Bisakah Anda berhenti mengocok geladak dan sudah bermain?



Input: Daftar bilangan bulat positif yang berbeda dalam kisaran [1,list-size] .

Keluaran: Bilangan bulat: berapa kali daftar diacak-acak . Untuk daftar, ini berarti daftar ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian, dan bagian ini saling terkait (yaitu mengacak-acak daftar yang [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]akan dihasilkan sekali [1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9,5,10], jadi untuk tantangan ini input [1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9,5,10]akan menghasilkan 1).

Aturan tantangan:

  • Anda dapat mengasumsikan bahwa daftar hanya akan berisi bilangan bulat positif dalam kisaran [1,list-size] (atau [0,list-size1] jika Anda memilih untuk membuat daftar input yang diindeks 0).
  • Anda dapat mengasumsikan semua daftar input akan menjadi daftar acak-acak, atau daftar diurutkan yang tidak dikocok (dalam hal ini hasilnya adalah 0 ).
  • Anda dapat mengasumsikan bahwa daftar input akan mengandung setidaknya tiga nilai.

Contoh langkah demi langkah:

Memasukkan: [1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8]

Unshuffling sekali menjadi:, [1,5,9,4,8,3,7,2,6]karena setiap item bahkan diindeks 0 datang terlebih dahulu [1, ,5, ,9, ,4, ,8], dan kemudian semua item 0-diindeks aneh setelah itu [ ,3, ,7, ,2, ,6, ].
Daftar ini belum dipesan, jadi kami melanjutkan:

Membatalkan daftar lagi menjadi: [1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2]
Sekali lagi menjadi: [1,8,6,4,2,9,7,5,3]
Lalu: [1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9,5]
Dan akhirnya:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] :, yang merupakan daftar yang diurutkan, jadi kita selesai mengacak.

Kami melepas paket aslinya [1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8]lima kali [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], jadi hasilnya adalah5 dalam kasus ini.

Aturan umum:

  • Ini adalah , jadi jawaban tersingkat dalam byte menang.
    Jangan biarkan bahasa kode-golf mencegah Anda memposting jawaban dengan bahasa non-codegolf. Cobalah untuk memberikan jawaban sesingkat mungkin untuk bahasa pemrograman 'apa saja'.
  • Aturan standar berlaku untuk jawaban Anda dengan aturan I / O default , sehingga Anda diizinkan untuk menggunakan STDIN / STDOUT, fungsi / metode dengan parameter yang tepat dan tipe pengembalian, program penuh. Panggilanmu.
  • Celah Default tidak diperbolehkan.
  • Jika memungkinkan, silakan tambahkan tautan dengan tes untuk kode Anda (yaitu TIO ).
  • Juga, menambahkan penjelasan untuk jawaban Anda sangat dianjurkan.

Kasus uji:

Input                                                   Output

[1,2,3]                                                 0
[1,2,3,4,5]                                             0
[1,3,2]                                                 1
[1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9,5,10]                                  1
[1,3,5,7,2,4,6]                                         2
[1,8,6,4,2,9,7,5,3,10]                                  2
[1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10]                                  3
[1,5,9,4,8,3,7,2,6,10]                                  4
[1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8]                                     5
[1,6,11,5,10,4,9,3,8,2,7]                               6
[1,10,19,9,18,8,17,7,16,6,15,5,14,4,13,3,12,2,11,20]    10
[1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20]    17

Satu atau dua test case dengan panjang ganjil dan output lebih besar dari 0 akan lebih baik. Sangat mudah untuk mengacaukan riffle dalam kasus-kasus seperti itu jika Anda harus menulis kode riffle sendiri daripada mengandalkan builtin.
Olivier Grégoire

@ OlivierGrégoire [1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8]Panjangnya 9, tapi saya akan menambahkan beberapa lagi untuk panjang 7 dan 11 mungkin. EDIT: Menambahkan kasus uji [1,3,5,7,2,4,6] = 2(panjang 7) dan [1,6,11,5,10,4,9,3,8,2,7] = 6(panjang 11). Semoga itu bisa membantu.
Kevin Cruijssen

Buruk saya: Saya yakin test case yang Anda sebutkan adalah ukuran 8. Tapi terima kasih untuk test case tambahan.
Olivier Grégoire

Pertanyaan seperti yang dirumuskan saat ini sepertinya "salah" ... satu riffle shuffle akan menghasilkan kartu pertama dan terakhir berubah, kecuali Anda menarik trik tipuan! yaitu [6,1,7,2,8,3,9,4,10,5] setelah satu pengocokan 10 kartu.

