Saya sudah mencoba beberapa minifiers dan mereka menghapus terlalu sedikit atau terlalu banyak.
Kode ini menghilangkan spasi kosong yang berlebihan dan tag HTML (akhir) opsional. Itu juga memainkannya dengan aman dan tidak menghapus apa pun yang berpotensi memecah HTML, JS atau CSS.
Kode juga menunjukkan cara melakukannya di Zend Framework:
class Application_Plugin_Minify extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract {
public function dispatchLoopShutdown() {
$response = $this->getResponse();
$body = $response->getBody(); //actually returns both HEAD and BODY
//remove redundant (white-space) characters
$replace = array(
//remove tabs before and after HTML tags
'/\>[^\S ]+/s' => '>',
'/[^\S ]+\</s' => '<',
//shorten multiple whitespace sequences; keep new-line characters because they matter in JS!!!
'/([\t ])+/s' => ' ',
//remove leading and trailing spaces
'/^([\t ])+/m' => '',
'/([\t ])+$/m' => '',
// remove JS line comments (simple only); do NOT remove lines containing URL (e.g. 'src=""')!!!
'~//[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$~m' => '',
//remove empty lines (sequence of line-end and white-space characters)
'/[\r\n]+([\t ]?[\r\n]+)+/s' => "\n",
//remove empty lines (between HTML tags); cannot remove just any line-end characters because in inline JS they can matter!
'/\>[\r\n\t ]+\</s' => '><',
//remove "empty" lines containing only JS's block end character; join with next line (e.g. "}\n}\n</script>" --> "}}</script>"
'/}[\r\n\t ]+/s' => '}',
'/}[\r\n\t ]+,[\r\n\t ]+/s' => '},',
//remove new-line after JS's function or condition start; join with next line
'/\)[\r\n\t ]?{[\r\n\t ]+/s' => '){',
'/,[\r\n\t ]?{[\r\n\t ]+/s' => ',{',
//remove new-line after JS's line end (only most obvious and safe cases)
'/\),[\r\n\t ]+/s' => '),',
//remove quotes from HTML attributes that does not contain spaces; keep quotes around URLs!
'~([\r\n\t ])?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)="([a-zA-Z0-9_/\\-]+)"([\r\n\t ])?~s' => '$1$2=$3$4', //$1 and $4 insert first white-space character found before/after attribute
$body = preg_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $body);
//remove optional ending tags (see )
$remove = array(
'</option>', '</li>', '</dt>', '</dd>', '</tr>', '</th>', '</td>'
$body = str_ireplace($remove, '', $body);
Tetapi perhatikan bahwa ketika menggunakan kompresi gZip, kode Anda akan dikompresi lebih banyak sehingga setiap minifikasi dapat melakukannya sehingga menggabungkan minification dan gZip tidak ada gunanya, karena waktu yang disimpan dengan mengunduh hilang oleh minifikasi dan juga menghemat minimum.
Inilah hasil saya (unduh melalui jaringan 3G):
Original HTML: 150kB 180ms download
gZipped HTML: 24kB 40ms
minified HTML: 120kB 150ms download + 150ms minification
min+gzip HTML: 22kB 30ms download + 150ms minification
ob_start(function($b){return preg_replace(['/\>[^\S ]+/s','/[^\S ]+\</s','/(\s)+/s'],['>','<','\\1'],$b);});