Opsi baris perintah apa yang tersedia untuk Ubuntu One? [Tutup]


Apakah ada tempat saya bisa melihat Command Line Switches untuk Ubuntu One? Saat ini, saya hanya tahu dua: '- diperkecil' dan '--dengan ikon'. Mereka dimasukkan dalam pintasan ketika Ubuntu One diinstal pada mesin Windows saya.

Saya terutama perlu tahu apakah ada yang memulai sinkronisasi file Ubuntu One dari Command Line sehingga saya bisa membuat scheduler kustom. Saya tidak berpikir perbedaan dalam masalah sistem operasi karena semua perintah sejauh ini dikendalikan melalui executable 'ubuntuone-control-panel-qt'. Saya bisa saja salah.



Untuk syncdaemon:

u1sdtool [OPTION]... [ARGS]

  u1sdtool [OPTION]... [ARGS]
   u1sdtool --wait
   u1sdtool --accept-share=SHARE_ID
   u1sdtool --reject-share=SHARE_ID
   u1sdtool --list-shares
   u1sdtool --refresh-shares
   u1sdtool --offer-share PATH USER SHARE_NAME ACCESS_LEVEL
   u1sdtool --list-shared
   u1sdtool --create-folder=PATH
   u1sdtool --delete-folder=FOLDER_ID
   u1sdtool --list-folders
   u1sdtool --subscribe-folder=FOLDER_ID
   u1sdtool --unsubscribe-folder=FOLDER_ID
   u1sdtool --refresh-volumes
   u1sdtool --rescan-from-scratch=VOLUME_ID
   u1sdtool --info=PATH
   u1sdtool --list-dirty-nodes
   u1sdtool --current-transfers
   u1sdtool --quit
   u1sdtool --connect
   u1sdtool --disconnect
   u1sdtool --status
   u1sdtool --waiting
   u1sdtool --waiting-metadata
   u1sdtool --waiting-content
   u1sdtool --start


   --wait Wait until ubuntuone-syncdaemon reachs nirvana

          Accept the share with the specified id

                 The share id, as returned by --list-shares

          Reject the share with the specified id

                 The share id, as returned by --list-shares

          Get the list of shares

          request a refresh of the list of shares to the server

          share PATH to USER.

          PATH   A path of a  directory  or  file  managed  by  ubuntuone-
                 syncdaemon (can't be a path inside a Share)

          USER   The  (short)  username,  that  this  share is going to be

                 The share name, as it's going to be offered to USER

                 The acces level of USER to this share, can be: "View"  or

          List the shared paths/shares offered.

          Create user defined folder in the specified path

          PATH   The  path  of  a  directory  to  be managed by ubuntuone-

          Delete user defined folder identified by FOLDER_ID

                 The folder id, as returned by --list-folders

          List all the user defined folders

          Subscribe to the user defined folder specified by FOLDER_ID

                 The folder id, as returned by --list-folders

          Unsubscribe from the user defined folder specified by FOLDER_ID

                 The folder id, as returned by --list-folders

          Request a refresh of the list of volumes to the server

          Request a rescan from scratch for a volume.

                 The volume id, as returned by --list-folders  or  --list-

          Request the metadata of PATH

          PATH   A  path  of  a  directory  or  file managed by ubuntuone-

          Show the list of nodes marked as 'dirty'

          Show the current uploads and downloads

   --quit Shutdown ubuntuone-syncdaemon

          Connect the syncdaemon

          Disconnect the syncdaemon

          Get the current status of syncdaemon

          Get the operations being executed.

          Get the waiting metadata list (NOTE: This option  is  deprecated
          and will go away shortly)

          Get  the  waiting  content list (NOTE: This option is deprecated
          and will go away shortly)

                 The share id, as returned by --waiting

                 The node id, as returned by --waiting

          Get the free space for a volume.

                 The volume id, as returned by --list-folders  or  --list-

          Start syncdaemon if it's not running

Harap dicatat bahwa pada Windows, ubuntuone-control-panel-qt.exe harus sepenuhnya berjalan sebelum dijalankan u1sdtool.exe .

Sumber: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/u1sdtool.1.html

@ObsessiveFOSS terima kasih. Perintah '--connect' jelas yang paling berguna. Saya akan mencobanya dan melaporkan kembali.

Itu memecahkan masalah saya. Terima kasih banyak. Perlu dicatat untuk klien Windows bahwa Anda harus memiliki "ubuntuone-control-panel-qt.exe" sepenuhnya berjalan sebelum menggunakan "u1sdtool.exe".

@toddimyre Saya jarang menggunakan Windows, maaf atas kelalaian itu.

Tidak masalah. Saya terpental antara dua sistem Windows yang berbeda, dua sistem Ubuntu yang berbeda, dan sistem Mac (di tempat kerja), jadi saya tahu semua tentang perbedaan perbedaan antara sistem.

Bisakah Anda mencatat komentar Windows dalam jawaban Anda, dan juga memeriksa bahwa halaman Precise tidak menunjukkan sakelar tambahan / perubahan dari Lucid? Terima kasih, jawaban yang bagus.
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