Penyangga Notebook Jupyter


Notebook mulai macet terus menerus dan terminal terus menunjukkan Starting Buffering. Masalah notebook atau masalah browser? Silakan lihat bagian bawah log ...

Todds-iMac: album tfox2791 $ jupyter notebook [I 19: 46: 05.183 NotesApp] [nb_conda_kernels] diaktifkan, 4 kernel ditemukan [I 19: 46: 05.601 NotebookApp] [jupyter_nbextensions_configurator] diaktifkan 0.4.0 [I 19: 46: 05.628 NotebookApp] ] JupyterLab ekstensi pratinjau beta dimuat dari / Pengguna / tfox2791/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jupyterlab [I 19: 46: 05.628 NotebookApp] Direktori aplikasi JupyterLab adalah / Pengguna / tfox2791 / anaconda3 / share / jupyter / lab [I 19: 46: 06.459 NotebookApp] [nb_anacondacloud] diaktifkan [I 19: 46: 06.463 NotebookApp] [nb_conda] diaktifkan [I 19: 46: 06.530 NotebookApp] ✓ nbpresent ekspor HTML ENABLED [W 19: 46: 06.531 NotebookApp] ✗ nbpresent ekspor PDF DISABLED: Tidak ada modul bernama 'nbbrowserpdf' [I 19: 46: 06.531 NotebookApp] Melayani notebook dari direktori lokal: / Pengguna / tfox2791/Desktop/SMOX/Todd/HTML/bootstrap-4.1.0/docs/4.1 / contoh / album [I 19: 46: 06.531 NotebookApp] Notebook Jupyter berjalan di: [I 19: 46: 06.531 NotebookApp]http: // localhost: 8888 /? token = 5ff7f38cddf6e583895ddd252c996a68e273b6fb748b87ee [I 19: 46: 06.531 NotebookApp] Gunakan Control-C untuk menghentikan server ini dan mematikan semua kernel (dua kali untuk melewatkan konfirmasi). [C 19: 46: 06.535 NotebookApp]

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[W 19: 46: 19.513 NotebookApp] 404 MENDAPATKAN /nbextensions/nbpresent/css/nbpresent.min.css (:: 1) referer 7.11ms = http: // localhost: 8888 / notebooks / Bokeh% 20SFPD.ipynb [I 19 : 46: 19.758 NotebookApp] Kernel dimulai: 984eadc3-190e-4ebd-90ce-6bd9ef07a621 [W 19: 46: 19.809 NotebookApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/nbpresent/js/nbpresent.deps.min.js.js (:: 1) Referer 1,57ms = http: // localhost: 8888 / notebooks / Bokeh% 20SFPD.ipynb [I 19: 46: 20.361 NotebookApp] Beradaptasi dengan protokol v5.1 untuk kernel 984eadc3-190e-4ebd-90ce-6bd9ef07a621 [I 19: 47: 42.909 NotebookApp] Memulai buffering untuk 984eadc3-190e-4ebd-90ce-6bd9ef074487487487 I 19: 50: 22.351 NotebookApp] Beradaptasi dengan protokol v5.1 untuk kernel 984eadc3-190e-4ebd-90ce-6bd9ef07a621 [W 19: 50: 22.382 NotebookApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/nbpresent/css/nbpresent.min.css (: : 1) referer 2.70ms = http: // localhost: 8888 / notebooks / Bokeh% 20SFPD.ipynb [W 19: 50: 22.451 NotebookApp] 404 GET /nbextensions/nbpresent/js/nbpresent.deps.min.js.js ( :: 1) referer 1.66ms = http: // localhost: 8888 / notebooks / Bokeh% 20SFPD.ipynb [I 19: 51: 33.958 NotebookApp] Menyimpan file di / Bokeh SFPD.ipynb [I 19: 52: 22.129 NotebookApp] Mulai buffering untuk 984eadc3-190e-4ebd-90ce-6bd9ef07a621: 46984153d6de4e5db8646f00edf2168f

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