Terapkan penyelesaian tab


Penyelesaian tab adalah fitur yang berguna yang secara otomatis melengkapi perintah yang ditulis sebagian. Anda akan mengimplementasikannya.

Misalnya, jika perintah yang tersedia adalah ['apply','apple','apple pie','eat'], maka aakan lengkap untuk appl, karena semua perintah yang dimulai dengan ajuga dimulai dengan appl.

Input output

Anda perlu memasukkan string, A, dan satu set string, B.

Anda perlu menampilkan awalan umum terpanjang dari semua B yang dimulai dengan A.

  • Jika tidak ada opsi yang dimulai dengan A, maka kembalikan A
  • Anda dapat mengasumsikan bahwa B adalah kosong, dan bahwa semua string adalah kosong
  • Anda tidak dapat berasumsi bahwa salah satu opsi mulai dengan A, atau awalan umum akan lebih lama dari A
  • Anda bisa menjadi case sensitif atau case sensitif.
  • Anda hanya perlu menangani ASCII yang dapat dicetak
  • Built-in yang secara eksplisit melakukan tugas ini diizinkan

Kasus uji:

'a'       ['apply','apple','apple pie','eat'] => 'appl'
'a'       ['apple pie']                       => 'apple pie'
'apple'   ['eat','dine']                      => 'apple'
'program' ['programa','programb']             => 'program'
'*%a('    ['*%a()-T>','*%a()-T<','@Da^n&']    => '*%a()-T'
'a'       ['abs','absolute','answer']         => 'a'
'a'       ['a','abs']                         => 'a'
'one to'  ['one to one','one to many']        => 'one to '

Perhatikan ruang tambahan pada test case terakhir

Ini adalah , jadi buat jawaban Anda sesingkat mungkin!

Bisakah Anda menambahkan contoh dengan karakter ASCII non-alfabet yang dapat dicetak untuk anak cucu?
Conor O'Brien

Lebih banyak contoh dengan karakter non-alfabet tidak ada salahnya. Saya baru saja menghapus jawaban saya karena saya menyadari bahwa itu rusak dengan input yang mengandung \​atau '.

Tidak yakin bagaimana cara mewakili 'dalam contoh. Jika saya gunakan "untuk string, maka string berbeda dari contoh lainnya.
Nathan Merrill

Itu persis masalah jawaban saya punya. : P



JavaScript (ES6), 75 byte


Penjelasan: Menyaring semua awalan yang cocok, lalu bergabung dengan baris baru dan yang cocok dengan regex yang menemukan awalan umum terpanjang dari semua baris. Jika tidak ada awalan maka regex mengembalikan string kosong dalam hal ini kami hanya mengembalikan string asli.

Anda dapat mengganti e.startsWith(s)dengan e.match("^"+s)untuk byte off Currying akan menghemat yang lain
Shaun H

@ShaunH Saya tidak dapat menggunakan matchASCII yang dapat dicetak dengan sewenang-wenang.

Oh regex yang benar dan karakter kontrol. Anda masih bisa menjilat (s,a)=>kes=>a=>
Shaun H


Jelly , 14 12 byte


Cobalah online! atau verifikasi semua kasus uji .

Bagaimana itu bekerja

ḣJ$€ċÐff\ṪṪȯ  Main link. Left argument: B. Right argument: A

  $€          Convert the two links to the left into a monadic chain and apply it
              to each string s in B.
 J              Generate the indices of s, i.e., [1, ..., len(s)].
ḣ               Head; for each index i, take the first i characters of s.
              This generates the prefixes of all strings in B.
     Ðf       Filter; keep prefixes for which the link to the left returns 1.
   ċ            Count the number of times A appears in the prefixes of that string.
       f\     Do a cumulative (i.e., keeping all intermediate values) reduce by
              filter, keeping only common prefixes. f/ is a more obvious choice,
              but it errors on an empty array, i.e., when A isn't a prefix of any
              string in B.
         Ṫ    Tail; take the last prefix array (if any) or return 0.
          Ṫ   Tail; take the last common prefix (if any) or return 0.
           ȯ  Logical OR (flat); replace 0 with A, leave strings untouched.


Pyth, 14 13 byte

Terima kasih kepada @isaacg untuk -1 byte


Suatu program yang mengambil daftar string, dan kemudian string, pada STDIN dan mencetak hasilnya.

Verifikasi semua kasus uji

Bagaimana itu bekerja

.xe@F/#z._MQz  Program. Inputs: Q, z
        ._MQ   Map prefixes over Q
     /#z       Filter that by count(z)>0, removing the prefixes corresponding to elements
               in Q that do not start with z
   @F          Fold intersection over that. This yields all the common prefixes
  e            Yield the last element of that, giving the longest common prefix, since the
               prefixes are already sorted by length
.x             But if that throws an exception since no elements of Q start with z:
            z  Yield z instead
               Implicitly print



PowerShell v3 +, 112 byte


Mengambil input sebagai string $adan array string $b. Menggunakan -likeoperator untuk mengeluarkan elemen-elemen dari $bitu (case-insensitive) dimulai dengan $a, secara eksplisit melemparkan mereka sebagai array @(...)(karena hasilnya bisa satu pertandingan sebagai skalar, di mana pengindeksan kasus kemudian gagal), dan menyimpan array yang ke dalam $c.

