ok, saya mengerti, cukup ketik 'brew cask', dan tunggu .....
MyMacBook-Pro: homebrew-core adam $ brew cask ==> Mengetuk homebrew / tong Kloning ke '/ usr / local / Homebrew / Library / Taps / homebrew / homebrew-tong' ... remote: Menyebutkan objek: 3581, selesai. jarak jauh: Menghitung objek: 100% (3581/3581), selesai. jarak jauh: Mengompresi objek: 100% (3573/3573), selesai. jarak jauh: Total 3581 (delta 23), digunakan kembali 578 (delta 6), paket-digunakan kembali 0 Menerima objek: 100% (3581/3581), 1,19 MiB | 18.00 KiB / s, selesai. Menyelesaikan delta: 100% (23/23), selesai. Mengetuk 1 perintah dan 3470 tong (3,586 file, 3,9MB). Homebrew Cask menyediakan alur kerja CLI yang ramah untuk administrasi aplikasi macOS yang didistribusikan sebagai binari.
--cache display the file used to cache the Cask
audit verifies installability of Casks
cat dump raw source of the given Cask to the standard output
create creates the given Cask and opens it in an editor
doctor checks for configuration issues
edit edits the given Cask
fetch downloads remote application files to local cache
home opens the homepage of the given Cask
info displays information about the given Cask
install installs the given Cask
list with no args, lists installed Casks; given installed Casks, lists staged files
outdated list the outdated installed Casks
reinstall reinstalls the given Cask
style checks Cask style using RuboCop
uninstall uninstalls the given Cask
upgrade upgrades all outdated casks
zap zaps all files associated with the given Cask
Lihat juga "man brew-cask"