C - 319 348 baris
Ini adalah terjemahan yang kurang lebih langsung dari program Postscript saya ke C. Tentu saja penggunaan stack diganti dengan variabel eksplisit. Bidang instruksi dipecah menjadi variabel o
- byte instruksi opcode, d
- bidang arah, w
- bidang lebar. Jika ini adalah instruksi "mod-reg-r / m", byte mr-rm dibaca struct rm r
. Decoding bidang reg dan r / m hasil dalam dua langkah: menghitung pointer ke data dan memuat data, menggunakan kembali variabel yang sama. Jadi untuk sesuatu seperti ADD AX,BX
, x pertama adalah penunjuk ke kapak dan y adalah penunjuk ke bx, maka x adalah isinya (kapak) dan y adalah isinya (bx). Ada banyak casting yang diperlukan untuk menggunakan kembali variabel untuk tipe yang berbeda seperti ini.
Bytes opcode diterjemahkan dengan tabel fungsi pointer. Setiap fungsi tubuh disusun menggunakan makro untuk bagian yang dapat digunakan kembali. The DW
makro hadir dalam semua fungsi opcode dan decode d
dan w
variabel dari o
byte opcode. The RMP
makro melakukan tahap pertama decoding "mr-rm" byte, dan LDXY
melakukan tahap kedua. Opcode yang menyimpan hasil menggunakan p
variabel untuk menahan pointer ke lokasi hasil dan z
variabel untuk menyimpan nilai hasil. Bendera dihitung setelah z
nilainya dihitung. The INC
dan DEC
operasi menyimpan membawa bendera sebelum menggunakan generik MATHFLAGS
fungsi (sebagai bagian dari ADD
submacro) dan kembalikan kata penutupnya, untuk menjaga Carry.
Edit: bug diperbaiki!
Edit: diperluas dan dikomentari. Saat trace==0
ini menampilkan perintah ANSI move-to-0,0 saat membuang video. Jadi lebih baik mensimulasikan tampilan yang sebenarnya. Benda BIGENDIAN
(yang bahkan tidak berfungsi) telah dihapus. Itu bergantung di beberapa tempat pada urutan byte little-endian, tapi saya berencana untuk memperbaikinya di revisi berikutnya. Pada dasarnya, semua akses pointer harus melalui get_
dan put_
fungsi - fungsi yang secara eksplisit (de) menyusun byte dalam urutan LE.
#define P printf
#define R return
#define T typedef
T intptr_t I; T uintptr_t U;
T short S; T unsigned short US;
T signed char C; T unsigned char UC; T void V; // to make everything shorter
U o,w,d,f; // opcode, width, direction, extra temp variable (was initially for a flag, hence 'f')
U x,y,z; // left operand, right operand, result
void *p; // location to receive result
UC halt,debug=0,trace=0,reg[28],null[2],mem[0xffff]={ // operating flags, register memory, RAM
1, (3<<6), // ADD ax,ax
1, (3<<6)+(4<<3), // ADD ax,sp
3, (3<<6)+(4<<3), // ADD sp,ax
0xf4 //HLT
