Masalah kata malas



Seorang guru disuruh menyiapkan soal kata untuk para siswa. Dia diberi daftar persamaan dan diminta untuk menuliskannya sebagai kata yang sesuai. Namun, dia sangat malas, jadi dia tidak menaruh banyak kreativitas di dalamnya. Sebaliknya, ia hanya menulisnya secara harfiah. Misalnya, ketika dia membaca 1+1, dia menulis one plus one, 47 * 2akan berubah menjadi forty seven times two, dan 56.2 / 7.4akan menjadi fifty six point two divided by seven point four.

Tulis beberapa kode untuk membantu guru malas ini.


  • Angka mungkin termasuk titik desimal dan tanda negatif.
  • Angka harus ditulis dalam skala pendek. (yaitu, 1,000,000,000adalah one billion)
  • Angka bisa mencapai 999.999.999.999.999.999 ( nine hundred ninety nine quadrillion...nine hundred ninety nine).
  • Grup nol harus ditinggalkan. misalnya 1,000,000adalah one milliontidak one million zero thousand zero hundred.
  • Dapat ada banyak digit yang melewati titik desimal.
  • Digit setelah titik desimal harus dicantumkan digit demi digit. misalnya 12.34adalah twelve point three fourtidak twelve point thirty four.
  • Dua angka selalu dipisahkan oleh operator.
  • Operator yang valid adalah plus ( +), minus ( -), times ( *), dan dibagi dengan ( /).
  • Tidak ada tanda kurung.
  • Angka-angka seperti 1234opsional dapat termasuk anddalam output mereka, seperti dalam one thousand two hundred *and* thirty four.
  • Koma dan spasi putih pada input mungkin diabaikan.


Input: 24 + 65
Keluaran:twenty four plus sixty five

Input: 3.33333 - 0
Keluaran:three point three three three three three minus zero

Input: 3.6 * 18.18 / 999.0
Keluaran:three point six times eighteen point one eight divided by nine hundred ninety nine point zero

Input: 1-1
Keluaran:one minus one

Input: 1+-1
Keluaran:one plus negative one

Input: 1,000,000,000 + 0.2
Keluaran:one billion plus zero point two

Input: 123,000,456,789,012,345.6789
Keluaran:one hundred twenty three quadrillion four hundred fifty six billion seven hundred eighty nine million twelve thousand three hundred forty five point six seven eight nine

Input: -4.3 * 7
Keluaran:negative four point three times seven

Input: -1-1--1
Keluaran:negative one minus one minus negative one

Bisakah Anda menambahkan sesuatu seperti 123,456,789,012,345.6789pada contoh? Itu harus mencakup banyak kasus uji.

Bisakah kita menggunakan minusbukan negative?
Jo King

Untuk Mathematica: sekali lagi ada builtin , tetapi /ada overdan angka negatif adalah minus, sehingga perlu manipulasi.

@ user202729 Luar Biasa ... mengapa saya tidak terkejut Mathematica memiliki builtin untuk ini? :)



JavaScript (ES6), 552 532 byte

Monster kotor ini datang langsung dari kedalaman neraka golf-kode.

Mengharapkan string input tanpa spasi.

S=>S[R='replace'](/[\d.,]+|./g,s=>1/s[0]?a(+s[S=0]&&14)+s[R](/(\D?)(\d+)/g,(_,s,n)=>s>','?' point'+n[R](/./g,a):j--*n?(u=a(n%10||14),n>99?a(n[0])+' hundred':'')+((n%=100)<13?a(n||14):n<20?(a(n)||u)+'teen':(a(n/10+18)||a(n/10))+'ty'+u)+a(j+27)+(j>1?'illion':''):'',j=s.split`,`.length):a(S='+-*/'.indexOf(s=='-'&&S||s)+34),a=n=>(s='zero0one0two0three0four0five0six0seven0eight0nine0ten0eleven0twelve0thir00fif000eigh00twen0thir0for0fif000eigh00thousand0m0b0tr0quadr0negative0plus0minus0times0divided by'.split`0`[n|0])&&' '+s).trim()

Cobalah online!

