Manakah yang terbesar, dari sekumpulan variabel acak yang terdistribusi normal?


Saya memiliki variabel acak X0,X1,,Xn . X0 memiliki distribusi normal dengan rata-rata μ>0 dan varian 1 . The X1,,Xn rvs terdistribusi normal dengan rata-rata 0 dan varians 1 . Semuanya saling independen.

Misalkan E menunjukkan peristiwa bahwa X0 adalah yang terbesar dari ini, yaitu, X0>max(X1,,Xn) . Saya ingin menghitung atau memperkirakanPr[E]. I'm looking for an expression for Pr[E], as a function of μ,n, or a reasonable estimate or approximation for Pr[E].

In my application, n is fixed (n=61) and I want to find the smallest value for μ that makes Pr[E]0.99, but I'm curious about the general question as well.

How large is n? There ought to be some good asymptotic expressions based on large-sample theory.

@whuber, thanks! I edited the question: in my case n=61. Even if n=61 isn't large enough to count as large, if there are good asymptotic estimates in the case where n is large, that'd be interesting.

Using numerical integration, μ4.91912496.



The calculation of such probabilities has been studied extensively by communications engineers under the name M-ary orthogonal signaling where the model is that one of M equal-energy equally likely orthogonal signals being transmitted and the receiver attempting to decide which one was transmitted by examining the outputs of M filters matched to the signals. Conditioned on the identity of the transmitted signal, the sample outputs of the matched filters are (conditionally) independent unit-variance normal random variables. The sample output of the filter matched to the signal transmitted is a N(μ,1) random variable while the outputs of all the other filters are N(0,1) random variables.

The conditional probability of a correct decision (which in the present context is the event C={X0>maxiXi}) conditioned on X0=α is

where Φ() is the cumulative probability distribution of a standard normal random variable, and hence the unconditional probability is
where ϕ() is the standard normal density function. There is no closed-form expression for the value of this integral which must be evaluated numerically. Engineers are also interested in the complementary event -- that the decision is in error -- but do not like to compute this as
because this requires very careful evaluation of the integral for P(C) to an accuracy of many significant digits, and such evaluation is both difficult and time-consuming. Instead, the integral for 1P(C) can be integrated by parts to get
This integral is more easy to evaluate numerically, and its value as a function of μ is graphed and tabulated (though unfortunately only for n20) in Chapter 5 of Telecommunication Systems Engineering by Lindsey and Simon, Prentice-Hall 1973, Dover Press 1991. Alternatively, engineers use the union bound or Bonferroni inequality
where Q(x)=1Φ(x) is the complementary cumulative normal distribution function.

From the union bound, we see that the desired value 0.01 for P{X0<maxiXi} is bounded above by 60Q(μ/2) which bound has value 0.01 at μ=5.09. This is slightly larger than the more exact value μ=4.919 obtained by @whuber by numerical integration.

More discussion and details about M-ary orthogonal signaling can be found on pp. 161-179 of my lecture notes for a class on communication systems'


A formal answer:

The probability distribution (density) for the maximum of N i.i.d. variates is: pN(x)=Np(x)ΦN1(x) where p is the probability density and Φ is the cumulative distribution function.

From this you can calculate the probability that X0 is greater than the N1 other ones via P(E)=(N1)yp(x0)p(y)ΦN2(y)dx0dy

You may need to look into various approximations in order to tractably deal with this for your specific application.

+1 Actually, the double integral simplifies into a single integral since
which is the same as in my answer.
Dilip Sarwate
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