Saya mendapat nilai Number1 dan Number2 seperti yang saya inginkan dengan Kode berikut:
File input (C: \ intest.txt)
Data1, 1, 2, ...etc
Data2, 3, 4, ...etc
Data100, 200, 300, ...etc
Data Excel (Lembar 1)
[A1] = 100, [B1] = 200
[A2] = 300, [B2] = 400
[A100] = 2000, [B100] = 3000
Sub ButtonClick()
strPath = "C:\intest.txt"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strPath)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
strLine = objFile.ReadLine
'※1 means Start Position of Num1
intNum1Cnt = (InStr(※1, strLine, ",")) - ※1 'Count of Number1 of Data1:1
dblNum1 = Mid(strLine , ※1, intNum1Cnt ) 'Value of Number1 of Data1:1
dblExcelNum1 = GetValue1() 'Value of [A1]:100
dblSumNum1 = dblNum1 + dblExcelNum1 'Sum:101
'Replace dblSumNum1 to dblNum1 in OutputFile
'※2 means Start Position of Num2
※2 = ※1 + intValue1Cnt + 1
intNum2Cnt = InStr(※2, strLine, ",") - ※2 'Count of Number2 of Data1:1
dblNum2 = Mid(strLine, ※2, intNum2Cnt) 'Value of Number2 of Data1:2
dblExcelNum2 = GetValue2() 'Value of [B1]:200
dblSumNum2 = dblNum2 + dblExcelNum2 'Sum:202
'Replace dblSumNum2 to dblNum2 in OutputFile
End Sub
Function GetValue1() As Double
For i = 1 To 100
strCellValue1 = Sheets(1).Cells(i, 1).Value
GetValue1 = CDbl(strCellValue1)
Next i
End Function
Function GetValue2() As Double
For j = 1 To 100
strCellValue2 = Sheets(1).Cells(j, 2).Value
GetValue2 = CDbl(strCellValue2)
Next j
End Function
File Keluaran (C: \ outtest.txt)
Data1, 101, 202, ...etc
Data2, 303, 404, ...etc
Data100, 2200, 3300, ...etc