Saya memiliki masalah yang sama beberapa tahun yang lalu. Saya punya solusi yang tidak memerlukan data LAS yang difilter atau data tambahan lainnya. Jika Anda memiliki akses ke data LiDAR, dan dapat menghasilkan DEMs / DSMs / DHMs (DEM selanjutnya, saya tidak memperdebatkan semantik nomenklatur model permukaan) dari hasil yang berbeda, skrip berikut mungkin berguna.
Script arcpy menelan 3 DEM dan mengeluarkan poligon hutan dan titik pohon. 3 DEM harus memiliki resolusi spasial yang sama (yaitu 1 meter) dan luasan, dan mewakili pengembalian pertama, pengembalian terakhir, dan tanah kosong. Saya memiliki parameter yang sangat spesifik untuk ekstraksi sayuran, tetapi parameternya dapat diubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan lainnya. Saya yakin prosesnya dapat ditingkatkan, karena ini adalah upaya serius pertama saya pada skrip python.
# Name:
# Date: 2013-07-16
# Usage: ArcMap 10.0; Spatial Analyst
# Input: 1 meter DEMs for first returns (DEM1), last returns (DEM2), and bare earth (BE)
# Output: forest polygon (veg with height > 4m) shapefile with holes > 500m removed;
# tree point (veg with height > 4m, crown radius of 9 cells) shapefile
# Notes: Raises error if input raster cell sizes differ
import arcpy, os
from arcpy import env
from import *
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Script arguments
dem1 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) #input Raster Layer, First Return DEM
dem2 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) #input Raster Layer, Last Return DEM
bare_earth = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) #input Raster Layer, Bare Earth DEM
outForest = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) #shapefile
outTree = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) #shapefile
# Make sure cell size of input rasters are same
arcpy.AddMessage("Checking cell sizes...")
dem1Xresult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem1, "CELLSIZEX")
dem1Yresult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem1, "CELLSIZEY")
dem2Xresult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem2, "CELLSIZEX")
dem2Yresult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem2, "CELLSIZEY")
beXresult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(bare_earth, "CELLSIZEX")
beYresult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(bare_earth, "CELLSIZEY")
dem1X = round(float(dem1Xresult.getOutput(0)),4)
dem1Y = round(float(dem1Yresult.getOutput(0)),4)
dem2X = round(float(dem2Xresult.getOutput(0)),4)
dem2Y = round(float(dem2Yresult.getOutput(0)),4)
beX = round(float(beXresult.getOutput(0)),4)
beY = round(float(beYresult.getOutput(0)),4)
if (dem1X == dem1Y == dem2X == dem2Y == beX == beY) == True:
arcpy.AddMessage("Cell sizes match.")
arcpy.AddMessage("Input Raster Cell Sizes:")
arcpy.AddMessage("DEM1: (" + str(dem1X) + "," + str(dem1Y) + ")")
arcpy.AddMessage("DEM2: (" + str(dem2X) + "," + str(dem2Y) + ")")
arcpy.AddMessage(" BE: (" + str(beX) + "," + str(beY) + ")")
raise Exception("Cell sizes do not match.")
# Check map units
dem1_spatial_ref = arcpy.Describe(dem1).spatialReference
dem1_units = dem1_spatial_ref.linearUnitName
dem2_spatial_ref = arcpy.Describe(dem2).spatialReference
dem2_units = dem2_spatial_ref.linearUnitName
bare_earth_spatial_ref = arcpy.Describe(bare_earth).spatialReference
bare_earth_units = bare_earth_spatial_ref.linearUnitName
if (dem1_units == dem2_units == bare_earth_units) == True:
if dem1_units == "Meter":
area = "500 SquareMeters" #Area variable for meter
unit = 1 #meter
elif (dem1_units == "Foot_US") or (dem1_units == "Foot"):
area = "5382 SquareFeet" #Area variable for feet
unit = 3.28084 #feet in meter
raise Exception("Units are not 'Meter', 'Foot_US', or 'Foot'.")
raise Exception("Linear units do not match. Check spatial reference.")
# Local variables:
(workspace, filename) = os.path.split(outForest)
arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
dem1 = Raster(dem1)
dem2 = Raster(dem2)
bare_earth = Raster(bare_earth)
nbr1 = NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL")
nbr2 = NbrRectangle(5, 5, "CELL")
nbr3 = NbrCircle(5, "CELL")
# Give units and multiplier
arcpy.AddMessage("Linear units are " + dem1_units + ". Using multiplier of " + str(unit) + "...")
arcpy.AddMessage("Processing DEMs...")
# Process: Raster Calculator (DEM1 - BE)
ndsm_dem1 = dem1 - bare_earth
# Process: Raster Calculator (DEM1 - DEM2)
d1_d2 = dem1 - dem2
# Process: Raster Calculator
threshold_d1d2 = (d1_d2 > (0.1 * unit)) & (ndsm_dem1 >= (4.0 * unit))
# Process: Focal Statistics (max 3x3)
focal_max1 = FocalStatistics(threshold_d1d2, nbr1, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")
# Process: Focal Statistics (majority 5x5)
focal_majority = FocalStatistics(focal_max1, nbr2, "MAJORITY", "DATA")
# Process: Con
con_ndsm_dem1 = Con(ndsm_dem1 >= (4.0 * unit), focal_majority, focal_max1)
focal_majority = None
focal_max1 = None
# Process: Focal Statistics (min 3x3)
focal_min1 = FocalStatistics(con_ndsm_dem1, nbr1, "MINIMUM", "DATA")
con_ndsm_dem1 = None
# Process: Focal Statistics (min 3x3)
veg_mask = FocalStatistics(focal_min1, nbr1, "MINIMUM", "DATA")
# Process: Focal Statistics (max R5)
focal_max2 = FocalStatistics(ndsm_dem1, nbr3, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")
arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating tree points...")
# Process: Raster Calculator
tree_points = (veg_mask == 1) & (ndsm_dem1 == focal_max2) & (ndsm_dem1 >= (4.0 * unit))
ndsm_dem1 = None
focal_max2 = None
# Process: Raster Calculator
tree_pick = Pick(tree_points == 1, 1)
tree_points = None
# Process: Raster to Polygon
arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(tree_pick, workspace + "\\tree_poly.shp", "SIMPLIFY", "Value")
tree_pick = None
# Process: Feature To Point
arcpy.AddMessage("Writing tree points...")
arcpy.env.workspace = workspace #reset workspace
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True #reset overwrite permission
arcpy.FeatureToPoint_management(workspace + "\\tree_poly.shp", outTree, "CENTROID")
arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating forest polygons...")
# Process: Focal Statistics (max 3x3)
forests = FocalStatistics(veg_mask, nbr1, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")
veg_mask = None
# Process: Raster Calculator
forest_pick = Pick(forests == 1, 1)
# Process: Raster to Polygon
arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(forest_pick, workspace + "\\forest_poly.shp", "SIMPLIFY", "Value")
# Process: Eliminate Holes > 500 sq m (5382 sq ft)
arcpy.AddMessage("Writing forest polygons...")
arcpy.EliminatePolygonPart_management(workspace + "\\forest_poly.shp", outForest, "AREA", area, "0", "CONTAINED_ONLY")
# Clean up
arcpy.AddMessage("Cleaing up...")
arcpy.Delete_management(workspace + "\\tree_poly.shp")
arcpy.Delete_management(workspace + "\\forest_poly.shp")