Itu membentuk ifklausa. Jika tidak ada apa-apa di $c(yaitu, tidak ada yang dimulai dengan $a, maka array kosong), kemudian output $adengan else. Jika tidak ...

Kami melemparkan elemen pertama $csebagai char-array dan loop melalui masing-masing elemen, merangkai-string dengan yang sebelumnya $idan menempatkan string pada pipa melalui parens enkapsulasi. Mereka disaring melalui |?{...}( Where-Objectklausa) untuk memverifikasi bahwa .countof $cadalah -equal untuk .counthal-hal $cyang merupakan -likesubstring (yaitu, substring cocok dengan semuanya dalam $ c). Karena kami sedang membangun substring kami dalam urutan terpendek hingga terpanjang, kami membutuhkan [-1]string hasil terakhir .

Uji Kasus

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> $tests=@('a',@('apply','apple','apple pie','eat')),@('a',@('apple pie')),@('apple',@('eat','dine')),@('program',@('programa','programb')),@('one to',@('one to one','one to many')),@('*%a(',@('*%a()-T>', '*%a()-T<', '@Da^n&'))

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> $tests|%{""+$_[0]+" ("+($_[1]-join',')+") -> "+(.\implement-tab-completion.ps1 $_[0] $_[1])}
a (apply,apple,apple pie,eat) -> appl
a (apple pie) -> apple pie
apple (eat,dine) -> apple
program (programa,programb) -> program
one to (one to one,one to many) -> one to 
*%a( (*%a()-T>,*%a()-T<,@Da^n&) -> *%a()-T


Python 2, 122 bytes

s=input();l=[x for x in input()if x[:len(s)]==s]or[s];i=len(l[0])
while len(l)>1:i-=1;l=set(x[:i]for x in l)
print l.pop()

Full program; takes string and list from stdin exactly as given in the examples, except the inputs must be on separate lines.

Verify all test cases

Why l.pop() instead of l[-1]?

@Cyoce Because l is usually a set at that point, which doesn't allow indexing (being unordered). (Fortunately, both sets and lists support pop().)


Perl, 54 bytes

Includes +2 for -Xp (can be combined with -e) and +3 for -i (cannot be combined)

Give dictionary on STDIN and the word after the -i option, e.g.:

perl -ia -Xpe '/^\Q$^I\E.*?(?{$F[$a{$&}++]=$&})^/}{$_=pop@F||$^I'
apple pie

Just the code:



Perl, 61 bytes

Includes +2 for -0p

Run with the first word followed by the dictionary words on STDIN:

apple pie


#!/usr/bin/perl -0p


Python 2, 112 bytes

lambda n,h:[a.pop()for a in[{s[:-i]for s in h if s.find(n)==0}for i in range(-len(`h`),0)]+[{n}]if len(a)==1][0]


Haskell, 67 bytes


The auxiliary function ? finds the longest common prefix of two strings by recursively taking the first character as long as it's the same for both strings and the strings are non-empty.

The main function % first keeps only the strings in the list that start with the given one s, checked by the longest common prefix with s being s. To handle there being no valid competitions, it adds s to an empty result via max. Then, it finds the longest common prefix of those by folding the binary function ?.


Python 2, 75 bytes

import os
lambda s,x:os.path.commonprefix([t for t in x if s<=t<s+'ÿ'])or s

Thanks to @xnor for suggesting the built-in, originally used by @BetaDecay in this answer.

For scoring purposes, ÿ can be replaced with a DEL byte. Test it on Ideone.


D, 88 bytes

S f(S)(S p,S[]q){try p=q.filter!(a=>a.startsWith(p)).fold!commonPrefix;catch{}return p;}


assert(f("a", ["apply","apple","apple pie","eat"]) ==  "appl");

The code simply removes all elements from q that don't start with p, then computes the largest common initial subsequence of the remaining elements.

The templated parameters save us two repetitions of string and one of auto. The exception misuse lets us avoid the temporary variable and conditional that would otherwise be necessary to handle the case where no elements of q start with p.


Python 2, 107 102 bytes

for c in zip(*[t for t in x if s<=t<s+'ÿ']):q/=len(set(c));r+=c[0]*q
print r or s

For scoring purposes, ÿ can be replaced with a DEL byte. Test it on Ideone.

Thanks to @xnor for saving 5 bytes!

With os.path.commonprefix as Beta Decay found, you can have it do the work for you.

Wow, that saves a lot of bytes. Are you sure you don't want to post that yourself?

I wouldn't feel right posting it myself since it's solely Beta Decay's idea combined with your answer.

For your solution, it looks a bit shorter to iterate for c in ... directly and terminate with error after printing like if len(set(c))>1:print r or s;_.

I think that would fail if x is a singleton array.


