Saya mengambil kebebasan untuk mengumpulkan jawaban ke dalam program haskell yang sangat sederhana, yang hanya melalui pencocokan pola mencoba menerjemahkan kode haskell ke dalam bahasa Inggris. Saya menyebutnya letterator
karena menerjemahkan simbol menjadi huruf
-- letterator
main = translateLn <$> getLine >>= putStrLn
translateLn :: String -> String
translateLn = unwords . map t . words
t :: String -> String -- t(ranslate)
-- historical accurate naming
t "=" = "is equal too" -- The Whetstone of Witte - Robert Recorde (1557)
-- proposed namings
-- src
t ">>=" = "bind"
t "*>" = "then"
t "->" = "to" -- a -> b: a to b
t "<$" = "map-replace by" -- 0 <$ f: "f map-replace by 0"
t "<*>" = "ap(ply)" -- (as it is the same as Control.Monad.ap)
t "!!" = "index"
t "!" = "index/strict" -- a ! b: "a index b", foo !x: foo strict x
t "<|>" = "or/alternative" -- expr <|> term: "expr or term"
t "[]" = "empty list"
t ":" = "cons"
t "\\" = "lambda"
t "@" = "as" -- go ll@(l:ls): go ll as l cons ls
t "~" = "lazy" -- go ~(a,b): go lazy pair a, b
-- t ">>" = "then"
-- t "<-" = "bind" -- (as it desugars to >>=)
-- t "<$>" = "(f)map"
-- t "$" = "" -- (none, just as " " [whitespace])
-- t "." = "pipe to" -- a . b: "b pipe-to a"
-- t "++" = "concat/plus/append"
-- t "::" = "ofType/as" -- f x :: Int: f x of type Int
-- additional names
-- src
t "|" = "such that"
t "<-" = "is drawn from"
t "::" = "is of type"
t "_" = "whatever"
t "++" = "append"
t "=>" = "implies"
t "." = "compose"
t "<=<" = "left fish"
-- t "=" = "is defined as"
-- t "<$>" = "(f)map"
-- src
t "$" = "of"
-- src
t ">>" = "sequence"
-- t "<$>" = "infix fmap"
-- t ">>=" = "bind"
-- Examples --
-- "(:) <$> Just 3 <*> Just [4]"
-- meaning "Cons applied to just three applied to just list with one element four"
t "(:)" = "Cons"
t "Just" = "just"
t "<$>" = "applied to"
t "3" = "three" -- this is might go a bit too far
t "[4]" = "list with one element four" -- this one too, let's just see where this gets us
-- additional expressions to translate from
-- src
-- delete (0, 0) $ (,) <$> [-1..1] <*> [-1..1]
-- (,) <$> [-1..1] <*> [-1..1] & delete (0, 0)
-- liftA2 (,) [-1..1] [-1..1] & delete (0, 0)
t "(,)" = "tuple constructor"
t "&" = "then" -- flipped `$`
-- everything not matched until this point stays at it is
t x = x