Saya tidak bisa menyelesaikan masalah Anda, tetapi saya bisa memberikan saran.
Persyaratan utama Anda adalah: "Dan jangan mendaftar secara otomatis referensi" .....
Jadi, Anda harus terbiasa dengan "item solusi"
Lihat referensi di sini:
Menambahkan item tingkat solusi dalam paket NuGet
Anda harus menulis beberapa voodoo PowerShell untuk mendapatkan salinan dll asli Anda ke dalam rumahnya (sekali lagi, karena Anda TIDAK ingin voodoo auto-add-referensi menyala)
Ini adalah file ps1 yang saya tulis ..... untuk meletakkan file di folder referensi pihak ketiga.
Ada cukup banyak di sana bagi Anda untuk mengetahui cara menyalin dll asli Anda ke beberapa "rumah" ... tanpa harus mulai dari awal.
Sekali lagi, ini bukan serangan langsung, tetapi lebih baik daripada tidak sama sekali.
param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
if ($project -eq $null) {
$project = Get-Project
Write-Host "Start Init.ps1"
The unique identifier for the package. This is the package name that is shown when packages are listed using the Package Manager Console. These are also used when installing a package using the Install-Package command within the Package Manager Console. Package IDs may not contain any spaces or characters that are invalid in an URL.
$separator = " "
$packageNameNoVersion = $package -split $separator | select -First 1
Write-Host "installPath:" "${installPath}"
Write-Host "toolsPath:" "${toolsPath}"
Write-Host "package:" "${package}"
<# Write-Host "project:" "${project}" #>
Write-Host "packageNameNoVersion:" "${packageNameNoVersion}"
Write-Host " "
<# Recursively look for a .sln file starting with the installPath #>
$parentFolder = (get-item $installPath)
do {
$parentFolderFullName = $parentFolder.FullName
$latest = Get-ChildItem -Path $parentFolderFullName -File -Filter *.sln | Select-Object -First 1
if ($latest -ne $null) {
$latestName = $
Write-Host "${latestName}"
if ($latest -eq $null) {
$parentFolder = $parentFolder.parent
while ($parentFolder -ne $null -and $latest -eq $null)
<# End recursive search for .sln file #>
if ( $parentFolder -ne $null -and $latest -ne $null )
<# Create a base directory to store Solution-Level items #>
$thirdPartyReferencesDirectory = $parentFolder.FullName + "\ThirdPartyReferences"
if ((Test-Path -path $thirdPartyReferencesDirectory))
Write-Host "--This path already exists: $thirdPartyReferencesDirectory-------------------"
Write-Host "--Creating: $thirdPartyReferencesDirectory-------------------"
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $thirdPartyReferencesDirectory
<# Create a sub directory for only this package. This allows a clean remove and recopy. #>
$thirdPartyReferencesPackageDirectory = $thirdPartyReferencesDirectory + "\${packageNameNoVersion}"
if ((Test-Path -path $thirdPartyReferencesPackageDirectory))
Write-Host "--Removing: $thirdPartyReferencesPackageDirectory-------------------"
Remove-Item $thirdPartyReferencesPackageDirectory -Force -Recurse
if ((Test-Path -path $thirdPartyReferencesPackageDirectory))
Write-Host "--Creating: $thirdPartyReferencesPackageDirectory-------------------"
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $thirdPartyReferencesPackageDirectory
Write-Host "--Copying all files for package : $packageNameNoVersion-------------------"
Copy-Item $installPath\*.* $thirdPartyReferencesPackageDirectory -recurse
Write-Host "A current or parent folder with a .sln file could not be located."
Write-Host "End Init.ps1"