Ada beberapa (sangat jarang) kasus di mana ada risiko:
menggunakan kembali variabel yang tidak dimaksudkan untuk digunakan kembali (lihat contoh 1),
atau menggunakan variabel bukan yang lain, tutup semantik (lihat contoh 2).
Contoh 1:
var data = this.InitializeData();
if (this.IsConsistent(data, this.state))
this.ETL.Process(data); // Alters original data in a way it couldn't be used any longer.
// ...
foreach (var flow in data.Flows)
// This shouldn't happen: given that ETL possibly altered the contents of `data`, it is
// not longer reliable to use `data.Flows`.
Contoh 2:
var userSettingsFile = SettingsFiles.LoadForUser();
var appSettingsFile = SettingsFiles.LoadForApp();
if (someCondition)
userSettingsFile.ParseAndApply(); // There is a mistake here: `userSettingsFile` was maybe
// destroyed. It's `appSettingsFile` which should have
// been used instead.
Risiko ini dapat dikurangi dengan memperkenalkan ruang lingkup:
Contoh 1:
// There is no `foreach`, `if` or anything like this before `{`.
var data = this.InitializeData();
if (this.IsConsistent(data, this.state))
// ...
// A few lines later, we can't use `data.Flows`, because it doesn't exist in this scope.
Contoh 2:
var userSettingsFile = SettingsFiles.LoadForUser();
if (someCondition)
var appSettingsFile = SettingsFiles.LoadForApp();
// `userSettingsFile` is out of scope. There is no risk to use it instead of
// `appSettingsFile`.
Apakah itu terlihat salah? Apakah Anda akan menghindari sintaksis seperti itu? Apakah sulit dipahami oleh pemula?