Dalam GRASS-GIS versi 7.0 (paket FOSS - tidak hanya freeware), masih versi pengembangan, meskipun sepenuhnya berfungsi dan lebih atau kurang untuk alur kerja produksi siap, ada i.segment . Lebih lanjut tentang modul dan implementasinya dalam halaman GRASS-Wiki khusus (bersama dengan beberapa screenshot contoh ).
Pada kondisi saat ini, modul melakukan (sesuai manual modul):
This segmentation algorithm sequentially examines all current segments in the raster map. The similarity between the current segment and each of its neighbors is calculated according to the given distance formula. Segments will be merged if they meet a number of criteria, including:
1. The pair is mutually most similar to each other (the similarity distance will be smaller than to any other neighbor),
2. The similarity must be lower than the input threshold. The process is repeated until no merges are made during a complete pass.