Perbedaan antara konteks tugas dan konteks proses di kernel Linux


Saya sedang membaca Dokumen kernel Linux dan ditemukan di beberapa tempat, mereka menggunakan konteks tugas dan konteks proses.

linux/Documentation$ grep -R "task context" .
./driver-model/driver.txt:147:The probe() entry is called in task context, with the     bus's rwsem locked
./DocBook/device-drivers.tmpl:429:  this writing all such functions are usable only from task context.
./gpio.txt:141:a task context.  However, for spinlock-safe GPIOs it's OK to use them
./gpio.txt:258:a task context.  However, for spinlock-safe GPIOs it's OK to request GPIOs
./PCI/pci-error-recovery.txt:134:shouldn't do any new IOs. Called in task context. This is sort of a

linux/Documentation$ grep -R "process context" .
./spinlocks.txt:110:manipulated from a "process context", ie no interrupts involved. 
./dma-buf-sharing.txt:286:   atomic dma_buf kmaps at the same time (in any given process context).
./DocBook/kernel-locking.tmpl:508:          If you are in a process context (any syscall) and want to
./DocBook/lsm.tmpl:152:have no process context (e.g. network input operations).

Saya mengerti perbedaan antara konteks proses dan konteks irq, tetapi AFAIK, proses dan tugas tidak jauh berbeda di Linux (saya kira saya jelas salah). Adakah yang bisa menyadarkan saya?



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