The Collatz Conjecture terbalik


Saya pikir dugaan Collatz sudah terkenal. Tetapi bagaimana jika kita membalikkan aturan?

Mulai dengan bilangan bulat n> = 1.

Ulangi langkah-langkah berikut:

Jika n adalah genap , kalikan dengan 3 dan tambahkan 1.

Jika n ganjil , kurangi 1 dan bagi dengan 2.

Berhenti ketika mencapai 0

Cetak nomor yang diulang.

Kasus uji:

 1        => 1, 0
 2        => 2, 7, 3, 1, 0
 3        => 3, 1, 0
10        => 10, 31, 15, 7, 3...
14        => 14, 43, 21, 10, ...


  • Urutan ini tidak berfungsi untuk banyak angka karena masuk dalam loop tak terbatas. Anda tidak perlu menangani kasus-kasus itu. Hanya mencetak test case di atas sudah cukup.

  • Saya menyarankan untuk mengurangi 1 dan membaginya dengan dua untuk memberikan integer yang valid untuk melanjutkan, tetapi tidak harus dihitung seperti itu. Anda dapat membaginya dengan 2 dan dilemparkan ke integer atau apa pun metode lain yang akan memberikan hasil yang diharapkan.

  • Anda perlu mencetak input awal juga.

  • Output tidak perlu diformat sebagai kasus uji. Itu hanya saran. Namun, perintah yang diulang harus dihormati.

  • Kode terkecil menang.

Karena ini adalah pertanyaan ketiga Anda dalam beberapa jam, saya sarankan Anda memeriksa Sandbox , tempat di mana kami biasanya mengirimkan draft pertanyaan untuk umpan balik, dan untuk memastikan mereka bukan duplikat.
caird coinheringaahing

Terima kasih @cairdcoinheringaahing. Saya tidak tahu tentang halaman ini.
Eduardo Hoefel

Apakah kita harus mencetak 0di bagian akhir?

Anda mungkin ingin memperluas dua kasus uji terakhir, karena tidak terlalu lama
Jo King

@ JoKing saya mengompresnya karena mengulangi output dari baris lain. Pada titik Anda mencapai 3 , ia memiliki output yang sama ketika Anda mulai dari itu. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk 10 atau nomor lainnya.
Eduardo Hoefel



Perl 6 , 30 byte


Cobalah online!

Blok kode anonim yang mengembalikan urutan.


{                            }   # Anonymous code block
   ,                     ...     # Define a sequence
 $_                              # That starts with the given value
    {                   }        # With each element being
     $_%2??     !!               # Is the previous element odd?
           $_+>1                 # Return the previous element bitshifted right by 1
                  $_*3+1         # Else the previous element multiplied by 3 plus 1
                            0    # Until the element is 0


Python 2, 54 52 44 byte

while n:print n;n=(n*3+1,n/2)[n%2]

-2 byte terima kasih kepada Tn. Xcoder

Pasti ada cara yang lebih cepat. Anehnya, ketika saya mencoba lambda itu adalah bytecount yang sama. Saya mungkin berhalusinasi.

Cobalah online!

@ Mr.Xcoder Ah, terima kasih.

Meskipun 0sekarang opsional, jadi lebih pendek untuk menyingkirkan yang keduaprint
Jo King

Memang, sekarang Anda bisa melakukannya di 44
Mr. Xcoder


Haskell , 76 69 61 56 byte

Saya merasa ini terlalu lama. Di sini lmenghasilkan daftar tak terbatas dari urutan inverse-collatz, dan fungsi anonim di baris pertama hanya memotongnya di tempat yang tepat.

Terima kasih untuk -5 byte @ ØrjanJohansen!

l r=r:[last$3*k+1:[div k 2|odd k]|k<-l r]

Cobalah online!

Tidak ada angka negatif, jadi (>0)cukuplah. Juga ada oddfungsi.
Ørjan Johansen

@ ØrjanJohansen Terima kasih banyak!


05AB1E , 15 14 byte


-1 byte terima kasih @MagicOctopusUrn .

Cobalah online.


[             # Start an infinite loop
 Ð            #  Duplicate the top value on the stack three times
              #  (Which will be the (implicit) input in the first iteration)
  =           #  Output it with trailing newline (without popping the value)
   _#         #  If it's exactly 0: stop the infinite loop
     Èi       #  If it's even:
       3*     #   Multiply by 3
         >    #   And add 1
      ë       #  Else:
       <      #   Subtract 1
        2÷    #   And integer-divide by 2

[Ð=_#Èi3*>ë<2÷dengan =bukannya D,.
Magic Octopus Mm

@ MagicOctopusUrn Ah, itu sangat buruk untuk dilupakan .. Terima kasih! :)
Kevin Cruijssen


JAEL , 18 byte


Cobalah online!

Permalink Anda sepertinya tidak berfungsi. Program hanya mencetak input dan berhenti.

Ya kau benar. Saya akan meminta "mereka" untuk menarik versi terbaru: P
Eduardo Hoefel

I've added JAEL to the list of golfing languages. Please let me know if I got any information wrong :-)

@ETHproductions Thank you very much :D I think I could say that the specialty is the utility package that helps the programmer to compress the code, but that's just me trying to merchandise it.
Eduardo Hoefel


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 35 bytes


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0<Echo@# && ...& is short-circuit evaluation: it prints the input #, checks if it's positive, and if so, evaluates .... In this case, ... is #0[3#+1-(5#+3)/2#~Mod~2]; since #0 (the zeroth slot) is the function itself, this is a recursive call on 3#+1-(5#+3)/2#~Mod~2, which simplifies to 3#+1 when # is even, and (#-1)/2 when # is odd.