// register declaration and initialization
#define H(_)_(al)_(ah)_(cl)_(ch)_(dl)_(dh)_(bl)_(bh)
#define X(_)_(ax) _(cx) _(dx) _(bx) _(sp)_(bp)_(si)_(di)_(ip)_(fl)
#define SS(_)_(cs)_(ds)_(ss)_(es)
#define HD(_)UC*_; // half-word regs declared as unsigned char *
#define XD(_)US*_; // full-word regs declared as unsigned short *
#define HR(_)_=(UC*)(reg+i++); // init and increment by one
#define XR(_)_=(US*)(reg+i);i+=2; // init and increment by two
H(HD)X(XD)SS(XD)V init(){I i=0;H(HR)i=0;X(XR)SS(XR)} // declare and initialize register pointers
enum { CF=1<<0, PF=1<<2, AF=1<<4, ZF=1<<6, SF=1<<7, OF=1<<11 };
#define HP(_)P(#_ ":%02x ",*_); // dump a half-word reg as zero-padded hex
#define XP(_)P(#_ ":%04x ",*_); // dump a full-word reg as zero-padded hex
V dump(){ //H(HP)P("\n");
P("\n"); X(XP)
if(trace)P("%s %s %s %s ",*fl&CF?"CA":"NC",*fl&OF?"OV":"NO",*fl&SF?"SN":"NS",*fl&ZF?"ZR":"NZ");
P("\n"); // ^^^ crack flag bits into strings ^^^
// get and put into memory in a strictly little-endian format
I get_(void*p,U w){R w? *(UC*)p + (((UC*)p)[1]<<8) :*(UC*)p;}
V put_(void*p,U x,U w){ if(w){ *(UC*)p=x; ((UC*)p)[1]=x>>8; }else *(UC*)p=x; }
// get byte or word through ip, incrementing ip
UC fetchb(){ U x = get_(mem+(*ip)++,0); if(trace)P("%02x(%03o) ",x,x); R x; }
US fetchw(){I w=fetchb();R w|(fetchb()<<8);}
T struct rm{U mod,reg,r_m;}rm; // the three fields of the mod-reg-r/m byte
rm mrm(U m){ R(rm){ (m>>6)&3, (m>>3)&7, m&7 }; } // crack the mrm byte into fields
U decreg(U reg,U w){ // decode the reg field, yielding a uintptr_t to the register (byte or word)
if (w)R (U)((US*[]){ax,cx,dx,bx,sp,bp,si,di}[reg]);
else R (U)((UC*[]){al,cl,dl,bl,ah,ch,dh,bh}[reg]); }
U rs(US*x,US*y){ R get_(x,1)+get_(y,1); } // fetch and sum two full-words
U decrm(rm r,U w){ // decode the r/m byte, yielding uintptr_t
U x=(U[]){rs(bx,si),rs(bx,di),rs(bp,si),rs(bp,di),get_(si,1),get_(di,1),get_(bp,1),get_(bx,1)}[r.r_m];
switch(r.mod){ case 0: if (r.r_m==6) R (U)(mem+fetchw()); break;
case 1: x+=fetchb(); break;
case 2: x+=fetchw(); break;
case 3: R decreg(r.r_m,w); }
R (U)(mem+x); }
// opcode helpers
// set d and w from o
#define DW if(trace){ P("%s:\n",__func__); } \
d=!!(o&2); \
// fetch mrm byte and decode, setting x and y as pointers to args and p ptr to dest
#define RMP rm r=mrm(fetchb());\
x=decreg(r.reg,w); \
y=decrm(r,w); \
if(trace>1){ P("x:%d\n",x); P("y:%d\n",y); } \
// fetch x and y values from x and y pointers
#define LDXY \
x=get_((void*)x,w); \
y=get_((void*)y,w); \
if(trace){ P("x:%d\n",x); P("y:%d\n",y); }
// normal mrm decode and load