Anda dapat memotong 18 byte dengan mengganti string raksasa literal Anda dengan btoa`ÍêèÒ‰ÞÒÜ(ÒØkyí¢êô~+ÞÒȱÒǯz}ŠmÒx§{K^ŸG¥z÷§ÒÜ–÷´¶«ÓGâM4z(!ÓKpz}-†*ô~Šô~'ôÓG¢‚4¶.±©ÝÒmÒÚôªæ�¯IÞ�«b½í)–ë4š)î³Kb™ë4v+âuçu×Vò`.replace(111,' ').

Saya suka tanggapan yang secara kreatif menekan string literal seperti ini.


Perl 6 , 434 401 387 359 byte

{~S:g/\d+/{n($//100+64184)x($/>100),$/%100>19&&(n($//10%10+64175),n($!=$/%10)x?$!)||n($/%100+7679),[$,"thousand",|(<m b tr quadr>X~"illion")][+$/.postmatch.words[0].comb(',')]if +$/} /.trans("+,-/*"=><<plus''minus"divided by"times>>).words}o{S:g/\.(\d)+/ point {$0>>.&n}/}o{S:g/[\s|^]0/ zero/}o{S:g/\-(\d)/negative $0/}

Cobalah online!

Pasti ruang untuk perbaikan di sini. Saya mengatakan itu, tetapi saya terus memperhatikan kasus tepi yang belum saya tangani :(. Mengasumsikan bahwa input memiliki operator yang dipisahkan oleh spasi dan negatif dari angka tidak dipisahkan.


my&n=(*+1632+|0)[2..*]  # Define a helper function
           # This gets the unicode name, e.g ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO
           #                              or AEGEAN NUMBER ONE HUNDRED
           # And returns the 3rd word onwards in lowercase e.g. 'zero' or 'one hundred'
{S:g/\-(\d)/negative $0/}  # Turn dashes before numbers to negative
{S:g/[\s|^]0/ zero/}       # Handle zeros
{S:g/\.(\d)+/ point {$0>>.&n}/}  # Replace decimals
{~S:g/\d+/        # Replace series of numbers with
    n($//100+64184)x($/>100)  # The hundreds if the num is bigger than 100
    $/%100>19&&               # If the number is bigger than 19
      n($//10%10+64175),         # The tens number
      n($!=$/%10)x?$!            # And the singles number (if it's not zero)
    ||                        # Else
      n($/%100+7679)             # The name of the number below 20
    ,                      # Then
    [$,"thousand",|(<m b tr quadr>X~"illion")][   # Index into the list of postfixes
      +                         .comb(',')   # The number of commas
       $/.postmatch.words[0]  # in the rest of the number
  if +$/           # All if the number is not 0
.trans("+,-/*"=><<plus''minus"divided by"times>>)  # Translate operators
                                                   # And remove commas
.words}     # And remove all the excess spaces between words


Ruby + Swift 4, 283 279 270 bytes

$_=gsub(/(?<=\d)-/,"minus ").gsub(/[*-\/]/,?.=>"point ",?-=>"negative ",?+=>"plus ",?*=>"times ",?/=>"divided by ").gsub(/(?<=^|[^t] )\d+|\d/){`echo "import Foundation
var f=NumberFormatter()
f.numberStyle = .spellOut
swift .a`.tr'-
',' '}

Cobalah online!

Saya pasti tergila-gila untuk mengusulkan solusi Frankenstein seperti itu, tetapi di satu sisi, sangat menggoda untuk menggunakan fungsi bawaan Swift untuk tugas ini, dan di sisi lain, memproses string dengan Regexes di Swift tampaknya menjadi bencana golf.

Oleh karena itu, saya memutuskan untuk melakukan pemrosesan string dasar di Ruby, tetapi untuk menjabarkan angka, saya menyimpannya dalam file sumber Swift, menjalankan Swift dalam perintah shell, dan mengumpulkan hasilnya.

Saya ternyata formatter angka "spellOut" Swift melakukan hampir semua yang kita butuhkan, kecuali memasukkan tanda hubung yang tidak perlu untuk angka dua digit, seperti pada twenty-two . Bahkan, bahkan output floating point dalam format integer part point digit digit...yang baik, tetapi inilah peringatan - tidak ada ketepatan tak terbatas, dan dengan angka yang cukup besar atau banyak angka desimal, hasilnya salah. Karena itu, saya harus memisahkan bagian bilangan bulat dan pecahan dan untuk memberi makan fraksi digit demi digit.

