Pada 1.10.0 (2018-04-13), Anda memiliki svn shelve
perintah eksperimental . ( TortoiseSVN mendukung perintah ) Ini bukan apa-apa selain penolong untuk menyimpan tambalan dan menerapkan kembali, sehingga ia memiliki batasan yang sama dengan svn diff
+ patch
(yaitu tidak dapat menangani file biner dan mengganti nama). ( Edit : Sepertinya dukungan biner akan hadir di versi 1.11.0 berikutnya )
Sunting ^ 2: Dengan 1.11.0 (dirilis 2018-10-30), file biner didukung . Menyimpan file yang diganti nama tetap tidak didukung. Rak di 1,11 tidak kompatibel dengan rak yang dibuat oleh 1,10.
Sunting ^ 3: Dengan 1.12.0 (dirilis 2019-04-24), Menyalin dan mengganti nama didukung . Rak di 1,12 tidak kompatibel dengan rak yang dibuat oleh versi sebelumnya.
Sunting ^ 4: Tidak ada perubahan di sekitar rak dengan 1.13.0 dan 1.14.0 . Perintah masih ditandai sebagai percobaan dan Anda perlu mendefinisikan SVN_EXPERIMENTAL_COMMANDS=shelf3
untuk mengaktifkan fitur. Sepertinya fitur saat ini tidak tersentuh .
Catatan desain dapat ditemukan di Wiki pengembang .
$ svn x-shelve --help
x-shelve: Move local changes onto a shelf.
usage: x-shelve [--keep-local] SHELF [PATH...]
Save the local changes in the given PATHs to a new or existing SHELF.
Revert those changes from the WC unless '--keep-local' is given.
The shelf's log message can be set with -m, -F, etc.
'svn shelve --keep-local' is the same as 'svn shelf-save'.
The kinds of change you can shelve are committable changes to files and
properties, except the following kinds which are not yet supported:
* copies and moves
* mkdir and rmdir
Uncommittable states such as conflicts, unversioned and missing cannot
be shelved.
To bring back shelved changes, use 'svn unshelve SHELF'.
Shelves are currently stored under <WC>/.svn/experimental/shelves/ .
(In Subversion 1.10, shelves were stored under <WC>/.svn/shelves/ as
patch files. To recover a shelf created by 1.10, either use a 1.10
client to find and unshelve it, or find the patch file and use any
1.10 or later 'svn patch' to apply it.)
The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to change
in the next release, and there is no promise of backward compatibility.
Valid options:
-q [--quiet] : print nothing, or only summary information
--dry-run : try operation but make no changes
--keep-local : keep path in working copy
$ svn x-unshelve --help
x-unshelve: Copy shelved changes back into the WC.
usage: x-unshelve [--drop] [SHELF [VERSION]]
Apply the changes stored in SHELF to the working copy.
SHELF defaults to the newest shelf.
Apply the newest version of the shelf, by default. If VERSION is
specified, apply that version and discard all versions newer than that.
In any case, retain the unshelved version and versions older than that
(unless --drop is specified).
With --drop, delete the entire shelf (like 'svn shelf-drop') after
successfully unshelving with no conflicts.
The working files involved should be in a clean, unmodified state
before using this command. To roll back to an older version of the
shelf, first ensure any current working changes are removed, such as
by shelving or reverting them, and then unshelve the desired version.
Unshelve normally refuses to apply any changes if any path involved is
already modified (or has any other abnormal status) in the WC. With
--force, it does not check and may error out and/or produce partial or
unexpected results.
The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to change
in the next release, and there is no promise of backward compatibility.
Valid options:
--drop : drop shelf after successful unshelve
$ svn help | grep x-
x-shelf-list (x-shelves)