Itu membuat file temp, secara default di direktori target dan dinamai .<FILE_NAME>.<RANDOM_STRING>
. Jadi, jika Anda menyalin foo.txt
, itu akan membuat file tmp disebut .foo.txt.GV4H3
( GV4H3
adalah string acak yang akan berbeda setiap kali Anda menjalankannya). Anda dapat mengontrol perilaku ini menggunakan rsync
opsi ini :
By default, rsync will delete any partially transferred
file if the transfer is interrupted. In some circum‐
stances it is more desirable to keep partially trans‐
ferred files. Using the --partial option tells rsync to
keep the partial file which should make a subsequent
transfer of the rest of the file much faster.
A better way to keep partial files than the --partial
option is to specify a DIR that will be used to hold
the partial data (instead of writing it out to the des‐
tination file). On the next transfer, rsync will use a
file found in this dir as data to speed up the resump‐
tion of the transfer and then delete it after it has
served its purpose.
Silakan baca bagian-bagian yang relevan dari rsync
halaman manual (berikut ini hanya kutipan kecil dari bagian besar tentang cara menggunakan --partial-dir