Ini benar-benar jahat dan saya menyukainya.


sfk , 853 byte

xed -i
"_*_ [part1]_"
"_/_divided by_"
"_- _minus _"
"_-_negative _"
"_,[keep][19 chars of 0-9,]_quadr@ _"
"_,[keep][15 chars of 0-9,]_tr@ _"
"_,[keep][11 chars of 0-9,]_b@ _"
"_,[keep][digits],[digits],_b@ _"
"_,[keep][digits],_m@ _"
"_,_ thousand _"
"_ 000[chars]@__"
"_ 000__"
"_ 00[keep][digit]_ _"
"_ 0[keep][2 digits]_ @_"
"_ [digit][keep][2 digits]_[part2]hundred @_"
"_ [ortext] 0[digit]0_ @[part2]_"
"_ [keep][2 digits]_ @_"
"_@_illion _"
"_0_ zero _"
"_1_ one _"
"_2_ two _"
"_3_ three _"
"_4_ four _"
"_5_ five _"
"_6_ six _"
"_7_ seven _"
"_8_ eight _"
"_9_ nine _"
"_._ point _"
"_[white]_ _"
"_[lstart] __"

Cobalah online!

Membutuhkan operator dan angka dipisahkan oleh setidaknya satu karakter spasi.


Bersih , 766 ... 687 byte

import StdEnv,Text
@ =digitToInt
l k=(!!)k o@
^s=l[s:split" ""one two three four five six seven eight nine"]
g s=l[m,m,"twen","thir",s,"fif","six","seven","eigh","nine"]
~['0':t]= ~t
~[a,b,c]= ^""a+" hundred "+ ~[b,c]
~[b,c]|b>'1'=g"for"b+"ty "+ ^""c|c>'2'=g"four"c+"teen"=["ten","eleven","twelve"]!!(@c)
~[c]= ^""c
=trim(join" "((case x of'0'=[z];'-'=["negative",$h];'.'=["point":map(^z)h];_=(r[u+v\\u<-r(map~(split[',']h))&v<-[m," thousand":[" "+k+"illion"\\k<-["m","b","tr","quadr"]]]|u>m]))++[?t]))
?['-':t]="minus "+ $t
?['+':t]="plus "+ $t
?['/':t]="divided by "+ $t
?['*':t]="times "+ $t
?t= $t

Cobalah online!

Mengharapkan string tanpa spasi putih.


05AB1E , 315 295 282 276 byte

"+-*/"DˆS¡εDõQi'¢…ë'.¡VYнD_i\'¡×ðë',¡DgUε0›i.•6b©•ð“†ìˆÈŒšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“©'tKJ#'…§«…€µ‚•„í#®#«…—¿áÓÁÏ#«ìD9£©.•4º»Ÿć'Rþн•ŽH$S£“Œšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“'tK#«„ty«sõšâðý«õšD®'°¡ðì«sâðý«yèð.•cG3₅¦„¥F•8ô'¾ß«…¡›‡È±°#«õªRXN-<èJëõ}}ðý}Yg<i®'¡×šYθSè'…®šðý}}J}s¯`Ã哉´Øè„ƺߓ#¤… by«¸s¨ì¯`ykè}.ιðý„  ð:„¢…Øè'¢…:

Mengambil input tanpa spasi.

Cobalah secara online atau verifikasi semua kasus uji .