PowerShell, 53 52 bytes


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-1 byte thanks to @mazzy

you can try for(;$i) instead while($i)


Emojicode 0.5, 141 bytes

🐖🎅🏿🍇🍮a🐕😀🔡a 10🔁▶️a 0🍇🍊😛🚮a 2 1🍇🍮a➗a 2🍉🍓🍇🍮a➕✖️a 3 1🍉😀🔡a 10🍉🍉

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🍮a🐕      👴 input integer variable 'a'
😀🔡a 10      👴 print input int
🔁▶️a 0🍇      👴 loop while number isn’t 0
🍊😛🚮a 2 1🍇     👴 if number is odd
🍮a➗a 2       👴 divide number by 2
🍓🍇      👴 else
🍮a➕✖️a 3 1   👴 multiply by 3 and add 1
😀🔡a 10     👴 print iteration


MathGolf, 12 bytes


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{             Start block of arbitrary length
 o            Output the number
  _           Duplicate
   ¥          Modulo 2
    ¿         If-else with the next two blocks. Implicit blocks consist of 1 operator
     ½        Halve the number to integer (effectively subtracting 1 before)
      É       Start block of 3 bytes
       3*)    Multiply by 3 and add 1
          }∟  End block and make it do-while-true

I've added MathGolf to the list of golfing langs--feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong :-)

Thanks for adding it! Everything looks right to me.


x86 machine code, 39 bytes

00000000: 9150 6800 0000 00e8 fcff ffff 5958 a901  .Ph.........YX..
00000010: 0000 0074 04d1 e8eb 066a 035a f7e2 4009  ...t.....j.Z..@.
00000020: c075 dec3 2564 20                        .u..%d 

Assembly (NASM syntax):

section .text
	global func
	extern printf
func:					;the function uses fastcall conventions
	xchg eax, ecx			;load function arg into eax
		push eax
		push fmt
		call printf	;print eax
		pop ecx
		pop eax
		test eax, 1	;if even zf=1
		jz even		;if eax is even jmp to even
		odd:		;eax=eax/2
			shr eax, 1
			jmp skip
		even:		;eax=eax*3+1
			push 3
			pop edx
			mul edx
			inc eax
		or eax, eax
		jne loop	;if eax!=0, keep looping
	ret			;return eax
section .data
	fmt db '%d '

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R, 66 61 bytes

-5 bytes thanks to Robert S. in consolidating ifelse into if and removing brackets, and x!=0 to x>0


instead of


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perl -Minteger -nlE, 39 bytes

{say;$_=$_%2?$_/2:3*$_+1 and redo}say 0


Add++, 38 35 33 bytes


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How it works

First, we begin by defining a function f(x), that takes a single argument, performs the inverted Collatz operation on x then outputs the result. That is,

f(x)={xis even,3x+1xis odd,x2

When in function mode, Add++ uses a stack memory model, otherwise variables are used. When calculating f(x), the stack initially looks like S=[x].

We then duplicate this value (d), to yield S=[x,x]. We then yield the first possible option, 3x+1 (3*1+), swap the top two values, then calculate x2, leaving S=[3x+1,x2].

Next, we push x to S, and calculate the bit of x i.e. x%2, where a%b denotes the remainder when dividing a by b. This leaves us with S=[3x+1,x2,(x%2)]. Finally, we use D to select the element at the index specified by (x%2). If that's 0, we return the first element i.e. 3x+1, otherwise we return the second element, x2.

That completes the definition of f(x), however, we haven't yet put it into practice. The next three lines have switched from function mode into vanilla mode, where we operate on variables. To be more precise, in this program, we only operate on one variable, the active variable, represented by the letter x. However, x can be omitted from commands where it is obviously the other argument.

For example, +? is identical to x+?, and assigns the input to x, but as x is the active variable, it can be omitted. Next, we output x, then entire the while loop, which loops for as long as x0. The loop is very simple, consisting of a single statement: $f>x. All this does is run f(x), then assign that to x, updating x on each iteration of the loop.

Just to understand: Is the break line part of the code? Or is it just for better explanation? I don't really know this language.
Eduardo Hoefel

@EduardoHoefel Break line?
caird coinheringaahing

@cairdcoinheringaahing The newline characters, presumably.


Retina 0.8.2, 46 bytes


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Convert to unary.


Repeat until the value stops changing.


Print the value in decimal.


If it is even, multiply by 6 and add 3.


Subtract 1 and divide by 2.

The trailing newline can be suppressed by adding a ; before the {.


C# (.NET Core), 62 bytes

a=>{for(;a>0;a=a%2<1?a*3+1:a/2)Console.Write(a+" ");return a;}

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a => {
    for(; a > 0;                // until a equals 0
        a = a % 2 < 1 ?             // set a depending on if a is odd or even
                a * 3 + 1 :             // even
                a / 2                   // odd (minus one unnecessary because of int casting)
        Console.Write(a + " "); // writes the current a to the console
    return a;                   // writes a to the console (always 0)

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