Strategi pertama: optimalkan fungsi itu sendiri
Seharusnya menggandakan kecepatan
Public Function Yield(Name As String, Price As Double)
Dim Lookup As Range, rw As Integer
Set Lookup = Range("LookupRange")
rw = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Name, Lookup.Resize(ColumnSize:=1), 0)
Yield = 100 * Application.Run("otherCustomFunction", Lookup.Cells(rw, 3), Lookup.Cells(rw, 7), Price)
End Function
Ini karena Anda hanya mencari rentang dengan nama "LookupRange" sekali bukan dua kali dan Anda hanya mencari garis yang tepat satu kali, bukan dua kali.
Strategi kedua: ambil rentang hanya sekali di muka
Mungkin 4 kali lebih cepat
Jika kita mengambil rentang dalam kode yang menggunakan yield
fungsi, kita hanya perlu melakukannya sekali
Public Function Yield(Lookup As Range, Name As String, Price As Double)
rw = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Name, Lookup.Resize(ColumnSize:=1), 0)
Yield = 100 * Application.Run("otherCustomFunction", Lookup.Cells(rw, 3), Lookup.Cells(rw, 7), Price)
End Function
Public Sub CallingRoutine()
Dim Lookup As Range, rw As Integer
Set Lookup = Range("LookupRange")
' Some code
For Each someItem In someSet
Dim amount As Double, Name As String, Price As Double
' Some code to deter;ine name and price
amount = Yield(Lookup, Name, Price)
' Some code that used the yield
Next someThing
End Sub
Ada varian dari strategi ini di mana Anda menyatakan Pencarian di luar semua rutinitas, seperti yang saya lakukan dengan kamus di bawah ini ..
Strategi ketiga: Masukkan semua nilai yang relevan dalam kamus
Urutan besarnya lebih cepat jika Anda menelepon Yield
SANGAT sering.
- Anda mencari rentang bernama
- Anda meminta semua nilai dari excel sekaligus
- Anda mencari
s dalam kamus, yang jauh lebih efisien daripada mencari dalam kisaran
Ini kodenya:
Public Function Yield(Name As String, Price As Double)
If LookDict Is Nothing Then
Set LookDict = New Dictionary
Dim LookVal As Variant, rw As Integer, ToUse As ToUseType
LookVal = Range("LookupRange").Value
For rw = LBound(LookVal, 1) To UBound(LookVal, 1)
Set ToUse = New ToUseType
ToUse.Row3Val = LookVal(rw, 3)
ToUse.Row7Val = LookVal(rw, 7)
LookDict.Add LookVal(rw, 1), ToUse
Next rw
End If
Set ToUse = LookDict.Item(Name)
Yield = 100 * Application.Run("otherCustomFunction", _
ToUse.Row3Val, ToUse.Row7Val, Price)
End Function
Public Sub CallingRoutine()
' Some code
For Each someItem In someSet
Dim amount As Double, Name As String, Price As Double
' Some code to deter;ine name and price
amount = Yield(Name, Price)
' Some code that used the yield
Next someThing
End Sub