"+-*/"                    # Push string "+-*/"
Dˆ                        # Duplicate it, pop the copy, and push it to the global array
S¡                        # Split the input by any "+", "-", "*", or "/"
ε                         # Map each number to:
 DõQi                     #  If the item is empty (happens for negative numbers)
     '¢…                 '#   Push string "negative"
 ë                        #  Else:
  '.¡                    '#   Split by "."
  VY                      #   Store it in variable `Y`
  н                       #   Take the first number (the integer part)
  D                       #   Duplicate this integer part
  _i                      #   If the integer part is exactly 0:
    \                     #    Discard the duplicated integer part
    '¡×                  '#    Push string "zero"
    ð                     #    Push a space " "
  ë                       #   Else:
   ',¡                   '#    Split by ","
   DgU                    #    Pop and store the amount of items in variable `X`
      ε                   #    Map each part to:
       0i                #     If it's larger than 0:
          .•6b©•          #      Push string "thir"
          ð               #      Push a space " "
          “†ìˆÈŒšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“  #      Push string "four five six seven eight nine"
          ©               #      Store it in the register (without popping)
           'tK           '#      Remove all "t" (so "eight" becomes "eigh")
          J               #      Join it together with the "thir" and space
          #               #      Split by spaces
          '…§            '#      Push string "teen"
             «            #      And append it to every string in the list
                          #      (We now have ["thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"])
          …€µ‚•„í         #      Push string "one two three"
                 #        #      Split by spaces
          ®               #      Push the string from the register ("four" through "nine")
           #«             #      Split by spaces, and merge both lists together
          …—¿áÓÁÏ         #      Push string "ten eleven twelve"
                 #«       #      Split by spaces, and also merge both lists together
          ì               #      Prepend "one" through "twelve" before "thirteen" through "nineteen"
          D9£             #      Duplicate it, and take the first nine ("one" through "nine")
             ©            #      Store it in the register (without popping)
          .•4º»Ÿć'Rþн•   '#      Push string "twenthirforfif"
          ŽH$             #      Push integer 4433
             S            #      Split to digits: [4,4,3,3]
              £           #      And split the to parts of that size: ["twen","thir","for","fif"]
          “Œšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“      #      Push string "six seven eight nine"
                    'tK  '#      Remove all "t" (so "eight" becomes "eigh")
                       #« #      Split by spaces, and merge both lists together
          ty             #      Push string "ty"
             «            #      And append it to every string in the list
                          #      (We now have ["twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"])
          s               #      Swap so the list "one" through "nine" is at the top again
           õš             #      Prepend an empty string to that list
             â            #      Create every possible pair of "one" through "nine" with "twenty" through "ninety"
              ðý          #      Join each pair with a space delimiter
          «               #      Merge the "twenty" through "ninety nine" list with "one" through "nineteen"
           õš             #      Prepend an empty string to that list
          D               #      Duplicate the entire list
          ®               #      Push the string from the register ("one" through "nine")
          '°¡            '#      Push string "hundred"
             ðì           #      Prepend it with a space " "
               «          #      Append it to every string in the list
                          #      (We now have ["one hundred","two hundred",...,"nine hundred"])
          s               #      Swap the two lists
           â              #      Create every possible pair of "one hundred" through "nine hundred" with "" through "ninety nine"
            ðý            #      Join each pair with a space delimiter
              «           #      Merge the "one" through "ninety nine" with "one hundred " through "nine hundred ninety nine"
                          #      (We now have ["","one",...,"nine hundred ninety nine"])
          y               #      Get the current number of the map
           è              #      And index it into this list
          ð               #      Push a space " "
          .•cG3₅¦„¥F     #      Push string "quadrilltrill"
                     8ô   #      Split into pieces of size 8: ["quadrill","trill"]
          '¾ß            '#      Push string "ion"
             «            #      Append it to every string in the list
          …¡›‡È±°         #      Push string "billion million thousand"
                 #        #      Split by spaces
                  «       #      And merge both lists together
          õª              #      Append an empty string
            R             #      Reverse the list
                          #      (We now have ["","thousand","million","billion","trillion","quadrillion"])
          X               #      Push variable `X`
           N-             #      Subtract the map-index from it
             <            #      Subtract an additional 1
              è           #      And index it into the list
          J               #      Join the stack together
       ë                  #     Else:
        õ                 #      Push an empty string ""
       }                  #     Close the if-else
      }                   #    Close the map
      ðý                  #    Join the mapped values with space delimiter
  }                       #   Close the if-else
  Y                       #   Push variable `Y`
  g<i                     #   If its length is exactly 2:
     ®                    #    Push the string from the register ("one" through "nine")
     '¡×                 '#    Push "zero"
        š                 #    Prepend it to the list
      Yθ                  #    Push variable `Y` again, and leave the second number (the decimal part)
        S                 #    Split it to digits
         è                #    And index each into the list
      '…®                '#    Push string "point"
         š                #    Prepend it in front of that list
      ðý                  #    Join the list with space delimiter
  }                       #   Close the if
 }                        #  Close the if-else
 J                        #  Join the stack together
}                         # Close the map
s                         # Swap to take the (implicit) input again
¯`                        # Push the global array, and dump it's content (string "+-*/")
  Ã                       # Only keep all "+", "-", "*", and "/", and remove everything else
ε                         # Map each to:
 “‰´Øè„ƺߓ               #  Push string "plus minus times divided"
           #              #  Split by spaces
 ¤                        #  Take the last item (without popping the list)
   by«                   #  Append it with string " by"
       ¸                  #  Wrap it to a list: ["divided by"]
 s                        #  Swap to take the list again
  ¨                       #  Remove the last item
   ì                      #  Prepend it in front of the list: ["plus","minus","times","divided by"]
 ¯`                       # Push the global array, and dump it's content (string "+-*/")
   yk                     #  Push the index in this string for the current map-value `y`
     è                    #  And use that index to index into the string-list
}                         # Close the map
                        # Interweave the list of numbers and list of operators
  ðý                      # Join everything with space delimiter
  ð:                     # Replace every two spaces for a single space
„¢…Øè'¢…:                '# And replace every "negative minus" with "negative"
                          # (and output the result implicitly)