@ Sveve saya kira Anda agak benar. Mengacak-acak secara umum hanya menyisipkan dua bagian, sehingga keduanya [1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9,5,10]atau [6,1,7,2,8,3,9,4,10,5]mungkin. Dalam tantangan saya itu tidak berarti bahwa kartu teratas akan selalu tetap menjadi kartu teratas, jadi itu memang sedikit trik. Saya belum pernah melihat seseorang atau hanya menggunakan riffle-shuffles untuk mengocok setumpuk kartu. Biasanya mereka juga menggunakan jenis shuffle lain di antaranya. Bagaimanapun, sudah terlambat untuk mengubah tantangan sekarang, jadi demi tantangan ini kartu teratas akan selalu tetap menjadi kartu teratas setelah mengacak-acak.
Kevin Cruijssen



Jelly , 8 byte


Cobalah online!


ŒœẎ$ƬiṢ’ - Link: list of integers A
    Ƭ    - collect up until results are no longer unique...
   $     -   last two links as a monad:
Œœ       -     odds & evens i.e. [a,b,c,d,...] -> [[a,c,...],[b,d,...]]
  Ẏ      -     tighten                         -> [a,c,...,b,d,...]
     Ṣ   - sort A
    i    - first (1-indexed) index of sorted A in collected shuffles
      ’  - decrement


JavaScript (ES6), 44 byte

Versi lebih pendek disarankan oleh @nwellnhof

Mengharapkan dek dengan kartu 1-diindeks sebagai input.


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Diberi setumpuk [c0,,cL1] dengan panjang L , kami mendefinisikan:

xn={2nmodLif L is odd2nmod(L1)if L is even

Dan kami mencari n sedemikian rupa sehingga cxn=2 .

JavaScript (ES6),  57 52  50 byte

Mengharapkan dek dengan kartu 0-diindeks sebagai input.


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Karena JS kurang memiliki dukungan asli untuk mengekstraksi irisan array dengan loncatan kustom, mensimulasikan seluruh riffle-shuffle mungkin akan agak mahal (tapi jujur, saya bahkan tidak mencoba). Namun, solusinya juga dapat ditemukan dengan hanya melihat kartu ke-2 dan jumlah total kartu di dek.

Diberi setumpuk panjang L , kode ini mencari n sedemikian rupa sehingga:


di mana c2 adalah kartu kedua dan k didefinisikan sebagai:

k={Lif L is oddL1if L is even


R , 58 55 45 byte


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Mensimulasikan proses penyortiran. Input diindeks 1, pengembalian FALSEuntuk 0.

Sangat bagus! Saya sedang mengerjakan pendekatan yang sama tetapi menggunakan fungsi rekursif, yang tidak berfungsi sebagai golf.


APL (Dyalog Unicode) , 35 26 23 22 byte SBCS


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Thanks to Adám for the help, Erik the Outgolfer for -3 and ngn for -1.

The TIO link contains two test cases.


{⍵≡⍳≢⍵:01+∇⍵[⍒2|⍳⍴⍵]}  function takes one argument: ⍵, the array
 ⍵≡⍳≢⍵                  if the array is sorted:
 ⍵≡⍳≢⍵                  array = 1..length(array)
      :0                then return 0
         1+             increment
                       the value of the recursive call with this argument:
            ⍵[      ]   index into the argument with these indexes:
                 ⍳⍴⍵    - generate a range from 1 up to the size of 
               2|       - %2: generate a binary mask like [1 0 1 0 1 0]
                       - grade (sorts but returns indexes instead of values), so we have the indexes of all the 1s first, then the 0s.


