Saya membuat aplikasi yang mengunduh semua pustaka dokumen di Situs SP, tetapi pada satu titik itu memberi saya kesalahan ini (saya mencoba melihat google tetapi tidak dapat menemukan apa pun, sekarang jika ada yang tahu trik untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini, silakan tanggapi jika tidak terima kasih untuk melihatnya)
System.IO.PathTooLongException: Path yang ditentukan, nama file, atau keduanya terlalu panjang. Nama file yang memenuhi syarat harus kurang dari 260 karakter, dan nama direktori harus kurang dari 248 karakter. di System.IO.Path.NormalizePathFast (Jalur string, Boolean fullCheck) di System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal (jalur string) di System.IO.FileStream.Init (Jalur string, mode FileMode, akses FileAccess, hak Int32, Boolean useRights , Berbagi FileShare, Int32 bufferSize, opsi FileOptions, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy) di System.IO.FileStream..ctor (jalur String, mode FileMode, akses FileAccess, berbagi FileShare, Int32 bufferSize, opsi FileOptions) di Sistem. IO.File.Create (Jalur string)
itu mencapai batas untuk string, Kode diberikan di bawah ini,
#region Downloading Schemes
private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TreeNode currentNode = tvWebs.SelectedNode;
SPObjectData objectData = (SPObjectData)currentNode.Tag;
using (SPWeb TopLevelWeb = objectData.Web)
if(TopLevelWeb != null)
dwnEachWeb(TopLevelWeb, TopLevelWeb.Title, tbDirectory.Text);
catch (Exception ex)
Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception caught when tried to pass TopLevelWeb:{1}, Title = {2}, object data to (dwnEachWeb_method), Exception: {0}", ex.ToString(), objectData.Web, objectData.Title));
private void dwnEachWeb(SPWeb TopLevelWeb, string FolderName, string CurrentDirectory)
if (TopLevelWeb != null)
if (TopLevelWeb.Webs != null)
CurrentDirectory = CurrentDirectory + "\\" + TopLevelWeb.Title;
foreach (SPWeb ChildWeb in TopLevelWeb.Webs)
dwnEachWeb(ChildWeb, ChildWeb.Title, CurrentDirectory);
dwnEachList(TopLevelWeb, CurrentDirectory);
//dwnEachList(TopLevelWeb, FolderName, CurrentDirectory);
private void dwnEachList(SPWeb oWeb, string CurrentDirectory)
foreach (SPList oList in oWeb.Lists)
if (oList is SPDocumentLibrary && !oList.Hidden)
dwnEachFile(oList.RootFolder, CurrentDirectory);
private void dwnEachFile(SPFolder oFolder, string CurrentDirectory)
if (oFolder.Files.Count != 0)
CurrentDirectory = CurrentDirectory + "\\" + oFolder.Name;
foreach (SPFile ofile in oFolder.Files)
if (CreateDirectoryStructure(CurrentDirectory, ofile.Url))
var filepath = System.IO.Path.Combine(CurrentDirectory, ofile.Url);
byte[] binFile = ofile.OpenBinary();
System.IO.FileStream fstream = System.IO.File.Create(filepath);
fstream.Write(binFile, 0, binFile.Length);
//creating directory where files will be download
private bool CreateDirectoryStructure(string baseFolder, string filepath)
if (!Directory.Exists(baseFolder)) return false;
var paths = filepath.Split('/');
for (var i = 0; i < paths.Length - 1; i++)
baseFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(baseFolder, paths[i]);
return true;
//creating folders
private bool CreateFolder(string CurrentDirectory)
if (!Directory.Exists(CurrentDirectory))
return true;
//shorting string