Pertanyaan ini telah dijawab, tetapi berikut adalah solusi dunia nyata yang memeriksa apakah direktori tersebut ada dan menambahkan angka di akhir jika file teks ada. Saya menggunakan ini untuk membuat file log harian pada layanan Windows yang saya tulis. Saya harap ini membantu seseorang.
// How to create a log file with a sortable date and add numbering to it if it already exists.
public void CreateLogFile()
// filePath usually comes from the App.config file. I've written the value explicitly here for demo purposes.
var filePath = "C:\\Logs";
// Append a backslash if one is not present at the end of the file path.
if (!filePath.EndsWith("\\"))
filePath += "\\";
// Create the path if it doesn't exist.
if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
// Create the file name with a calendar sortable date on the end.
var now = DateTime.Now;
filePath += string.Format("Daily Log [{0}-{1}-{2}].txt", now.Year, now.Month, now.Day);
// Check if the file that is about to be created already exists. If so, append a number to the end.
if (File.Exists(filePath))
var counter = 1;
filePath = filePath.Replace(".txt", " (" + counter + ").txt");
while (File.Exists(filePath))
filePath = filePath.Replace("(" + counter + ").txt", "(" + (counter + 1) + ").txt");
// Note that after the file is created, the file stream is still open. It needs to be closed
// once it is created if other methods need to access it.
using (var file = File.Create(filePath))