8100,9000]
               ṫ4 - tail from the 4th index                   [1008,1017,...,8100,9000]
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