#define RM RMP LDXY
// immediate to accumulator
#define IA x=(U)(p=w?(UC*)ax:al); \
x=get_((void*)x,w); \
// flags set by logical operators
#define LOGFLAGS *fl=0; \
*fl |= ( (z&(w?0x8000:0x80)) ?SF:0) \
| ( (z&(w?0xffff:0xff))==0 ?ZF:0) ;
// additional flags set by math operators
#define MATHFLAGS *fl |= ( (z&(w?0xffff0000:0xff00)) ?CF:0) \
| ( ((z^x)&(z^y)&(w?0x8000:0x80)) ?OF:0) \
| ( ((x^y^z)&0x10) ?AF:0) ;
// store result to p ptr
#define RESULT \
if(trace)P(w?"->%04x ":"->%02x ",z); \
// operators, composed with helpers in the opcode table below
// most of these macros will "enter" with x and y already loaded with operands
#define PUSH(x) put_(mem+(*sp-=2),*(x),1)
#define POP(x) *(x)=get_(mem+(*sp+=2)-2,1)
#define ADC x+=(*fl&CF); ADD
#define SBB d?y+=*fl&CF:(x+=*fl&CF); SUB
#define CMP p=null; SUB
#define AND z=x&y; LOGFLAGS RESULT
#define OR z=x|y; LOGFLAGS RESULT
#define XOR z=x^y; LOGFLAGS RESULT
#define INC(r) w=1; d=1; p=(V*)r; x=(S)*r; y=1; f=*fl&CF; ADD *fl=(*fl&~CF)|f;
#define DEC(r) w=1; d=1; p=(V*)r; x=(S)*r; y=1; f=*fl&CF; SUB *fl=(*fl&~CF)|f;
#define F(f) !!(*fl&f)
#define J(c) U cf=F(CF),of=F(OF),sf=F(SF),zf=F(ZF); y=(S)(C)fetchb(); \
if(trace)P("<%d> ", c); \
#define JN(c) J(!(c))
#define IMM(a,b) rm r=mrm(fetchb()); \
p=(void*)(y=decrm(r,w)); \
a \
x=w?fetchw():fetchb(); \
b \
d=0; \
y=get_((void*)y,w); \
if(trace){ P("x:%d\n",x); P("y:%d\n",y); } \
if(trace){ P("%s ", (C*[]){"ADD","OR","ADC","SBB","AND","SUB","XOR","CMP"}[r.reg]); } \
switch(r.reg){case 0:ADD break; \
case 1:OR break; \
case 2:ADC break; \
case 3:SBB break; \
case 4:AND break; \
case 5:SUB break; \
case 6:XOR break; \
case 7:CMP break; }
#define IMMIS IMM(w=0;,w=1;x=(S)(C)x;)
#define XCHG f=x;z=y; LDXY if(w){*(US*)f=y;*(US*)z=x;}else{*(UC*)f=y;*(UC*)z=x;}
#define MOV z=d?y:x; RESULT
#define MOVSEG
#define LEA RMP z=((UC*)y)-mem; RESULT
#define NOP
#define AXCH(r) x=(U)ax; y=(U)(r); w=1; XCHG
#define CBW *ax=(S)(C)*al;
#define CWD z=(I)(S)*ax; *dx=z>>16;
#define CALL x=w?fetchw():(S)(C)fetchb(); PUSH(ip); (*ip)+=(S)x;
#define WAIT
#define PUSHF PUSH(fl)
#define POPF POP(fl)
#define SAHF x=*fl; y=*ah; x=(x&~0xff)|y; *fl=x;
#define LAHF *ah=(UC)*fl;
#define mMOV if(d){ x=get_(mem+fetchw(),w); if(w)*ax=x; else*al=x; } \
else { put_(mem+fetchw(),w?*ax:*al,w); }
#define MOVS
#define CMPS
#define STOS
#define LODS
#define SCAS
#define iMOVb(r) (*r)=fetchb();
#define iMOVw(r) (*r)=fetchw();
#define RET(v) POP(ip); if(v)*sp+=v*2;
#define LES
#define LDS
#define iMOVm if(w){iMOVw((US*)y)}else{iMOVb((UC*)y)}
