Jika Anda tidak ingin membuat hardcode proyek pengujian unit Anda, Anda lebih baik menulis skrip untuk mengambil semua dll proyek Unit Test Anda. Kami melakukannya dengan Powershell dan mengikuti konvensi khusus untuk penamaan Proyek Pengujian Unit kami. Berikut adalah konten file PowerShell yang menjalankan pengujian unit kami:
[string] $sourceDirectory = $env:WORKSPACE
, $fileFilters = @("*.UnitTests.dll", "*_UnitTests.dll", "*UnitTests.dll")
, [string]$filterText = "*\bin\Debug*"
#script that executes all unit tests available.
$nUnitLog = Join-Path $sourceDirectory "UnitTestResults.txt"
$nUnitErrorLog = Join-Path $sourceDirectory "UnitTestErrors.txt"
Write-Host "Source: $sourceDirectory"
Write-Host "NUnit Results: $nUnitLog"
Write-Host "NUnit Error Log: $nUnitErrorLog"
Write-Host "File Filters: $fileFilters"
Write-Host "Filter Text: $filterText"
$cFiles = ""
$nUnitExecutable = "C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.3\bin\nunit-console-x86.exe"
# look through all subdirectories of the source folder and get any unit test assemblies. To avoid duplicates, only use the assemblies in the Debug folder
[array]$files = get-childitem $sourceDirectory -include $fileFilters -recurse | select -expand FullName | where {$_ -like $filterText}
foreach ($file in $files)
$cFiles = $cFiles + $file + " "
# set all arguments and execute the unit console
$argumentList = @("$cFiles", "/framework:net-4.5", "/xml=UnitTestResults.xml")
$unitTestProcess = start-process -filepath $nUnitExecutable -argumentlist $argumentList -wait -nonewwindow -passthru -RedirectStandardOutput $nUnitLog -RedirectStandardError $nUnitErrorLog
if ($unitTestProcess.ExitCode -ne 0)
"Unit Test Process Exit Code: " + $unitTestProcess.ExitCode
"See $nUnitLog for more information or $nUnitErrorLog for any possible errors."
"Errors from NUnit Log File ($nUnitLog):"
Get-Content $nUnitLog | Write-Host
$exitCode = $unitTestProcess.ExitCode
exit $exitCode
Skripnya cukup kuat sehingga kami digunakan kembali untuk semua pekerjaan build kami. Jika Anda tidak menyukai jalur lengkap ke konsol NUnit, Anda selalu dapat meletakkan lokasi itu di variabel lingkungan PATH Anda.
Kemudian kami meletakkan file RunUnitTests.ps1 di server build kami dan menggunakan perintah batch ini:
powershell.exe -file "{full-path-to-script-direcory}\RunUnitTests.ps1"