Lihat ini 05AB1E ujung tambang (bagian Cara menggunakan kamus? , Cara string kompres bukan bagian dari kamus? , Dan Cara kompres bilangan bulat besar? ) untuk memahami mengapa:

  • ( Bagaimana cara menggunakan kamus? ) - '¢…is "negative"; '¡×adalah "zero"; “†ìˆÈŒšï¿Ÿ¯¥Š“adalah "four five six seven eight nine"; '…§adalah "teen"; …€µ‚•„íadalah "one two three"; …—¿áÓÁÏadalah "ten eleven twelve"; '°¡adalah "hundred"; '¾ßadalah "ion"; …¡›‡È±°adalah "billion million thousand"; '…®adalah"point" ; dan“‰´Øè„ƺߓ adalah "plus minus times divided".
  • ( Bagaimana mengompresi string bukan bagian dari kamus? ) - .•6b©•adalah "thir"; .•4º»Ÿć'Rþн•adalah"twenthirforfif" ; dan.•cG3₅¦„¥F• adalah"quadrilltrill" .
  • ( Bagaimana cara mengompresi bilangan bulat besar? ) - ŽH$adalah 4433.


Python 2 , 790 774 byte

lambda T:B("([+/*-])",lambda m:dict(zip("+/*-",S("z"," plus z divided by z times z minus ")))[],B("([+/*-]|^)-",r"\1negative ",B("[^+/*-]+","{}",T))).format(*[J([g[int(S("\.",j)[0])]+S("z",B("y","illion","z thousandz myz byz tryz quadry"))[len(S(",",m))+~i]+(" point "+J(s[int(c)]for c in S("\.",j)[-1]))*("."in j)for i,j in E(S(",",m))if 0<float(j)+(m<"1")])for m in S("[+/*-]+",T)[T[0]=='-':]])
from re import*
E,S,B,P=enumerate,split,sub," ";J=P.join
s,e=S(P,"zero one two three four five six seven eight nine"),[B("urty","rty",j)for i,j in E(c+d for d in S(P,"teen ty")for c in S(P,"twen thir four fif six seven eigh nine"))]
g=s+S(P,"ten eleven twelve")+e[1:8]+[a+(P+b)*(i>0)for a in e[8:]for i,b in E(s)]
g=[(j+" hundred ")*(i>0)+k for i,j in E(s)for k in g]

Cobalah online!

Begitu banyak praktik buruk. Ini hampir menyakitkan untuk menulis ....

Mengharapkan string non-unicode tanpa spasi sebagai input.


# import all functions from re (python regex library)
from re import*

# rename some repeatedly-used functions/variables for reduced bytecount
E,S,B,P=enumerate,split,sub," ";J=P.join

# list the names of 0-9
s=S(P,"zero one two three four five six seven eight nine")
# generate "twenteen" through nineteen and twenty though ninety, changing "fourty" to forty
# using enumerate (E) even though i is not required b/c it's shorter than range(len(x))
# using re.split (S) instead of string.split since it's shorter
e=[B("urty","rty",j)for i,j in E(c+d for d in S(P,"teen ty")for c in S(P,"twen thir four fif six seven eigh nine"))]
# generate 0-999
# 0-9
   # 10, 11, 12
   +S(P,"ten eleven twelve")+
                            # remove "twenteen", 13-19
                                   # tens' place + ones' place, if ones' place is not zero
                                   +[a+(P+b)*(i>0)                               ]
                                                   # for each tens' place in 20-90
                                                   for a in e[8:]
                                                                  # for each index, value in ones' places 0-9
                                                                  for i,b in E(s)