#define fRET(v) POP(cs); RET(v)
#define INT(v)
#define INT0
#define IRET
#define Shift rm r=mrm(fetchb());
#define AAM
#define AAD
#define XLAT
#define ESC(v)
#define LOOPNZ
#define LOOPZ
#define LOOP
#define JCXZ
#define IN
#define OUT
#define INv
#define OUTv
#define JMP x=fetchw(); *ip+=(S)x;
#define sJMP x=(S)(C)fetchb(); *ip+=(S)x;
#define FARJMP
#define LOCK
#define REP
#define REPZ
#define HLT halt=1
#define CMC *fl=(*fl&~CF)|((*fl&CF)^1);
#define NOT
#define NEG
#define MUL
#define IMUL
#define DIV
#define IDIV
#define Grp1 rm r=mrm(fetchb()); \
y=decrm(r,w); \
if(trace)P("%s ", (C*[]){}[r.reg]); \
switch(r.reg){case 0: TEST; break; \
case 2: NOT; break; \
case 3: NEG; break; \
case 4: MUL; break; \
case 5: IMUL; break; \
case 6: DIV; break; \
case 7: IDIV; break; }
#define Grp2 rm r=mrm(fetchb()); \
y=decrm(r,w); \
if(trace)P("%s ", (C*[]){"INC","DEC","CALL","CALL","JMP","JMP","PUSH"}[r.reg]); \
switch(r.reg){case 0: INC((S*)y); break; \
case 1: DEC((S*)y); break; \
case 2: CALL; break; \
case 3: CALL; break; \
case 4: *ip+=(S)y; break; \
case 5: JMP; break; \
case 6: PUSH((S*)y); break; }
#define CLC *fl=*fl&~CF;
#define STC *fl=*fl|CF;
#define CLI
#define STI
#define CLD
#define STD
// opcode table
// An x-macro table of pairs (a, b) where a becomes the name of a void function(void) which
// implements the opcode, and b comprises the body of the function (via further macro expansion)
#define OP(_)\
/*dw:bf wf bt wt */ \
_(addbf, RM ADD) _(addwf, RM ADD) _(addbt, RM ADD) _(addwt, RM ADD) /*00-03*/\
_(addbi, IA ADD) _(addwi, IA ADD) _(pushes, PUSH(es)) _(popes, POP(es)) /*04-07*/\
_(orbf, RM OR) _(orwf, RM OR) _(orbt, RM OR) _(orwt, RM OR) /*08-0b*/\
_(orbi, IA OR) _(orwi, IA OR) _(pushcs, PUSH(cs)) _(nop0, ) /*0c-0f*/\
_(adcbf, RM ADC) _(adcwf, RM ADC) _(adcbt, RM ADC) _(adcwt, RM ADC) /*10-13*/\
_(adcbi, IA ADC) _(adcwi, IA ADC) _(pushss, PUSH(ss)) _(popss, POP(ss)) /*14-17*/\
_(sbbbf, RM SBB) _(sbbwf, RM SBB) _(sbbbt, RM SBB) _(sbbwt, RM SBB) /*18-1b*/\
_(sbbbi, IA SBB) _(sbbwi, IA SBB) _(pushds, PUSH(ds)) _(popds, POP(ds)) /*1c-1f*/\
_(andbf, RM AND) _(andwf, RM AND) _(andbt, RM AND) _(andwt, RM AND) /*20-23*/\
_(andbi, IA AND) _(andwi, IA AND) _(esseg, ) _(daa, ) /*24-27*/\
_(subbf, RM SUB) _(subwf, RM SUB) _(subbt, RM SUB) _(subwt, RM SUB) /*28-2b*/\
_(subbi, IA SUB) _(subwi, IA SUB) _(csseg, ) _(das, ) /*2c-2f*/\
_(xorbf, RM XOR) _(xorwf, RM XOR) _(xorbt, RM XOR) _(xorwt, RM XOR) /*30-33*/\
_(xorbi, IA XOR) _(xorwi, IA XOR) _(ssseg, ) _(aaa, ) /*34-37*/\
_(cmpbf, RM CMP) _(cmpwf, RM CMP) _(cmpbt, RM CMP) _(cmpwt, RM CMP) /*38-3b*/\
