Tidak yakin OS apa yang Anda gunakan, tetapi ada skrip linux bernama ' tayangan slide dvd ' Dibutuhkan file teks instruksi sebagai input, tetapi memungkinkan untuk penambahan gambar, slide judul, efek transisi dan beberapa track audio dengan mudah. Format file teks adalah dasar. 1 perintah per baris, #
baris adalah komentar.
Ada yang disebut juga terkait dir2slonton . Jika Anda ingin membuat cepat dan; DVD kotor dari semua gambar dalam direktori, Anda bisa melakukan ini:
dir2slideshow -n "Thanksgiving 2009" <Your images directory>
dvd-slideshow memberi Anda kontrol penuh atas setiap gambar atau efek secara individual. Sebagai contoh:
dvd-slideshow [-n <slideshow name>] [-o <output directory>] [-b <background jpeg>] [-a <audiofile1> -a <audiofile2> -a <audiofileN>] [-p] [-L] [-H] [-mp2] [-r] [-smp] -f <input text file>
-F menentukan perintah yang menyediakan semua instruksi untuk program.
Produk jadi adalah semua file yang Anda perlu berikan ke pembakar standar untuk membuat dvd. Ada beberapa contoh sederhana dari untuk membantu Anda memulai - seperti ini:
# simple example with fades
# instead of specifying the background image on the command-line
# it's often easier to do it in this text file:
# background:duration:subtitle:image
# a duration of 0 means to set the image, but don't display it.
# Titles are put in the center:
title:5:My title
# The titlebar type of title has two titles, one on top and one lower:
titlebar:5:My top title:My lower title
# there are simple transitions that you can use:
# fadein, fadeout, and crossfade. They all fade to/from whatever
# background you're using. Syntax is:
# fadein:duration:subtitle
# you can add a subtitle during the transition, but it's optional
# use a backslash to escape a colon ':' in the subtitles.
# use '\n' to force a newline (only two subtitle lines supported now).
picture1.jpg:4:Picture 1 is so cool\:\nI can't believe how cool it really is.
# fadeout is similar:
# fadeout:duration:subtitle
fadeout:2:Fading out
# it's possible to specify a new title slide in the middle of the slideshow:
titlebar:4::Panoramas # note this just has the bottom title specified.
# crossfade works similar to fadein/fadeout
# crossfade:duration:subtitle
pano.jpg:4:Cool panorama picture
# now let's change the background color:
# syntax is background:duration:subtitle:image
# where you can use "black" or "white" or "#RRGGBB
# as the image name also.
# or
picture1.jpg:4:Picture 1 is so cool. I can't believe how cool it really is.
# it often looks nice to end the slideshow with a fadeout to the
# background instead of just stopping the video quickly:
background:2:This is the background
# note that the background is black now...