# hundreds' place if at least 100, plus tens' and ones' place (already calculated and stored in g from before)
g=[(j+" hundred ")*(i>0)+k                          ]
                           # (s) stores names for 0-9, need index to avoid "zero hundred"
                           for i,j in E(s)
                                          # for each hundred, iterate over all values (0-99) already in g
                                          for k in g

# actual function to call. uses previously declared global variable g.
def f(T):
    # gets the numbers in the supplied string (T) by splitting (T) on any operator character
    # remove first item if blank (only happens when staring with a - for negative numbers)

    # triply-nested set of re.subs to convert (T) to a sting of where the operators are replaced by their names and numbers are replaced by "{}"
    # EX: "-1-1--1" -> "-{}-{}--{}" -> "negative {}-{}-negative {}" -> "negative {} minus {} minus negative {}"
    # this sub happens last
    # re.sub (B) any operator, with the operators in a group "()" so that they return in
    T=B("([+/*-])",                                                                                                                                        )
                  # an anonymous function to accept match objects (m) from re.sub's search.
                  ,lambda m:
                            # create a dictionary from the combination of operators and their names
                            # like {"+":" plus ",...}
                            # operator names are surrounded by spaces since number names are NOT
                            dict(zip("+/*-",S("z"," plus z divided by z times z minus ")))
                                                                                          # from the constructed dictionary, select the operator matched by re.sub's search and return it for replacement
                                                                                                      # this substitution is second
                                                                                                      # re.sub (B) any operator followed by a minus (-), OR a minus at the beginning of the string
                                                                                                      # operators/start are grouped, trailing minus is not
                                                                                                      ,B("([+/*-]|^)-",                                    )
                                                                                                                      # replace match with the grouped items plus the word "negative"
                                                                                                                      # EX: "-1-1--1" -> "-{}-{}--{}" -> "negative {}-{}-negative {}"
                                                                                                                      ,r"\1negative ",
                                                                                                                                     # this substitution is done first
                                                                                                                                     # replace any sequence of NON-operators with "{}"
                                                                                                                                     # this removes numbers so the names can be inserted later
                                                                                                                                     # EX: "-1-1--1" -> "-{}-{}--{}"

    # technically the previous construction of (T) and (n) can be placed here to save 5 bytes but my poor eyes can't handle that.
    # insert constructed names back into original string.
    # EX: "-1-1--1" -> "negative {} minus {} minus negative {}" -> "negative one minus one minus negative one"
    print T.format(                                                                                                                                                                                                                     )
                   # string.format needs items in array unpacked, or it will attempt to insert the string representation of the array itself
                   *[                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ]
                     # for each number pulled from (T), generate names and join generated items back together with spaces
                     # EX: "1,456" -> ["1", "456"] -> ["one thousand", "four hundred fifty six"] -> "one thousand four hundred fifty six"
                     J(                                                                                                                                                                                                     )for m in n
                       # split j on periods (.) and take the first item
                       # convert that item into an integer and find the item at that index in g (0-999)
                       [g[int(S("\.",j)[0])]+                                                                                                                                                                              ]
                                            # insert prefix for millions +, split string on "z" (spaces must be preserved for proper separation)
                                            +S("z",B("y","illion","z thousandz myz byz tryz quadry"))
                                                                                                     # left is largest, so take the item at index (total # of groups - current place - 1)
                                                                                                                       # if group had a period, split string on period and take last item
                                                                                                                       # replace every character in group with number 0-9 name
                                                                                                                       # join them with spaces and add back to rest of group
                                                                                                                       +(" point "+J(s[int(c)]for c in S("\.",j)[-1]))*("."in j)
                                                                                                                                                                                # split number into groups by comma
                                                                                                                                                                                # EX: "123,456" -> ["123","456"]
                                                                                                                                                                                # only return item if j != 0 (avoids returning empty string which will result in too many joined spaces)
                                                                                                                                                                                # OR if m == 0 (avoids not returning anything when should return "zero")
                                                                                                                                                                                for i,j in E(S(",",m))if 0

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