PHP, 167 160 157 152 bytes


I could save 3 more bytes by assigning variables with preg_grep and preg_quote, but eh.


    // find items in $a that start with $s
    // while the first match is longer than $s
    // and appending the next character of the first match
    // does not change the matches
    // keep appending


PHP, 156 Bytes

with much Help from Titus Thank You

<?foreach($_GET[t]as$v)if(strstr($v,$s=$_GET[s])==$v)$r[]=$z=$v;for(;$i++<strlen($z);){$s=substr($z,0,$i);foreach($r as$x)if($x[$i]!=$z[$i])break 2;}echo$s;

PHP, 199 Bytes

32 Bytes saves by Titus with array_unique

<?foreach($_GET[t]as$v)if(strstr($v,$s=$_GET[s])==$v)$r[]=$v;for(;$i++<strlen($r[0]);$a=[]){foreach($r as$x)$a[]=substr($x,0,$i);if(count($r)==count($a)&count(array_unique($a))<2)$s=$a[0];}echo$s;

I know that the Regex Solution by Titus was shorter till Titus help me to improve my way. Maybe the way I found is interesting for you

1) Replace $z with $s to fix the apple, [eat,dine] case. 2) $l= is obsolete; You don´t use that variable. (-2) 3) $i++<$m is shorter than ++$i<=$m. (-1) 4) substr($x,0,$i); is shorter than str_split($x,$i)[0]. (-3) 5) You can put $r[]=$v inside the strlen. (-5)

6) <2 is shorter than ==1. (-1) 7) You could use strstr in the first loop: strstr($v,$s)==$v. (-3)

Let me rephrase it: 5) You can combine $r[]=$v;$m=max($m,strlen($v)); to $m=max($m,strlen($r[]=$v)); and drop the curlys. This doesn´t touch the condition.

On second thought, you don´t need $m at all. All you need is something that is >= the minimum length of the replacements. The new 5) Replace {$r[]=$v;$m=max($m,strlen($v));} with $r[]=$v;} and <$m with <strlen($r[0]) (-13)

Great! And I just found another golf: 9) $r[]=$z=$v; in the first loop and {$s=substr($z,0,$i);foreach($r as$x)if($x[$i]!=$z[$i])break 2;} for the second (-3)


Retina, 60 bytes


The trailing new line is significant. Takes input as the string on a line and then each word on a separate line (but no trailing newline!). Works in a similar way to my JavaScript answer by matching the longest common prefix of all lines that begin with the string on the first line. If it doesn't find one then it simply deletes all the words.


Scala, 119 bytes

def f(s:String,a:Seq[Char]*)=a filter(_ startsWith s)reduceOption(_ zip _ takeWhile(t=>t._1==t._2)map(_._1))getOrElse s


def tabComplete(input: String, options: Seq[Char]*) = {
  filter((x: String) => x.startsWith(input)).
  reduceOption((x: Seq[Char], y: Seq[Char]) =>
    takeWhile((t: (Char, Char)) => t._1 == t._2).
    map((t: (Char, Char)) => t._1)


def g(s:String,a:Seq[Char]*)= //define a method g with a string and a vararg array of strings as parameter
  a filter(_ startsWith s)    //filter the options to contains only elements starting with the input
  reduceOption(               //if the filtered array is nonempty, reduce it: 
    _ zip _                     //zip two elements together
    takeWhile(t=>t._1==t._2)    //take the tuples while they contain the same char
    map(_._1)                   //take the first element from each tuple
  )getOrElse s                //else return the input


05AB1E, 14 bytes


Try it online or verify all test cases.


ʒ   }           # Filter the (implicit) input-list
 IÅ?            #  Does it start with the (second) input-string
                #   i.e. ["codex","bla","codegolf"] and "c" → ["codex","codegolf"]
     €η         # Then take the prefixes of every remaining string
                #  → [["c","co","cod","code","codex"],
                #     ["c","co","cod","code","codeg","codego","codegol","codegolf"]]
       ø        # Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns
                #  → [["c","c"],["co","co"],["cod","cod"],["code","code"],["codex","codeg"]]
        ʒ }     # Filter:
         Ë      #  Only keep sublists which only contain the same substrings
                #   → [["c","c"],["co","co"],["cod","cod"],["code","code"]]
               # Pair it with the (second implicit) input
                #  → ["c",["c","c"],["co","co"],["cod","cod"],["code","code"]]
                # (workaround if nothing in the input-list starts with the input-string)
            ˜   # Flatten this list
                #  → ["c","c","c","co","co","cod","cod","code","code"]
             θ  # And only leave the last item (which is output implicitly as result)
                #  → "code"


Gaia, 12 bytes


Try it online!

Takes input as B, then A.

e		| eval B as list of strings
 …¦		| take prefixes of each string
   &⊢		| reduce by set intersection
     …		| take list prefixes of each.
      Ė⁇	| Keep only those with A as an element
	_	| flatten
	 +ₔ	| add A to the beginning of the list
	   )	| take the last element
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