Saya tidak yakin saya mengerti bonus pertama dengan benar sehingga saya tidak mengatasinya.
Ini jelas non-bersaing karena bahasanya jauh lebih baru daripada tantangan, namun karena tidak ada jawaban lain saya tidak yakin ini sangat berarti ...
Predikat utama:
@n Split the input on line breaks
:1a:"-"x Transform into a list of lists, each sublist contains a line's values
:7fF Transform so that cells are [Value:X:Y]
:3a All values on lines must be different
$\:3a All values on columns must be different (by transposition)
@3:4a, All 3*3 block values must be different
Fc~bCh[0:0:0]gO, Append a fake cell [0:0:0]
Co~c[V:O:T] Sort the board, the blank cells V will be those before O ([0:0:0])
h:F:6f Find all subsets of blank cells with specific values for which
the board has only one solution
:10ao Sort the subsets by lengths
:ba Discard the lengths
h:11a Print the first subset = an answer
; Or (board is already fully determined)
! Terminate
; Or (Some values don't respect the constraints)
"!!"w! Print "!!" and terminate
Predikat 1: Hapus semua " |
" pada garis, ubah ---+---+---
menjadi -
untuk menghapusnya setelah
h"-". If the first char is "-", then Output is "-"
| Or
:"|"x Remove all occurences of "|" from the input
:2f. Output is the result of all outputs of predicate 2 on the filtered string
Predikat 2: Konversi satu karakter menjadi bilangan bulat, atau jika kosong ke variabel antara 1 dan 9.
e Take a char of the input string
~m["0123456789":.] Output is the index of the char in "0123456789"
` Discard the choice point caused by the ;
; Or
0<.<=9 Output is an integer between 1 and 9
Predikat 3: Tetapkan bahwa semua nilai daftar input sel harus berbeda
:ha Retrieve the head of each cell (i.e. the value) in the input
#d. Apply a constraint of distinctness to those values
Predikat 4: Menerapkan batasan perbedaan pada nilai dalam 3 * 3 blok
:@3a Split 3 lines of the board in 3 parts
z Zip them together
:ca:5a. Concatenate each element of the zip, apply predicate 5 to that
Predikat 5:
:3a. Apply predicate 3 to each element of the input
Predikat 6: Tetapkan nilai yang memenuhi batasan untuk subset sel kosong, kemudian dengan nilai tersebut hanya ada satu solusi untuk papan tulis.
hs. Output is a subset of the blank cells
:=a, Assign values to those cells
?t:9ac Concatenate the values of all cells of the board
:=f Find all solved boards
l1 There is only 1 such solved board
Predikat 7: Mengubah papan sehingga setiap sel sekarang [V:X:Y]
bukan hanya V
:Im Take the Ith line of the board
:8f Transform all elements of the line using predicate 8
:[[I]]z Zip the result with [I]
:ca. Concatenate each element of the zip
Predikat 8: Mengubah garis sehingga setiap sel sekarang [V:X]
:Jm Take the Jth element of the line
:J. Output is [That element:J]
Predikat 9: Ambil nilai sel
:ha. Take the head of each element of the input
Predikat 10: Tambahkan panjang subset di awal
lg Put the length of the input in a list
:?c. Concatenate it with the input
Predikat 11: Cetak satu sel
b:+a[X:Y], Increment coordinates by 1 to get X and Y
?h:Y:Xr: Build the list [X:Y:Value]
"(~d,~d):~d\n"w Format that list as "('X','Y'):'Value'\n" to STDOUT