_(cmpbi, IA CMP) _(cmpwi, IA CMP) _(dsseg, ) _(aas, ) /*3c-3f*/\
_(incax, INC(ax)) _(inccx, INC(cx)) _(incdx, INC(dx)) _(incbx, INC(bx)) /*40-43*/\
_(incsp, INC(sp)) _(incbp, INC(bp)) _(incsi, INC(si)) _(incdi, INC(di)) /*44-47*/\
_(decax, DEC(ax)) _(deccx, DEC(cx)) _(decdx, DEC(dx)) _(decbx, DEC(bx)) /*48-4b*/\
_(decsp, DEC(sp)) _(decbp, DEC(bp)) _(decsi, DEC(si)) _(decdi, DEC(di)) /*4c-4f*/\
_(pushax, PUSH(ax)) _(pushcx, PUSH(cx)) _(pushdx, PUSH(dx)) _(pushbx, PUSH(bx)) /*50-53*/\
_(pushsp, PUSH(sp)) _(pushbp, PUSH(bp)) _(pushsi, PUSH(si)) _(pushdi, PUSH(di)) /*54-57*/\
_(popax, POP(ax)) _(popcx, POP(cx)) _(popdx, POP(dx)) _(popbx, POP(bx)) /*58-5b*/\
_(popsp, POP(sp)) _(popbp, POP(bp)) _(popsi, POP(si)) _(popdi, POP(di)) /*5c-5f*/\
_(nop1, ) _(nop2, ) _(nop3, ) _(nop4, ) _(nop5, ) _(nop6, ) _(nop7, ) _(nop8, ) /*60-67*/\
_(nop9, ) _(nopA, ) _(nopB, ) _(nopC, ) _(nopD, ) _(nopE, ) _(nopF, ) _(nopG, ) /*68-6f*/\
_(jo, J(of)) _(jno, JN(of)) _(jb, J(cf)) _(jnb, JN(cf)) /*70-73*/\
_(jz, J(zf)) _(jnz, JN(zf)) _(jbe, J(cf|zf)) _(jnbe, JN(cf|zf)) /*74-77*/\
_(js, J(sf)) _(jns, JN(sf)) _(jp, ) _(jnp, ) /*78-7b*/\
_(jl, J(sf^of)) _(jnl_, JN(sf^of)) _(jle, J((sf^of)|zf)) _(jnle,JN((sf^of)|zf))/*7c-7f*/\
_(immb, IMM(,)) _(immw, IMM(,)) _(immb1, IMM(,)) _(immis, IMMIS) /*80-83*/\
_(testb, RM TEST) _(testw, RM TEST) _(xchgb, RMP XCHG) _(xchgw, RMP XCHG) /*84-87*/\
_(movbf, RM MOV) _(movwf, RM MOV) _(movbt, RM MOV) _(movwt, RM MOV) /*88-8b*/\
_(movsegf, RM MOVSEG) _(lea, LEA) _(movsegt, RM MOVSEG) _(poprm,RM POP((US*)p))/*8c-8f*/\
_(nopH, ) _(xchgac, AXCH(cx)) _(xchgad, AXCH(dx)) _(xchgab, AXCH(bx)) /*90-93*/\
_(xchgasp, AXCH(sp)) _(xchabp, AXCH(bp)) _(xchgasi, AXCH(si)) _(xchadi, AXCH(di)) /*94-97*/\
_(cbw, CBW) _(cwd, CWD) _(farcall, ) _(wait, WAIT) /*98-9b*/\
_(pushf, PUSHF) _(popf, POPF) _(sahf, SAHF) _(lahf, LAHF) /*9c-9f*/\
_(movalb, mMOV) _(movaxw, mMOV) _(movbal, mMOV) _(movwax, mMOV) /*a0-a3*/\
_(movsb, MOVS) _(movsw, MOVS) _(cmpsb, CMPS) _(cmpsw, CMPS) /*a4-a7*/\
_(testaib, IA TEST) _(testaiw, IA TEST) _(stosb, STOS) _(stosw, STOS) /*a8-ab*/\
_(lodsb, LODS) _(lodsw, LODS) _(scasb, SCAS) _(scasw, SCAS) /*ac-af*/\
_(movali, iMOVb(al)) _(movcli, iMOVb(cl)) _(movdli, iMOVb(dl)) _(movbli, iMOVb(bl)) /*b0-b3*/\
_(movahi, iMOVb(ah)) _(movchi, iMOVb(ch)) _(movdhi, iMOVb(dh)) _(movbhi, iMOVb(bh)) /*b4-b7*/\
_(movaxi, iMOVw(ax)) _(movcxi, iMOVw(cx)) _(movdxi, iMOVw(dx)) _(movbxi, iMOVw(bx)) /*b8-bb*/\
_(movspi, iMOVw(sp)) _(movbpi, iMOVw(bp)) _(movsii, iMOVw(si)) _(movdii, iMOVw(di)) /*bc-bf*/\