@EriktheOutgolfer Much better, thanks!

∧/2≤/⍵ -> ⍵≡⍳≢⍵

@ngn didn't realize the array had no holes. Thanks!


Perl 6, 36 34 32 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to nwellnhof


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Reverse riffle shuffles by sorting by the index modulo 2 until the list is sorted, then returns the length of the sequence.

It's funny, I don't usually try the recursive approach for Perl 6, but this time it ended up shorter than the original.


$!={                           }   # Assign the anonymous code block to $!
    .[1]-2&&                       # While the list is not sorted
            $!(             )      # Recursively call the function on
               .sort:{$++%2}       # It sorted by the parity of each index
                             +1    # And return the number of shuffles


05AB1E (legacy), 9 bytes


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[   #  ]     # loop until
  ā          # the 1-indexed enumeration of the current list
 D Q         # equals a copy of the current list
     ι˜      # while false, uninterleave the current list and flatten
        N    # push the iteration index N as output

I didn't even knew it was possible to output the index outside the loop in the legacy. I thought it would be 0 again at that point, just like in the new 05AB1E version. Nice answer! Shorter than my 10-byter using the unshuffle-builtin Å≠ that inspired this challenge. :)
Kevin Cruijssen

@KevinCruijssen: Interesting. I didn't know there was an unshuffle. In this instance it's the same as my version, but unshuffle maintains dimensions on 2D arrays.


Java (JDK), 59 bytes

a->{int c=0;for(;a[(1<<c)%(a.length-1|1)]>2;)c++;return c;}

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Works reliably only for arrays with a size less than 31 or solutions with less than 31 iterations. For a more general solution, see the following solution with 63 bytes:

a->{int i=1,c=0;for(;a[i]>2;c++)i=i*2%(a.length-1|1);return c;}

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In a riffle, the next position is the previous one times two modulo either length if it's odd or length - 1 if it's even.

So I'm iterating over all indices using this formula until I find the value 2 in the array.


163 bytes by using two times x.clone() instead of A.copyOf(x,l).
Kevin Cruijssen

@Arnauld Thanks! I had a hard time figuring how to simplify that "length if odd else length - 1"
Olivier Grégoire

@Arnauld Oh! My new algorithm is actually the same as yours... And I spent half an hour figuring it out by myself...
Olivier Grégoire

More precisely, it's equivalent to an improvement over my original algorithm found by @nwellnhof.


J, 28 26 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to Jonah!


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Inspired be Ven's APL solution.


               ^:       ^:a:   while 
                 (2<1{])       the 1-st (zero-indexed) element is greater than 2   
     (        )                do the following and keep the intermediate results
          i.@#                 make a list form 0 to len-1
        2|                     find modulo 2 of each element
      /:                       sort the argument according the list of 0's and 1's
1  }.                          drop the first row of the result
 #@                            and take the length (how many rows -> steps)     

K (ngn/k), 25 bytes

Thanks to ngn for the advice and for his K interpreter!


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converge-iterate, then drop one, and count - this leads to shorter code

@ngn. So, similar to my J solution - I'll try it later, thanks!
Galen Ivanov

1#@}.(\:2|#\)^:(2<1{])^:a: for 26 bytes

@Jonah Thank you!
Galen Ivanov


APL(NARS), chars 49, bytes 98


why use in the deepest loop, one algo that should be nlog(n), when we can use one linear n? just for few bytes more? [⍵≡⍵[⍋⍵] O(nlog n) and the confront each element for see are in order using ∧/¯1↓⍵≤1⌽⍵ O(n)]test:

  f ,1
  f 1 2 3
  f 1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10
  f 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20

That’s the first time I’ve seen someone differentiate between characters and bytes 👍. It always bugs me when I see Unicode characters and they claim that it’s one byte per character. This 😠 is not one byte!

