Proses yang saya selesaikan sejak saya kembali ke sini beberapa kali dan memutuskan untuk meresmikannya.
Ini awalnya dibangun di atas
jawaban Potr Czachur
dan jawaban Matt Briançon , menggunakan South 0.8.4
Langkah 1. Temukan hubungan kunci asing anak
# Caution: This finds OneToOneField and ForeignKey.
# I don't know if this finds all the ways of specifying ManyToManyField.
# Hopefully Django or South throw errors if you have a situation like that.
>>> Cat._meta.get_all_related_objects()
[<RelatedObject: common:toy related to cat>,
<RelatedObject: identity:microchip related to cat>]
Jadi dalam kasus yang diperluas ini, kami telah menemukan model terkait lainnya seperti:
# Inside the "identity" app...
class Microchip(models.Model):
# In reality we'd probably want a ForeignKey, but to show the OneToOneField
identifies = models.OneToOneField(Cat)
Langkah 2. Buat migrasi
# Create the "new"-ly renamed model
# Yes I'm changing the model name in my refactoring too.
python schemamigration specific create_kittycat --auto
# Drop the old model
python schemamigration common drop_cat --auto
# Update downstream apps, so South thinks their ForeignKey(s) are correct.
# Can skip models like Toy if the app is already covered
python schemamigration identity update_microchip_fk --auto
Langkah 3. Kontrol sumber: Komit perubahan sejauh ini.
Jadikan ini proses yang lebih berulang jika Anda mengalami konflik gabungan seperti rekan satu tim menulis migrasi pada aplikasi yang diperbarui.
Langkah 4. Tambahkan dependensi di antara migrasi.
Pada dasarnya create_kittycat
tergantung pada keadaan saat ini dari segalanya, dan semuanya kemudian tergantung pada create_kittycat
# create_kittycat
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
depends_on = (
# Original model location
('common', 'the_one_before_drop_cat'),
# Foreign keys to models not in original location
('identity', 'the_one_before_update_microchip_fk'),
# drop_cat
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
depends_on = (
('specific', 'create_kittycat'),
# update_microchip_fk
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
depends_on = (
('specific', 'create_kittycat'),
Langkah 5. Tabel ganti nama perubahan yang ingin kita buat.
# create_kittycat
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
# Hopefully for create_kittycat you only need to change the following
# 4 strings to go forward cleanly... backwards will need a bit more work.
old_app = 'common'
old_model = 'cat'
new_app = 'specific'
new_model = 'kittycat'
# You may also wish to update the,
# personally, I don't know what its for and
# haven't seen any side effects from skipping it.
def forwards(self, orm):
'%s_%s' % (self.old_app, self.old_model),
'%s_%s' % (self.new_app, self.new_model),
if not db.dry_run:
# For permissions, GenericForeignKeys, etc to work properly after migrating.
# Going forwards, should be no problem just updating child foreign keys
# with the --auto in the other new South migrations
def backwards(self, orm):
'%s_%s' % (self.new_app, self.new_model),
'%s_%s' % (self.old_app, self.old_model),
if not db.dry_run:
# For permissions, GenericForeignKeys, etc to work properly after migrating.
# Going backwards, you probably should copy the ForeignKey
# db.alter_column() changes from the other new migrations in here
# so they run in the correct order.
# Test it! See Step 6 for more details if you need to go backwards.
db.alter_column('common_toy', 'belongs_to_id','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['common.Cat']))
db.alter_column('identity_microchip', 'identifies_id','django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField')(to=orm['common.Cat']))
# drop_cat
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
def forwards(self, orm):
# Remove the db.delete_table(), if you don't at Step 7 you'll likely get
# "django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: table "common_cat" does not exist"
# Leave existing db.alter_column() statements here
db.alter_column('common_toy', 'belongs_to_id','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['specific.KittyCat']))
def backwards(self, orm):
# Copy/paste the auto-generated db.alter_column()
# into the create_kittycat migration if you need backwards to work.
# update_microchip_fk
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
def forwards(self, orm):
# Leave existing db.alter_column() statements here
db.alter_column('identity_microchip', 'identifies_id','django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField')(to=orm['specific.KittyCat']))
def backwards(self, orm):
# Copy/paste the auto-generated db.alter_column()
# into the create_kittycat migration if you need backwards to work.
Langkah 6. Hanya jika Anda perlu mundur () untuk bekerja DAN mendapatkan KeyError berjalan mundur.
# the_one_before_create_kittycat
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
# You many also need to add more models to South's FakeORM if you run into
# more KeyErrors, the trade-off chosen was to make going forward as easy as
# possible, as that's what you'll probably want to do once in QA and once in
# production, rather than running the following many times:
# python migrate specific <the_one_before_create_kittycat>
models = {
# Copied from 'identity' app, 'update_microchip_fk' migration
u'identity.microchip': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'Microchip'},
u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}),
'identifies': ('django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField', [], {to=orm['specific.KittyCat']})
Langkah 7. Uji - apa yang berhasil untuk saya mungkin tidak cukup untuk situasi kehidupan nyata Anda :)
python migrate
# If you need backwards to work
python migrate specific <the_one_before_create_kittycat>