_(nopI, ) _(nopJ, ) _(reti, RET(fetchw())) _(retz, RET(0)) /*c0-c3*/\
_(les, LES) _(lds, LDS) _(movimb, RMP iMOVm) _(movimw, RMP iMOVm) /*c4-c7*/\
_(nopK, ) _(nopL, ) _(freti, fRET(fetchw())) _(fretz, fRET(0)) /*c8-cb*/\
_(int3, INT(3)) _(inti, INT(fetchb())) _(int0, INT(0)) _(iret, IRET) /*cc-cf*/\
_(shiftb, Shift) _(shiftw, Shift) _(shiftbv, Shift) _(shiftwv, Shift) /*d0-d3*/\
_(aam, AAM) _(aad, AAD) _(nopM, ) _(xlat, XLAT) /*d4-d7*/\
_(esc0, ESC(0)) _(esc1, ESC(1)) _(esc2, ESC(2)) _(esc3, ESC(3)) /*d8-db*/\
_(esc4, ESC(4)) _(esc5, ESC(5)) _(esc6, ESC(6)) _(esc7, ESC(7)) /*dc-df*/\
_(loopnz, LOOPNZ) _(loopz, LOOPZ) _(loop, LOOP) _(jcxz, JCXZ) /*e0-e3*/\
_(inb, IN) _(inw, IN) _(outb, OUT) _(outw, OUT) /*e4-e7*/\
_(call, w=1; CALL) _(jmp, JMP) _(farjmp, FARJMP) _(sjmp, sJMP) /*e8-eb*/\
_(invb, INv) _(invw, INv) _(outvb, OUTv) _(outvw, OUTv) /*ec-ef*/\
_(lock, LOCK) _(nopN, ) _(rep, REP) _(repz, REPZ) /*f0-f3*/\
_(hlt, HLT) _(cmc, CMC) _(grp1b, Grp1) _(grp1w, Grp1) /*f4-f7*/\
_(clc, CLC) _(stc, STC) _(cli, CLI) _(sti, STI) /*f8-fb*/\
_(cld, CLD) _(std, STD) _(grp2b, Grp2) _(grp2w, Grp2) /*fc-ff*/
#define OPF(a,b)void a(){DW b;} // generate opcode function
#define OPN(a,b)a, // extract name
OP(OPF)void(*tab[])()={OP(OPN)}; // generate functions, declare and populate fp table with names
V clean(C*s){I i; // replace unprintable characters in 80-byte buffer with spaces
s[i]=' ';
V video(){I i; // dump the (cleaned) video memory to the console
C buf[81]="";
memcpy(buf, mem+0x8000+i*80, 80),
static I ct; // timer memory for period video dump
V run(){while(!halt){if(trace)dump();
if(!ct--){ct=10; video();}
V dbg(){
C c;
if(!ct--){ct=10; video();}
//scanf("%c", &c);
//case '\n':
//case 's':
I load(C*f){struct stat s; FILE*fp; // load a file into memory at address zero
R (fp=fopen(f,"rb"))
&& fstat(fileno(fp),&s) || fread(mem,s.st_size,1,fp); }
I main(I c,C**v){
if(c>1){ // if there's an argument
load(v[1]); // load named file
*sp=0x100; // initialize stack pointer
if(debug) dbg(); // if debugging, debug
else run(); // otherwise, just run
video(); // dump final video
R 0;} // remember what R means? cf. line 9
Menggunakan makro untuk tahapan berbagai operasi membuat pertandingan semantik yang sangat dekat dengan cara kode postscript beroperasi secara murni berurutan. Sebagai contoh, empat opcodes pertama, 0x00-0x03 adalah semua instruksi ADD dengan arah yang berbeda-beda (REG -> REG / MOD, REG <- REG / MOD) dan ukuran byte / kata, sehingga mereka direpresentasikan sama persis di tabel fungsi .
