Cara termudah adalah menjalankannya fg
untuk membawanya ke latar depan:
$ help fg
fg: fg [job_spec]
Move job to the foreground.
Place the job identified by JOB_SPEC in the foreground, making it the
current job. If JOB_SPEC is not present, the shell's notion of the
current job is used.
Exit Status:
Status of command placed in foreground, or failure if an error occurs.
Atau, Anda dapat menjalankan bg
agar terus di latar belakang:
$ help bg
bg: bg [job_spec ...]
Move jobs to the background.
Place the jobs identified by each JOB_SPEC in the background, as if they
had been started with `&'. If JOB_SPEC is not present, the shell's notion
of the current job is used.
Exit Status:
Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs.
Jika Anda baru saja menekan Ctrl Z, maka untuk membawa pekerjaan kembali jalankan fg
tanpa argumen.
fg telnet
? DikatakanTerminated
, mungkin b / c darikill
cmd saya sebelumnya .