JavaScript 782 725 karakter
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Program sekarang dipanggil melalui fungsi terbungkus. Misalnya: (function(e,f,g){...})(100,200,10)
function C(e,f,g,c,a,d){if(0>g-a||g+a>e||0>c-a||c+a>f)return d;for(var b in d)if(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(d[b].x-g,2)+Math.pow(d[b].y-c,2))<2*a)return d;d.push({x:g,y:c});for(b=0;b<Math.PI;)XX=Math.cos(b)*a*2+g,YY=Math.sin(b)*a*2+c,d=C(e,f,XX,YY,a,d),b+=.01;return d}
(function(e,f,g){var c=e+f,a,d;for(a=[];a.length<g;)a=d=c,a=C(e,f,a,d,c,[]),c-=.01;console.log("Highest possible radius: "+Math.round(100*c)/100);e='<svg width="'+e+'" height="'+f+'"><rect width="'+e+'" height="'+f+'" style="fill:red" />';for(var b in a)console.log("Circle "+b+" Focus: ("+Math.round(100*a[b].x)/100+", "+Math.round(100*a[b].y)/100+")"),e+='<circle cx="'+a[b].x+'" cy="'+a[b].y+'" r="'+c+'" fill="blue" />';console.log(e+"</svg>")})(400,300,13);
Tes 1
Highest possible radius: 49.96
Circle 1 Focus: (49.97, 49.97)
Circle 2 Focus: (149.91, 49.97)
Circle 3 Focus: (149.99, 149.91)
Circle 4 Focus: (50.05, 149.91)
<svg width="200" height="200"><rect width="200" height="200" style="fill:blue;" /><circle cx="49.97000000021743" cy="49.97000000021743" r="49.960000000217434" fill="white" /><circle cx="149.9100000006523" cy="49.97000000021743" r="49.960000000217434" fill="white" /><circle cx="149.98958489212322" cy="149.90996831285986" r="49.960000000217434" fill="white" /><circle cx="50.04958489168835" cy="149.90996831285986" r="49.960000000217434" fill="white" /></svg>
Jelas kami berharap radiusnya tepat 50, tetapi untuk alasan yang dibahas dalam komentar pertanyaan, saya tidak bisa secara wajar mewujudkannya. SVG terlihat seperti ini ...
Tes 2
Highest possible radius: 26.55
Circle 1 Focus: (26.56, 26.56)
Circle 2 Focus: (79.68, 26.56)
Circle 3 Focus: (132.8, 26.56)
Circle 4 Focus: (185.92, 26.56)
Circle 5 Focus: (239.04, 26.56)
Circle 6 Focus: (292.16, 26.56)
Circle 7 Focus: (345.28, 26.56)
Circle 8 Focus: (372.63, 72.1)
Circle 9 Focus: (319.52, 73.25)
Circle 10 Focus: (265.47, 72.64)
Circle 11 Focus: (212.35, 73.25)
Circle 12 Focus: (159.23, 72.64)
Circle 13 Focus: (106.11, 73.25)
Circle 14 Focus: (52.99, 72.64)
<svg width="400" height="100"><rect width="400" height="100" style="fill:blue;" /><circle cx="26.560000000311106" cy="26.560000000311106" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="79.68000000093332" cy="26.560000000311106" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="132.80000000155553" cy="26.560000000311106" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="185.92000000217774" cy="26.560000000311106" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="239.04000000279996" cy="26.560000000311106" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="292.16000000342217" cy="26.560000000311106" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="345.2800000040444" cy="26.560000000311106" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="372.6271770491687" cy="72.09972230654316" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="319.5195599732359" cy="73.24663493712801" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="265.47097406711805" cy="72.63752174440503" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="212.35454341475625" cy="73.25330971030218" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="159.23097406587362" cy="72.63752174440503" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="106.11454341351183" cy="73.25330971030218" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /><circle cx="52.99097406462921" cy="72.63752174440503" r="26.550000000311105" fill="white" /></svg>
Dan SVG terlihat seperti ini ...
Tes 3
Highest possible radius: 101.68
Circle 1 Focus: (101.69, 101.69)
Circle 2 Focus: (298.23, 153.98)
Circle 3 Focus: (154.13, 298.19)
<svg width="400" height="400"><rect width="400" height="400" style="fill:blue;" /><circle cx="101.69000000059772" cy="101.69000000059772" r="101.68000000059772" fill="white" /><circle cx="298.2343937547503" cy="153.97504264473156" r="101.68000000059772" fill="white" /><circle cx="154.13153961740014" cy="298.19269546075066" r="101.68000000059772" fill="white" /></svg>
Dan SVG terlihat seperti ini ...
Tidak semuanya cantik.
Bagaimana itu bekerja
Kode di bawah ini tidak dikumpulkan. Program ini memiliki dua asumsi:
- Satu lingkaran akan selalu ada di sudut. Sepertinya ini taruhan yang cukup aman.
- Setiap lingkaran akan selalu menyentuh lingkaran lain. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa tidak.
Program dimulai dengan menghitung radius besar berdasarkan dimensi kotak. Kemudian mencoba memasukkan satu lingkaran di sudut kotak. Jika lingkaran itu cocok, itu akan memperpanjang garis diameter dari lingkaran itu dan mencoba untuk membuat lingkaran di ujung garis. Jika lingkaran baru cocok, garis lain akan diperpanjang dari lingkaran baru. Jika tidak pas, garis akan berayun 360 derajat, memeriksa ruang terbuka. Jika kotak terisi sebelum jumlah lingkaran yang diinginkan dibuat, jari-jari dikurangi dan semuanya dimulai lagi.
Kode Tidak Terkunci (cuplikan)
// this functions attempts to build a circle
// at the given coords. If it works, it will
// spawn additional circles.
function C(x, y, X, Y, r, cc){
// if this circle does not fit in the rectangle, BAIL
if(X-r < 0 || X+r > x || Y-r < 0 || Y+r > y)
return cc;
// if this circle is too close to another circle, BAIL
for(var c in cc){
if( Math.sqrt(Math.pow(cc[c].x - X, 2) + Math.pow(cc[c].y - Y, 2)) < (r*2) )
return cc;
// checks passed so lets call this circle valid and add it to stack
cc.push({"x": X, "y": Y});
// now rotate to try to find additional spots for circles
var a = 0; // radian for rotation
while(a < Math.PI){
XX = Math.cos(a)*r*2 + X;
YY = Math.sin(a)*r*2 + Y;
cc = C(x, y, XX, YY, r, cc);
return cc;
// this function slowly reduces the radius
// and checks for correct solutions
// also prints svg graphic code
(function B(x, y, n){
var r = x + y; // pick a big radius
var X, Y; // these are the coords of the current circle. golf by combining this with `var r..`?
var cc = []; // array of coordinates of the circles
// while we cant fit n circles, reduce the radius and try again
while(cc.length < n){
X = Y = r;
cc = C(x, y, X, Y, r, []);
console.log('Highest possible radius: ' + Math.round(r*100)/100);
var s = '<svg width="' + x + '" height="' + y + '"><rect width="' + x + '" height="' + y + '" style="fill:red" />';
for(var c in cc){
console.log('Circle '+c+' Focus: (' + Math.round(cc[c].x*100)/100 + ', ' + Math.round(cc[c].y*100)/100 + ')');
s += '<circle cx="' + cc[c].x + '" cy="' + cc[c].y + '" r="' + r + '" fill="blue" />';
s += '</svg>';
})(150, 150, 5);