Ya, ada banyak jalan modern dan jalan raya - terutama di Italia - yang mengikuti jalan lama. Mereka adalah beberapa pekerja yang sangat rajin - dengan jalan di seluruh Eropa, di atas gunung, melintasi Inggris dan di Timur Tengah dan Afrika!
Pertama, voila, Wikipedia untuk menyelamatkan !
Jalan utama
Via Aemilia, from Rimini (Ariminum) to Placentia
Via Appia, the Appian way (312 BC), from Rome to Apulia
Via Aurelia (241 BC), from Rome to France
Via Cassia, from Rome to Tuscany
Via Flaminia (220 BC), from Rome to Rimini (Ariminum)
Via Salaria, from Rome to the Adriatic Sea (in the Marches)
Via Aemilia Scauri (109 BC)
Via Aquillia, branches off the Appia at Capua to the sea at Vibo
Via Amerina, from Rome to Ameria and Perusia
Via Canalis, from Udine, Gemona and Val Canale to Villach in Carinthia and then over Alps to Salzburg or Vienna
Via Claudia Julia Augusta (13 BC)
Via Claudia Nova (47 AD)
Via Clodia, from Rome to Tuscany forming a system with the Cassia
Via Domitiana, coast road from Naples to Formia
Via Flavia, from Trieste (Tergeste) to Dalmatia
Via Gemina, from Aquileia and Trieste through the Karst to Materija, Obrov, Lipa and Klana, from where, near Rijeka, descending towards Trsat (Tersatica) to continue along the Dalmatian coast
Via Julia Augusta (8 BC), exits Aquileia
Via Labicana, southeast from Rome, forming a system with the Praenestina
Via Ostiensis, from Rome to Ostia
Via Postumia (148 BC), from Verona across the Apennines to Genoa
Via Popilia (132 BC), two distinct roads, one from Capua to Rhegium and the other from Ariminum through the later Veneto region
Via Praenestina, from Rome to Praeneste
Via Schlavonia, from Aquileia across northern Istria to Senj and into Dalmatia
Via Severiana, Terracina to Ostia
Via Tiburtina, from Rome to Aternum
Via Traiana Nova (Italy), from Lake Bolsena to the Via Cassia. Known by archaeology only
Artikel utama: Jalan Romawi di Afrika
Main road: from Sala Colonia to Carthage to Alexandria.
In Egypt: Via Hadriana
In Mauretania Tingitana from Tingis southward (see: Roman roads in Morocco)
Albania / Republik Makedonia / Yunani / Turki
Via Egnatia (146 BC) connecting Dyrrhachium (on Adriatic Sea) to Byzantium via Thessaloniki
Austria / Serbia / Bulgaria / Turki
Via Militaris (Via Diagonalis, Via Singidunum), connecting Middle Europe and Byzantium
Roman road in Cilicia in south Turkey
Di Prancis, jalan Romawi disebut voie romaine dalam bahasa daerah.
Via Agrippa
Via Aquitania, from Narbonne, where it connected to the Via Domitia, to the Atlantic Ocean across Toulouse and Bordeaux
Via Domitia (118 BC), from Nîmes to the Pyrenees, where it joins to the Via Augusta at the Col de Panissars
Voie romaine, extending from Dunkirk to Cassel in Nord Département
Germania Inferior (Jerman, Belgia, Belanda)
Via Belgica (Boulogne-Cologne)
Lower Limes Germanicus
Interconnections between Lower Limes Germanicus and Via Belgica
Timur Tengah
Via Maris
Via Traiana Nova
Petra Roman Road First Century Petra, Jordan
Jalan Romawi di sepanjang Sungai Donau
Trajan's bridge and Iron Gates road.
Via Traiana: Porolissum Napoca Potaissa Apulum road.
Via Pontica: Troesmis Piroboridava Caput Stenarum Apulum Partiscum Lugio
Rumania / Bulgaria
Via Pontica
Spanyol dan Portugal
Iter ab Emerita Asturicam, from Sevilla to Gijón. Later known as Vía de la Plata (plata means "silver" in Spanish, but in this case it is a false cognate of an Arabic word balata), part of the fan of the Way of Saint James. Now it is the A-66 freeway.
Via Augusta, from Cádiz to the Pyrénées, where it joins to the Via Domitia at the Coll de Panissars, near La Jonquera. It passes through Valencia, Tarragona (anciently Tarraco), and Barcelona.
Camiño de Oro, ending in Ourense, capital of the Province of Ourense, passing near the village of Reboledo.
Jalan trans-Alpine
Jalan-jalan ini menghubungkan Italia dan Jerman modern
Via Claudia Augusta (47) from Altinum (now Quarto d'Altino) to Augsburg via the Reschen Pass
Via Mala from Milan to Lindau via the San Bernardino Pass
Via Decia
Jalan trans-Pyrenean
Menghubungkan Hispania dan Gallia:
Ab Asturica Burdigalam
Britania Raya
Artikel utama: jalan Romawi di Inggris
Akeman Street
Camlet Way
Dere Street
Ermine Street
Fen Causeway
Fosse Way
King Street
London-West of England Roman Roads
Peddars Way
Pye Road
Stane Street
Via Devana
Watling Street
Tapi jelas Anda tidak bisa melihat semuanya (yah Anda bisa, tetapi itu akan memakan waktu cukup lama). Jadi mari kita fokus pada yang lebih fantastis atau terkenal. Terutama, Via Appia .

Appia teritur regina longarum viarum
"the Appian way is the queen of the long roads"
Jalan Appian (Latin dan Italia: Via Appia) adalah salah satu jalan Romawi paling awal dan paling strategis dari republik kuno. Itu menghubungkan Roma ke Brindisi, Apulia, di Italia tenggara.
Ini adalah jalan. Sebagian besar masih ada sampai sekarang. Jika Anda mengetahui sejarah Romawi Anda (atau menonton acara TV Starz) - ini adalah jalan di mana Spartacus disalibkan - setelah pemberontakannya, pada 71 SM, 6.000 disalibkan sepanjang Via Appia sepanjang 200 kilometer dari Roma ke Capua.
Ini memiliki Kuil Hercules, katakombe St Sebastian, dan Mausoleum Gallienus - antara lain.
Akhirnya, sementara sumber daya buku mulai lebih berani meminta informasi riwayat daripada informasi perjalanan, saya dapat menawarkan saran berikut:
Ada juga permainan iPhone yang secara longgar didasarkan pada pembangunan ribuan mil jalan, tetapi ini adalah koneksi yang sangat lemah sehingga saya bahkan tidak akan menghargainya dengan memposting tautan;)