Saya telah menginstal Google Chrome dengan file .deb dari
Instalasi tidak masalah tetapi ketika saya membuka melalui terminal dikatakan kode di bawah ini meskipun dibuka sendiri. Dan itu tidak bisa dibuka dari launcher.
Tolong bantu aku
drinkon@drinkon:~$ google-chrome
ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment.
[6662:6662:0918/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process
[6622:6622:0918/] Not implemented reached in void views::DesktopWindowTreeHostX11::MapWindow(ui::WindowShowState)
EDIT: Tidak memberi saya ini:
ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment.
[2647:2647:0922/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process
[2607:2607:0922/] Not implemented reached in void views::DesktopWindowTreeHostX11::MapWindow(ui::WindowShowState)
[2607:2607:0922/182315:ERROR:CONSOLE(26)] "Uncaught Error: Assertion failed", source: chrome://resources/js/util.js (26)
[2607:2818:0922/] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
[2607:2644:0922/] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -21
[2607:2644:0922/] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -106
[2607:2644:0922/] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -21
[2607:2644:0922/] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -106
[2607:2644:0922/] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -106
[2607:2644:0922/] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -106
[2607:2644:0922/] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -106
[2607:2644:0922/] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -106
[2607:2644:0922/] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -106
[2607:2818:0922/] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
[2607:2818:0922/] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
[2607:2818:0922/] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
[2607:2818:0922/] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
[2607:2818:0922/] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
[2607:2818:0922/] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
[2607:2818:0922/] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
[WARNING:flash/platform/pepper/pep_module.cpp(63)] SANDBOXED
dpkg -l libxcursor1