Saya akan meringkas sistem dengan cara berikut:
Linux extension |Windows Equivalent |Short description
.so, .o | .dll | Object that can be loaded at runtime (Similar to DLL)
.a | .lib | Static library
[none], .elf(rare),| .exe, .com(rare) | Linux executables
.bin(rare) | |
.sh | .bat | Shell script
.exe | .exe | Mono application, Wine application
.deb | .msi | Installer package for Debian/Ubuntu releases
| | (Though .deb is much more powerful with
| | native support for dependencies and repos). Note that .deb is actually a .ar archive with a special control file, a special file order, and a different extension.
.rpm | .msi | Installer package for RedHat/CentOS releases.
.tar.gz, .tar, .gz | .zip | Compressed files that can contain a program or any other data, like images, documents, etc
.ko | .sys | Drivers and kernel modules are loaded into the Linux kernel and have more hardware access than other programs.
.sh, .php, .py, etc| .bat, .cmd, .vbs, | Linux is capable of running any file that it has an interpreter for.
| .js | A line at the top of the file called the shebang specifies what interpreter to run the file with.
| | Windows only supports .bat and .cmd files as Batch files, and .vbs (vbscript) and .js (JScript, not to be confused with JavaScript) via the Windows Script Host (WSH).
File apa pun yang dimulai dengan #!
(disebut shebang atau hashbang) pada baris pertama hanyalah sebuah skrip. Path setelah shebang adalah path ke program (executable) yang perlu menguraikan skrip, dengan asumsi bahwa izin eksekusi telah ditetapkan pada file dengan chmod a+x filename
Karena itu, jawab pertanyaan awal Anda, tidak ada ekstensi, atau jarang, itu .elf
atau .bin
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