Tangani maksud pada startCommand layanan dengan menggunakan.
Panggilan ini akan menghapus layanan dari keadaan latar depan , sehingga memungkinkan untuk dimatikan jika diperlukan lebih banyak memori. Ini tidak menghentikan layanan dari berjalan. Untuk itu, Anda perlu memanggil stopSelf () atau metode terkait.
Passing value true or false ditunjukkan jika Anda ingin menghapus notifikasi atau tidak.
val ACTION_STOP_SERVICE = "stop_service"
override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int {
super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId)
if (ACTION_STOP_SERVICE == intent.action) {
} else {
//Start your task
//Send forground notification that a service will run in background.
return Service.START_NOT_STICKY
Menangani tugas Anda saat dihancurkan dipanggil oleh stopSelf () .
override fun onDestroy() {
//Stop whatever you started
Buat notifikasi untuk menjaga layanan tetap berjalan di latar depan.
//This is from Util class so as not to cloud your service
fun sendServiceNotification(myService: Service) {
val notificationTitle = "Service running"
val notificationContent = "<My app> is using <service name> "
val actionButtonText = "Stop"
//Check android version and create channel for Android O and above
//You can do this on your own
//Build notification
val notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(applicationContext, CHANNEL_ID_SERVICE)
//Add stop button on notification
val pStopSelf = createStopButtonIntent(myService)
notificationBuilder.addAction(R.drawable.ic_location, actionButtonText, pStopSelf)
//Build notification
val notificationManagerCompact = NotificationManagerCompat.from(applicationContext)
notificationManagerCompact.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID_SERVICE, notificationBuilder.build())
val notification = notificationBuilder.build()
//Start notification in foreground to let user know which service is running.
myService.startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID_SERVICE, notification)
//Send notification
notificationManagerCompact.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID_SERVICE, notification)
Berikan tombol stop pada notifikasi untuk menghentikan layanan saat pengguna membutuhkan.
* Function to create stop button intent to stop the service.
private fun createStopButtonIntent(myService: Service): PendingIntent? {
val stopSelf = Intent(applicationContext, MyService::class.java)
stopSelf.action = ACTION_STOP_SERVICE
return PendingIntent.getService(myService, 0,
stopSelf, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT)