Animasi Warna dan Fisika; JavaScript Murni, 457 (335) byte
Ini adalah posting pertama saya di forum ini; Saya membuat kode ini dan secara retrospektif menemukan utas ini untuk mengirimnya.
Inilah kode yang dienkapsulasi dalam HTML, siap untuk disalin / ditempelkan ke file html:
<body><script>A=120;B=280;d=document;y=180;x=v=n=s=0;f=140;c=d.createElement('canvas');p=c.getContext('2d');c.width=B;c.height=400;c.onclick=()=>{v-=6};p.font='50px Arial';d.body.appendChild(c);r=(h,t,k=0,i='#0f0',w=40)=>{p.fillStyle=i;p.fillRect(h,k,w,t)};b=setInterval(()=>{if(x==0){n=f;f=Math.floor(B*Math.random());x=160}x--;v+=.1;y+=v;r(0,400,0,'#08f',B);r(20,40,y,'#fc0');r(x-40,n);r(x+A,f);r(x-40,B-n,n+A);r(x+A,B-f,f+A);if(x==60)s++;p.strokeText(s,A,80);if(x>20&&x<100&&(y<n||y>n+80)){clearInterval(b);location.reload()}},15)</script><br>Made by Thomas Kaldahl</body>
Ini memiliki tabrakan pixel sempurna, fisika kuadratik akurat, dan animasi warna halus, semua dalam 457 byte senilai kode Javascript offline murni independen, ditampilkan ungolfed di sini secara lebih rinci dan penjelasan:
<!--entire HTML shell is omitted in golf-->
//common numbers and the document are assigned shortcut letters
A = 120;
B = 280;
d = document;
y = 180; //y position of the top of the bird
x = //x position of scrolling for pipes
v = //vertical velocity of bird
n = //y position of the top of the nearest pipe opening
s = 0; //score
f = 140; //y position of the top of the farther pipe opening
c = d.createElement('canvas'); //canvas
p = c.getContext('2d'); //canvas context
//set canvas dimensions
c.width = B;
c.height = 400;
c.onclick = () => { v -= 6 }; //apply jump velocity to bird when clicked
p.font = '50px Arial'; //font for scoring (omitted in golf)
d.body.appendChild(c); //add canvas to html page
//draw a rectangle on the canvas
r = (h, t, k = 0, i = '#0f0', w = 40) => {
p.fillStyle = i;
p.fillRect(h, k, w, t)
//main loop (not assigned to b in golf)
b = setInterval( () => {
if (x == 0) { //the x position is a countdown. when it hits 0:
n = f; //the far pipe is now the near pipe, overwriting the old near pipe
f = B * Math.random() //assign the far pipe a new vertical location
x = 160; //restart the countdown back at 160
//(score increments here in golf)
x--; //count down
v += .1; // apply gravity to velocity
y += v; // apply velocity to bird
r(0, 400, 0, '#08f', B); //draw background
r(20, 40, y, '#fc0'); //draw bird (non-default color is omitted in golf)
r(x - 40, n); //draw first pipe upper half
r(x + A, f); //draw second pipe upper half
r(x - 40, B - n, n + A); //draw first pipe lower half
r(x + A, B - f, f + A); //draw second pipe lower half
if (x == 60)
s++; //(this is done earlier on golf)
p.strokeText(s, A, 80); //draw score
// if the bird is in range of the pipes horizontally,
// and is not in between the pipes,
if (x > 20 && x < 100 && (y < n || y > n + 80)) {
clearInterval(b); location.reload() //omit interval clear in golf
}, 15) //(reduced the frame delay to 9, a 1 digit number, in golf)
Made by Thomas Kaldahl <!-- GG -->
Untuk bersenang-senang, inilah versi 1066 byte dengan grafis yang lebih bagus:
<body style='margin:0'><script>var y=180,x=v=n=s=0,f=140,c=document.createElement('canvas'),p=c.getContext('2d');c.width=280;c.height=400;c.onclick=function(){v-=6};'width:68vh;height:97vh';document.body.appendChild(c);p.font="50px Arial";p.shadowColor='#444';p.shadowBlur=9;p.shadowOffsetX=p.shadowOffsetY=5;function r(h,t,k=0,i='#0f0',j='#0a0',u=0,l=0,w=40){var g=p.createLinearGradient(h,l,h+40,u);g.addColorStop(0,i);g.addColorStop(1,j);p.fillStyle=g;p.fillRect(h,k,w,t);}b=setInterval(function(){if(x==0){n=f;f=Math.floor(280*Math.random());}x=x==0?159:x-1;v+=.1;y+=v;r(0,400,0,'#08c','#0cf',280,0,280);r(20,40,y,'#ff0','#fa0',y+40,y);r(x-40,n);r(x-50,20,n-20,'#0f0','#0a0',n+20,n,60);r(x+120,f);r(x+110,20,f-20,'#0f0','#0a0',f+20,f,60);r(x-40,280-n,n+120);r(x-50,20,n+120,'#0f0','#0a0',n+140,n+100,60);r(x+120,280-f,f+120);r(x+110,20,f+120,'#0f0','#0a0',f+140,f+100,60);if(x==60){s++;}p.fillStyle='#fff';p.fillText(s,120,80);if(x>20&&x<100&&(y<n||y>n+80)||y<0||y>360){clearInterval(b);location.reload();}},15);</script><br>Made by Thomas Kaldahl</body>
Juga, apakah curang menggunakan sistem kompresi seperti DEFLATE?
Di bawah ini adalah kode ASCII85 untuk versi DEFLATEd dari kode:
Omong-omong, terkompresi itu adalah total 335 byte.
Gapon95_Wi'Kf'c (i ## 6'h, + cM \ JZeFO <h; $ W '# A1', RqNigBH02C '# R $ m] <i <X # 6GR`2pE <Ri5mu-n% cVPrsJe: * R ^ pnr9bI @ [DAZnPP02A ^!. $ MN / @ `U7l5gm !! Vr4> A; P? U [Pk8] jCnOP% dIu?` FWql> "tuO4 / KbIWgK; 7 / iJN'f2, hnFg8e ^ SO * t \ * `, 3JBn6j (f`O #], M0; 5Sa35Zc @ * XaBs @ N%] k \ M76qa [.ie7n (^ * Z5G-lfhUZ3F # '%, X17Pj1u] L) LjpO6XbIl% N3tj8 mT; 90VMmnfBNKEY (^ 'UV4c? SW': X (! 4, * WCY + f; 19eQ? `FK0I" (uDe: f & XV & ^ Rc + 'SWRIbd8Lj9bG.l (MRUc1G8HoUsn # H \ V (8 "Y $ / TT (TT) ^ kATb (OreGfWH7uIf