_(addbf, RM ADD) _(addwf, RM ADD) _(addbt, RM ADD) _(addwt, RM ADD)
Tabel fungsi dipakai dengan makro ini:
yang berlaku OPF()
untuk setiap representasi opcode. OPF()
didefinisikan sebagai:
#define OPF(a,b)void a(){DW b;} // generate opcode function
Jadi, empat opcodes pertama berkembang (sekali) ke:
void addbf(){ DW RM ADD ; }
void addwf(){ DW RM ADD ; }
void addbt(){ DW RM ADD ; }
void addwt(){ DW RM ADD ; }
Fungsi-fungsi ini membedakan diri mereka sendiri dengan hasil DW
makro yang menentukan arah dan bit byte / kata langsung dari byte opcode. Memperluas tubuh dari salah satu fungsi ini (sekali) menghasilkan:
if(trace){ P("%s:\n",__func__); } // DW: set d and w from o
RMP LDXY // RM: normal mrm decode and load
Di mana loop utama telah menetapkan o
Memperluas sekali lagi memberikan semua "daging" opcode:
// DW: set d and w from o
if(trace){ P("%s:\n",__func__); }
// RMP: fetch mrm byte and decode, setting x and y as pointers to args and p ptr to dest
rm r=mrm(fetchb());
if(trace>1){ P("x:%d\n",x); P("y:%d\n",y); }
// LDXY: fetch x and y values from x and y pointers
if(trace){ P("x:%d\n",x); P("y:%d\n",y); }
z=x+y; // ADD
// LOGFLAGS: flags set by logical operators
*fl |= ( (z&(w?0x8000:0x80)) ?SF:0)
| ( (z&(w?0xffff:0xff))==0 ?ZF:0) ;
// MATHFLAGS: additional flags set by math operators
*fl |= ( (z&(w?0xffff0000:0xff00)) ?CF:0)
| ( ((z^x)&(z^y)&(w?0x8000:0x80)) ?OF:0)
| ( ((x^y^z)&0x10) ?AF:0) ;
// RESULT: store result to p ptr
if(trace)P(w?"->%04x ":"->%02x ",z);
Dan fungsi yang sepenuhnya diproses sebelumnya, melewati indent
addbf ()
if (trace)
printf ("%s:\n", __func__);
d = ! !(o & 2);
w = o & 1;
rm r = mrm (fetchb ());
x = decreg (r.reg, w);
y = decrm (r, w);
if (trace > 1)
printf ("x:%d\n", x);
printf ("y:%d\n", y);
p = d ? (void *) x : (void *) y;
x = get_ ((void *) x, w);
y = get_ ((void *) y, w);
if (trace)
printf ("x:%d\n", x);
printf ("y:%d\n", y);
z = x + y;
*fl = 0;
*fl |=
((z & (w ? 0x8000 : 0x80)) ? SF : 0) | ((z & (w ? 0xffff : 0xff)) ==
0 ? ZF : 0);
*fl |=
((z & (w ? 0xffff0000 : 0xff00)) ? CF : 0) |
(((z ^ x) & (z ^ y) & (w ? 0x8000 : 0x80)) ? OF : 0) |
(((x ^ y ^ z) & 0x10) ? AF : 0);
if (trace)
printf (w ? "->%04x " : "->%02x ", z);
put_ (p, z, w);;
Bukan gaya C terbaik untuk penggunaan sehari-hari, tetapi menggunakan makro dengan cara ini tampaknya cukup sempurna untuk membuat implementasi di sini sangat singkat dan sangat langsung.
Keluaran program uji, dengan ekor keluaran jejak:
43(103) incbx:
ax:0020 cx:0015 dx:0190 bx:0065 sp:1000 bp:0000 si:0000 di:00c2 ip:013e fl:0000 NC NO NS NZ
83(203) immis:
fb(373) 64(144) x:100
CMP ->0001
ax:0020 cx:0015 dx:0190 bx:0065 sp:1000 bp:0000 si:0000 di:00c2 ip:0141 fl:0000 NC NO NS NZ
76(166) jbe:
da(332) <0>
ax:0020 cx:0015 dx:0190 bx:0065 sp:1000 bp:0000 si:0000 di:00c2 ip:0143 fl:0000 NC NO NS NZ
f4(364) hlt:
Hello, world!
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## 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 ##
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## 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361 400 ##
## ##
## 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 ##
## ##
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## ##
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## ##
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Saya membagikan beberapa versi sebelumnya di comp.lang.c tetapi mereka tidak terlalu tertarik.