@Kerndog73 All is number, but in APL think characters are not numbers... (they seems element in AV array)


Ruby, 42 bytes


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Search for number 2 inside the array: if it's in second position, the deck hasn't been shuffled, otherwise check the positions where successive shuffles would put it.


C (GCC) 64 63 bytes

-1 byte from nwellnhof


This is a drastically shorter answer based on Arnauld's and Olivier Grégoire's answers. I'll leave my old solution below since it solves the slightly more general problem of decks with cards that are not contiguous.

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C (GCC) 162 bytes

a[999],b[999],i,r,o;f(c,v)int*v;{for(r=0;o=1;++r){for(i=c;i--;(i&1?b:a)[i/2]=v[i])o=(v[i]>v[i-1]|!i)&o;if(o)return r;for(i+=o=c+1;i--;)v[i]=i<o/2?a[i]:b[i-o/2];}}

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a[999],b[999],i,r,o; //pre-declare variables
f(c,v)int*v;{ //argument list
    for(r=0;o=1;++r){ //major loop, reset o (ordered) to true at beginning, increment number of shuffles at end
        for(i=c;i--;(i&1?b:a)[i/2]=v[i]) //loop through v, split into halves a/b as we go
            o=(v[i]>v[i-1]|!i)&o; //if out of order set o (ordered) to false
        if(o) //if ordered
            return r; //return number of shuffles
        //note that i==-1 at this point
        for(i+=o=c+1;i--;)//set i=c and o=c+1, loop through v
            v[i]=i<o/2?a[i]:b[i-o/2];//set first half of v to a, second half to b


R, 85 bytes


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Stupid (brute force) method, much less elegant than following the card #2.

Instead of unshuffling the input s we start with a sorted vector u that we progressively shuffle until it is identical with s. This gives warnings (but shuffle counts are still correct) for odd lengths of input due to folding an odd-length vector into a 2-column matrix; in that case, in R, missing data point is filled by recycling of the first element of input.

The loop will never terminate if we provide a vector that cannot be unshuffled.

Addendum: you save one byte if unshuffling instead. Unlike the answer above, there is no need to transpose with t(), however, ordering is byrow=TRUE which is why T appears in matrix().

R, 84 bytes


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I took the liberty of fixing your title and adding a TIO-link for the test cases (based on the other R answer), and also verified your answer works as intended, so +1 from me and welcome to PPCG! :)
Kevin Cruijssen


Pyth, 18 bytes


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-2 thanks to @Erik the Outgolfer.

The script has two line: the first one defines a function y, the second line calls y with the implicit Q (evaluated stdin) argument.

L                function y(b)
 ?               if...
  SIb            the Invariant b == sort(b) holds
     0           return 0
      h          otherwise increment...
       y         ...the return of a recursive call with:
             B   the current argument "bifurcated", an array of:
              b   - the original argument
            >  1  - same with the head popped off
          L      map...
         % 2     ...take only every 2nd value in each array
        s         and concat them back together



PowerShell, 62 71 70 66 bytes

+9 bytes when Test cases with an even number of elements added.

-1 byte with splatting.

-4 bytes: wrap the expression with $i,$j to a new scope.


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Japt, 13 11 10 bytes

Taking my shiny, new, very-work-in-progress interpreter for a test drive.


Try it or run all test cases

ÅÎÍ©ÒßUñÏu     :Implicit input of integer array U
Å              :Slice the first element off U
 Î             :Get the first element
  Í            :Subtract from 2
   ©           :Logical AND with
    Ò          :  Negation of bitwise NOT of
     ß         :  A recursive call to the programme with input
      Uñ       :    U sorted
        Ï      :    By 0-based indices
         u     :    Modulo 2

This interpreter looks super cool.


Python 3, 40 bytes

f=lambda x:x[1]-2and 1+f(x[::2]+x[1::2])  # 1-based
f=lambda x:x[1]-1and 1+f(x[::2]+x[1::2])  # 0-based

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I need to refresh the page more frequently: missed Erik the Outgolfer's edit doing a similar trick =)

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