Secara tidak langsung berkat JakeGould saya stumbled atas satu solusi: zsh-capture-completion
. Sebenarnya ada dua lainnya pertanyaan yang hampir identik pada situs Unix Stack Exchange, baik dengan jawaban yang saya berikan di sini.
Kode sumber skrip untuk zsh-capture-completion
dapat ditemukan di sini:
zmodload zsh/zpty || { echo 'error: missing module zsh/zpty' >&2; exit 1 }
# spawn shell
zpty z zsh -f -i
# line buffer for pty output
local line
setopt rcquotes
() {
zpty -w z source $1
repeat 4; do
zpty -r z line
[[ $line == ok* ]] && return
echo 'error initializing.' >&2
exit 2
} =( <<< '
# no prompt!
# load completion system
autoload compinit
compinit -d ~/.zcompdump_capture
# never run a command
bindkey ''^M'' undefined
bindkey ''^J'' undefined
bindkey ''^I'' complete-word
# send a line with null-byte at the end before and after completions are output
null-line () {
echo -E - $''\0''
compprefuncs=( null-line )
comppostfuncs=( null-line exit )
# never group stuff!
zstyle '':completion:*'' list-grouped false
# don''t insert tab when attempting completion on empty line
zstyle '':completion:*'' insert-tab false
# no list separator, this saves some stripping later on
zstyle '':completion:*'' list-separator ''''
# we use zparseopts
zmodload zsh/zutil
# override compadd (this our hook)
compadd () {
# check if any of -O, -A or -D are given
if [[ ${@[1,(i)(-|--)]} == *-(O|A|D)\ * ]]; then
# if that is the case, just delegate and leave
builtin compadd "$@"
return $?
# ok, this concerns us!
# echo -E - got this: "$@"
# be careful with namespacing here, we don''t want to mess with stuff that
# should be passed to compadd!
typeset -a __hits __dscr __tmp
# do we have a description parameter?
# note we don''t use zparseopts here because of combined option parameters
# with arguments like -default- confuse it.
if (( $@[(I)-d] )); then # kind of a hack, $+@[(r)-d] doesn''t work because of line noise overload
# next param after -d
# description can be given as an array parameter name, or inline () array
if [[ $__tmp == \(* ]]; then
eval "__dscr=$__tmp"
__dscr=( "${(@P)__tmp}" )
# capture completions by injecting -A parameter into the compadd call.
# this takes care of matching for us.
builtin compadd -A __hits -D __dscr "$@"
setopt localoptions norcexpandparam extendedglob
# extract prefixes and suffixes from compadd call. we can''t do zsh''s cool
# -r remove-func magic, but it''s better than nothing.
typeset -A apre hpre hsuf asuf
zparseopts -E P:=apre p:=hpre S:=asuf s:=hsuf
# append / to directories? we are only emulating -f in a half-assed way
# here, but it''s better than nothing.
integer dirsuf=0
# don''t be fooled by -default- >.>
if [[ -z $hsuf && "${${@//-default-/}% -# *}" == *-[[:alnum:]]#f* ]]; then
# just drop
[[ -n $__hits ]] || return
# this is the point where we have all matches in $__hits and all
# descriptions in $__dscr!
# display all matches
local dsuf dscr
for i in {1..$#__hits}; do
# add a dir suffix?
(( dirsuf )) && [[ -d $__hits[$i] ]] && dsuf=/ || dsuf=
# description to be displayed afterwards
(( $#__dscr >= $i )) && dscr=" -- ${${__dscr[$i]}##$__hits[$i] #}" || dscr=
echo -E - $IPREFIX$apre$hpre$__hits[$i]$dsuf$hsuf$asuf$dscr
# signal success!
echo ok')
zpty -w z "$*"$'\t'
integer tog=0
# read from the pty, and parse linewise
while zpty -r z; do :; done | while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ $line == *$'\0\r' ]]; then
(( tog++ )) && return 0 || continue
# display between toggles
(( tog )) && echo -E - $line
return 2
Berikut ini adalah contoh penggunaan skrip:
══► % cd ~/.zsh_plugins
══► % zsh ./zsh-capture-completion/capture.zsh 'cd '
Perhatikan karakter spasi dalam perintah di atas. Dengan spasi skrip menyediakan daftar folder yang dapat Anda cd
masuki dari direktori saat ini. Tanpanya script akan menyediakan semua penyelesaian untuk sebuah perintah yang dimulai dengan cd
Saya juga harus mencatat bahwa bahkan penulis script / plugin yang disediakan menganggap solusinya "hacky". Jika ada yang tahu solusi yang lebih pendek atau lebih lurus saya akan senang menerimanya sebagai jawabannya.