Jika Anda memiliki Ruby di sistem Anda, Anda dapat melakukan ini:
Ini dibuat untuk Rails, tetapi lihat di bawah untuk cara memodifikasinya untuk menjalankannya sendiri.
Anda dapat menggunakan metode ini secara independen dari Rails, dengan menulis skrip wrapper Ruby kecil yang bekerja bersama dengan site_settings.rb dan memperhitungkan jalur-CSS Anda, dan yang dapat Anda hubungi setiap kali Anda ingin membuat ulang CSS Anda (mis. selama startup situs)
Anda dapat menjalankan Ruby di hampir semua sistem operasi, jadi ini seharusnya platform yang independen.
mis. wrapper: generate_CSS.rb (jalankan skrip ini kapan pun Anda perlu membuat CSS Anda)
#/usr/bin/ruby # preferably Ruby 1.9.2 or higher
require './site_settings.rb' # assuming your site_settings file is on the same level
CSS_IN_PATH = File.join( PATH-TO-YOUR-PROJECT, 'css-input-files')
CSS_OUT_PATH = File.join( PATH-TO-YOUR-PROJECT, 'static' , 'stylesheets' )
Site.generate_CSS_files( CSS_IN_PATH , CSS_OUT_PATH )
metode generate_CSS_files di site_settings.rb perlu diubah seperti ini:
module Site
# ... see above link for complete contents
# Module Method which generates an OUTPUT CSS file *.css for each INPUT CSS file *.css.in we find in our CSS directory
# replacing any mention of Color Constants , e.g. #SomeColor# , with the corresponding color code defined in Site::Color
# We will only generate CSS files if they are deleted or the input file is newer / modified
def self.generate_CSS_files(input_path = File.join( Rails.root.to_s , 'public' ,'stylesheets') ,
output_path = File.join( Rails.root.to_s , 'public' ,'stylesheets'))
# assuming all your CSS files live under "./public/stylesheets"
Dir.glob( File.join( input_path, '*.css.in') ).each do |filename_in|
filename_out = File.join( output_path , File.basename( filename_in.sub(/.in$/, '') ))
# if the output CSS file doesn't exist, or the the input CSS file is newer than the output CSS file:
if (! File.exists?(filename_out)) || (File.stat( filename_in ).mtime > File.stat( filename_out ).mtime)
# in this case, we'll need to create the output CSS file fresh:
puts " processing #{filename_in}\n --> generating #{filename_out}"
out_file = File.open( filename_out, 'w' )
File.open( filename_in , 'r' ).each do |line|
if line =~ /^\s*\/\*/ || line =~ /^\s+$/ # ignore empty lines, and lines starting with a comment
while line =~ /#(\w+)#/ do # substitute all the constants in each line
line.sub!( /#\w+#/ , Site::Color.const_get( $1 ) ) # with the color the constant defines
end # if ..
end # def self.generate_CSS_files
end # module Site