Terima kasih banyak amuba untuk wawasan tentang bobot baris. Saya tahu bahwa ini bukan stackoverflow, tetapi saya mengalami beberapa kesulitan untuk menemukan implementasi PCA berbobot baris dengan penjelasan dan, karena ini adalah salah satu hasil pertama ketika googling untuk PCA tertimbang, saya pikir akan lebih baik untuk melampirkan solusi saya , mungkin bisa membantu orang lain dalam situasi yang sama. Dalam cuplikan kode Python2 ini, PCA yang diberi bobot dengan kernel RBF seperti yang dijelaskan di atas digunakan untuk menghitung garis singgung dari dataset 2D. Saya akan sangat senang mendengar tanggapan!
def weighted_pca_regression(x_vec, y_vec, weights):
Given three real-valued vectors of same length, corresponding to the coordinates
and weight of a 2-dimensional dataset, this function outputs the angle in radians
of the line that aligns with the (weighted) average and main linear component of
the data. For that, first a weighted mean and covariance matrix are computed.
Then u,e,v=svd(cov) is performed, and u * f(x)=0 is solved.
input_mat = np.stack([x_vec, y_vec])
weights_sum = weights.sum()
# Subtract (weighted) mean and compute (weighted) covariance matrix:
mean_x, mean_y = weights.dot(x_vec)/weights_sum, weights.dot(y_vec)/weights_sum
centered_x, centered_y = x_vec-mean_x, y_vec-mean_y
matrix_centered = np.stack([centered_x, centered_y])
weighted_cov = matrix_centered.dot(np.diag(weights).dot(matrix_centered.T)) / weights_sum
# We know that v rotates the data's main component onto the y=0 axis, and
# that u rotates it back. Solving u.dot([x,0])=[x*u[0,0], x*u[1,0]] gives
# f(x)=(u[1,0]/u[0,0])x as the reconstructed function.
u,e,v = np.linalg.svd(weighted_cov)
return np.arctan2(u[1,0], u[0,0]) # arctan more stable than dividing
# Define the kernel and make an ellipse to perform regression on:
rbf = lambda vec, stddev: np.exp(-0.5*np.power(vec/stddev, 2))
x_span = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 31)+0.1
data_x = np.cos(x_span)[:-1]*20-1000
data_y = np.sin(x_span)[:-1]*10+5000
data_xy = np.stack([data_x, data_y])
stddev = 1 # a stddev of 1 in this context is highly local
for center in data_xy.T:
# weight the points based on their euclidean distance to the current center
euclidean_distances = np.linalg.norm(data_xy.T-center, axis=1)
weights = rbf(euclidean_distances, stddev)
# get the angle for the regression in radians
p_grad = weighted_pca_regression(data_x, data_y, weights)
# plot for illustration purposes
line_x = np.linspace(-5,5,10)
line_y = np.tan(p_grad)*line_x
plt.plot(line_x+center[0], line_y+center[1], c="r")
Dan output sampel (melakukan hal yang sama untuk setiap titik):