Saya memiliki masalah yang sama dan saya telah bereksperimen dengan kode dalam jawaban rycfung , yang merupakan saran yang bagus.
Namun, jika Anda tidak ingin set
model bersarang langsung, atau tidak ingin terus-menerus lulus {parse: true}
dalam options
, pendekatan lain akan mendefinisikan kembali set
itu sendiri.
Dalam Backbone 1.0.0 , set
yang disebut dalam constructor
, unset
, clear
, fetch
dan save
Pertimbangkan model super berikut , untuk semua model yang membutuhkan model bersarang dan / atau koleksi.
/** Compound supermodel */
var CompoundModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
/** Override with: key = attribute, value = Model / Collection */
model: {},
/** Override default setter, to create nested models. */
set: function(key, val, options) {
var attrs, prev;
if (key == null) { return this; }
// Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments.
if (typeof key === 'object') {
attrs = key;
options = val;
} else {
(attrs = {})[key] = val;
// Run validation.
if (options) { options.validate = true; }
else { options = { validate: true }; }
// For each `set` attribute, apply the respective nested model.
if (!options.unset) {
for (key in attrs) {
if (key in this.model) {
if (!(attrs[key] instanceof this.model[key])) {
attrs[key] = new this.model[key](attrs[key]);
}, attrs, options);
if (!(attrs = this.changedAttributes())) { return this; }
// Bind new nested models and unbind previous nested models.
for (key in attrs) {
if (key in this.model) {
if (prev = this.previous(key)) {
this._unsetModel(key, prev);
if (!options.unset) {
this._setModel(key, attrs[key]);
return this;
/** Callback for `set` nested models.
* Receives:
* (String) key: the key on which the model is `set`.
* (Object) model: the `set` nested model.
_setModel: function (key, model) {},
/** Callback for `unset` nested models.
* Receives:
* (String) key: the key on which the model is `unset`.
* (Object) model: the `unset` nested model.
_unsetModel: function (key, model) {}
Perhatikan bahwa model
, _setModel
dan _unsetModel
sengaja dikosongkan. Pada level abstraksi ini, Anda mungkin tidak dapat menentukan tindakan yang wajar untuk callback. Namun, Anda mungkin ingin menimpanya di submodel yang diperluas CompoundModel
Callback tersebut berguna, misalnya, untuk mengikat listener dan menyebarkan change
var Layout = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var Image = CompoundModel.extend({
defaults: function () {
return {
name: "example",
layout: { x: 0, y: 0 }
/** We need to override this, to define the nested model. */
model: { layout: Layout },
initialize: function () {
_.bindAll(this, "_propagateChange");
/** Callback to propagate "change" events. */
_propagateChange: function () {
this.trigger("change:layout", this, this.get("layout"), null);
this.trigger("change", this, null);
/** We override this callback to bind the listener.
* This is called when a Layout is set.
_setModel: function (key, model) {
if (key !== "layout") { return false; }
this.listenTo(model, "change", this._propagateChange);
/** We override this callback to unbind the listener.
* This is called when a Layout is unset, or overwritten.
_unsetModel: function (key, model) {
if (key !== "layout") { return false; }
Dengan ini, Anda memiliki pembuatan model bertingkat otomatis dan penyebaran peristiwa. Penggunaan sampel juga disediakan dan diuji:
function logStringified (obj) {
// Create an image with the default attributes.
// Note that a Layout model is created too,
// since we have a default value for "layout".
var img = new Image();
// Log the image everytime a "change" is fired.
img.on("change", logStringified);
// Creates the nested model with the given attributes.
img.set("layout", { x: 100, y: 100 });
// Writing on the layout propagates "change" to the image.
// This makes the image also fire a "change", because of `_propagateChange`.
img.get("layout").set("x", 50);
// You may also set model instances yourself.
img.set("layout", new Layout({ x: 100, y: 100 }));