Saya pikir solusi hololeap bekerja.
Solusi saya memeriksa setiap N menit (tergantung pada bagaimana Anda mengkonfigurasi crontab Anda) untuk koneksi jaringan yang berfungsi. Jika cek gagal saya tetap melacak kegagalan. Ketika jumlah kegagalan> 5 saya mencoba untuk me-restart wifi (Anda juga dapat me-reboot Raspberry jika wifi restart gagal, periksa komentar).
Berikut ini repo GitHub yang selalu berisi versi terbaru dari skrip:
Di sini, sesuai dengan kebijakan umum stackexchange (semua jawaban tidak boleh hanya berisi tautan), juga file, salin dan tempel ke folder apa pun yang Anda suka, instal petunjuk ada di komentar skrip.
# Author:
# 1) Install ifupdown and fping with the following command:
# sudo apt-get install ifupdown fping
# 2) Then install this script into a folder and add to your crontab -e this row:
# */5 * * * * /yourhome/yourname/
# Note:
# If you want to perform automatic repair fsck at reboot
# remember to uncomment fsck autorepair here: nano /etc/default/rcS
# Let's clear the screen
# Write here the gateway you want to check to declare network working or not
# Here we initialize the check counter to zero
# Here we specify the maximum number of failed checks
# This function will be called when network_check_tries is equal or greather than network_check_threshold
function restart_wlan0 {
# If network test failed more than $network_check_threshold
echo "Network was not working for the previous $network_check_tries checks."
# We restart wlan0
echo "Restarting wlan0"
/sbin/ifdown 'wlan0'
sleep 5
/sbin/ifup --force 'wlan0'
sleep 60
# If network is still down after recovery and you want to force a reboot simply uncomment following 4 rows
#host_status=$(fping $gateway_ip)
#if [[ $host_status != *"alive"* ]]; then
# reboot
# This loop will run network_check_tries times and if we have network_check_threshold failures
# we declare network as not working and we restart wlan0
while [ $network_check_tries -lt $network_check_threshold ]; do
# We check if ping to gateway is working and perform the ok / ko actions
host_status=$(fping $gateway_ip)
# Increase network_check_tries by 1 unit
# If network is working
if [[ $host_status == *"alive"* ]]; then
# We print positive feedback and quit
echo "Network is working correctly" && exit 0
# If network is down print negative feedback and continue
echo "Network is down, failed check number $network_check_tries of $network_check_threshold"
# If we hit the threshold we restart wlan0
if [ $network_check_tries -ge $network_check_threshold ]; then
# Let's wait a bit between every check
sleep 5 # Increase this value if you prefer longer time delta between checks
sunting 1/26/2018: Saya telah menghapus file temp untuk membiarkan skrip berjalan dalam memori dan menghindari penulisan pada kartu SD Raspberry.